Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Need for Revenge Hamlet and The Butcher Boy - 1132 Words
Revenge is considered by many, sought by some, and carried out by few. It consumes the avenger and what is left is madness. The theme of revenge is depicted in many works of literature. Two great examples of this theme would be The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe and Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare. In Shakespeare’s play the character of Hamlet is looking to avenge the murder of his father King Hamlet and in McCabe’s novel the character of Francie Brady seeks for revenge for almost everything that has happened to him, from the death of his mother to the loss of Joe’s friendship. Often the question of whether revenge is justified arises. In Hamlet’s case I see revenge as being justifiable because his motivations are strong,†¦show more content†¦In comparison to Hamlets motivations for revenge in The Butcher Boy Francie seeks revenge for all that is wrong with his life, and he expresses all his anger towards the Nugent family, particu larly Mrs. Nugent, even though she was not the direct cause. After Mrs. Nugent verbally attacked Mrs. Brady, all of Fancie’s anger, frustration and disillusionment was pinpointed towards the Nugent family. He went after them with pure vengeance on his mind. She says, â€Å"What else would you expect from a house where the father’s never in, lying about in pubs from morning to night, he’s no better than a pig†¦ Pigs-sure the whole town knows that!†(4). Anything that happened from then on could somehow be traced back to them. The Nugent family seems almost perfect to him and part of him I believe wants that stability. Even in his fantasy world he imagines Phillip saying, â€Å"He wants to be one of us. He wants his name to be Francie Nugent. That’s what he’s wanted all along†(64). Perhaps another motive for revenge is that Francie feels anger towards the Nugent family because they are a representation of what he cannot have. In c ontrast to the Nugent his family is broken; his mother is constantly in and out of a mental hospital because she attempts to commit suicide and has an alcoholic father who abuses his mother, which is far from ideal. Despite feeling sympathetic towards Francie because he has gone through a lot, I do not believe his revenge wasShow MoreRelatedModern English Macbeth21221 Words  | 85 Pagesattempted a laugh. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘As much as sparrows dismay eagles or hares lions. If I m completely honest I d say they were like overworked guns, their barrels exploding, as they lay into the enemy.’ He slipped to the ground. ‘I m weak, I need help.’ ‘You ve done well,’ said Duncan. He turned to an attendant. ‘Go, get him to a doctor.’ As the sentries carried the sergeant out another newcomer, even fresher from the battlefield, arrived. ‘It s the worthy Thane of Ross!’ said MalcolmRead MoreBhopal Gas Disaster84210 Words  | 337 Pagesbusiness in India. A shareholder resolution on the agenda for this year s annual meeting asserts that it would be respectful of human rights and, more importantly, also a good business decision for Dow to undertake new initiatives to address the needs of survivors. The resolution requests the company to produce a document listing the new initiatives by the management pertaining to the environmental, health and social concerns of the survivors of the gas leak at the Union Carbide plant. The shareholders
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Depression Essay - 1448 Words
Depression Introduction Depression is a common illness most people are affected by. Every person has suffered through at least one depression episode if not more. Depression does not discriminate against age, ethnicity or gender. For some people, depression is so severe they feel like it’s not worth living. Other people feel generally miserable or unhappy without really knowing why. Definition Depression is a medical illness that involves the mind and body. It affects how you feel, think and behave. Depression can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems (Mayo Clinic, 2011). When Depression occurs, it intervenes with daily activities and lacks the feeling of any sort of joy or happiness. It also comes between social†¦show more content†¦Causes of Depression Many things may lead to depression but according to the NIMH (2012), cutting-edge research has presented new opportunities for studying people with depression. Brain-imaging technologies, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have shown that the brains of people with depression actually look different from those of people without depression. Also Emedicineheath (2012) noted, depression is â€Å"not caused by personal weakness and is not a character flaw. When people suffer from depression, chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters are out of balance†. Many people believe it’s a combination of family genes and/or a stress related event. Reported by MayoClinic (2012) Depression is more common in people â€Å"whose biological family members also have this condition†. Depression may begin with a simple difficult situation or a very big stressful event such as lost a loved one, had a baby, recently divorced, been diagnosed with a long-term disease such as diabetes or heart disease. Experts in Emedicinehealth (2012) suggested sometimes even happy life events, such as a marriage or promotion, can trigger depression because of the stress that comes with change (para 4). Depression can also be caused by hormones. According to MayoClinic (2011) Changes in the bodys balance of hormones may be involved inShow MoreRelatedDepression : Depression And Depression927 Words  | 4 Pagesthe word Depression. Now that I am older I know not to use that term so loosely because depression is a disorder that is very serious. According to the Mayo Clinic Depression, also known as major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that causes a feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. Depression can cause physical problems because it affects how you think along with how you act. For example, you may not want to do activities that you normally would, due to this disorder. Depression does notRead MoreDepression And Sadness Of Depression1423 Words  | 6 PagesTaylor Neighbors Winters English 1301.91 11 November 2015 Depression and Sadness Imagine you are in the middle of a monumental ocean surrounded by heavy, crashing waves. (TS) The sky is black, and the water is cold. Suddenly, the current pulls you under and you forget how to swim. You are desperately gasping for air, fighting the current, but you continue to sink uncontrollably. You scream and with every ounce of the little breath left in your lungs, but nobody hears you; nobody saves you. Your bodyRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Depression1490 Words  | 6 PagesIn popular culture depression has become a thing that is seemingly almost sought after. A lot of youth use depression to have an edge or some kind of thing that makes them different. I feel like this ideology invalidates people with real mental illness and diagnosed depression. I say this but have also fallen victim to this aesthetic or aura that a lot of people portray. Although hard to define, depression can basically be summed up to be the lack of hope or courage pertaining to your life. It causesRead MoreDepression And Depression In Wurtzel931 Words  | 4 Pagesher life while dealing with depression and its symptoms. Having depression at a young age had affected her whole life and has made it difficult to act normal. Wurtzel expresses her sadness and copes in destructive ways such as cutting and doing drugs. The book goes on a journey of her life and the issues she goes through, meeting people, and dealing with additional problems. The novel’s main conflict is battling with depression and the urges of dealing with depression. I believe young readers wouldRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Adolescent Depression1290 Words  | 6 PagesDepression is an issue facing a large amount of people today. It has becoming increasingly known that a lot of depression begins to start in the adolescent years for many individuals. The social work profession is critical in helping this adolescent depression not lead to further depression in adulthood. To understand adolescent depression and what is needed to help people suffering from it, we need to further understand the prevalence of adolescent depression, the effects it has on teens sociallyRead MoreDepression1008 Words  | 5 PagesDepression Teresa Collick HCA/250 April 24, 2016 Depression has always been a major health issue going back for many years. Initially being called â€Å"melancholia†it appeared in the texts of the Mesopotamians in the second millennium. It was then thought of a demonic presence that required a priest to be in attendance. The understanding was that depression wasn’t considered a physical issue but a spiritual or mental illness. The BabylonianRead MoreThe Effects Of Depression And Its Effects On Depression1642 Words  | 7 Pages Depression, 2 Every single day, across the entire world, people are diagnosed with clinical depression. I think a lot of people tend to see depression as a excuse/reasoning for something they ve done. In reality, there have been many discussions done and research studies completed on depression to see whether or not it is genetically passed down or learned through experiences/influences. I think it is safe to say that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in depression. InRead MoreA Brief Note On Depression And The Depression2842 Words  | 12 Pages Robyn Lawhorn July 11, 2015 Psychology 100 Mrs. Fischer Hours Worked: 22 Major depression, also known as unipolar depression, is one of the most common mental illnesses. Over nine million adults each year suffer from depression. Many people don’t understand what depression really is, including myself until I did a lot of research over this subject. Major depression is more than a temporary state of being sad. It is a persistent state that can significantly impair an individual’s thoughtsRead MoreDepression Essay : The Causes And Effects Of Youth Depression1566 Words  | 7 PagesCauses and Effects of Youth Depression Most individuals spend a short downcasted period in their lives, but some individuals experience an extended period of dejection. This may be the cause of depression. Depression is a mental disorder that feeds on the negative self-evaluation of an individual. Eventually the individual is blinded of any positivity in their life by the overwhelming pessimistic views of a situation, continuing the cycle. Awareness of adult depression is substantial, but unprogressiveRead MoreAdolescent Depression1112 Words  | 5 PagesDepression is a disease that afflicts the human psyche in such a way that the afflicted tends to act and react abnormally toward others and themselves. Therefore it comes to no surprise to discover that adolescent depression is strongly linked to teen suicide. Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged 15 to 19 than cardiovascular disease or cancer (Blackman, 1995). Despite this increased suicide rate, depression in this age group is greatly underdiagnosed and leads to serious
Monday, December 9, 2019
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology-
Question: Discuss about theInfection Control Hospital Epidemiology. Answer: Introduction Nursing plays a significant role when it comes to control of and management of infections. Nursing is assumed to the practice that forms a fundamental ground which helps to prevent as well as controlling the transmission of diseases that are infectious within the health care environment and its surrounding. Therefore, this paper discusses the important issues that should be taken care of by health workers to minimize the spread of diseases among the patients, workers or even the family members of the patient. Importance of Considering Infection Control in Nursing Mr. Reginald Bowen must be taken care of so to help reduce the spread of norovirus in the meantime. The symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, lethargy, headache, inability to urinate, diarrhoea and vomiting shown by Mr Bowen are also manifested by patient suffering from EVD illness that is highly fatal in human, severe and extremely contagious among people as well as animals. According to World Health organization, the average fatality rate of EVD is approximately 50% (Andertun et al., 2017 p. 648). Therefore, policies and precautions must be implemented to ensure that the spread of the deadly diseases is controlled. Policies like the engagement of the community members play a fundamental role in successfully preventing the outbreak of the fatal illness. Isolation of Mr Bowen and transferring him to safe areas also helps in preventing the spread of sickness (Team, 2106 p.1485). Additionally, excellent laboratory services, personal protective gears as well as social mobilizations assist in the control of the disease. Moreover, if the health workers and the staff show any signs and symptoms of the EVD such as vomiting, rash, muscle pain and diarrhea, they must be isolated from the rest of the group immediately and taken to a close safe room to minimize the spread of the disease (Lehmann et al., 2016 p.74). According to WHO, during diagnosis of Mr Bowen, the health workers as well as the staff must wear gloves, face masks that should be capable of repelling fluid and long sleeved gowns (Reidy et al., 2017 p. 46). Finally, routine cleanliness must be maintained through cleaning and disinfection of the equipment used when handling the patient. Identify two (2) important health issues/problems for your patient. Mr. Bowen being allergic to sulphur may suffered serious health complication because many hospital uses sulphur for various activities. Many hospital uses sulphur for various activities including preservation thereby posting a great health problem to Mr Bowen. Additionally, Mr Bowen also suffers from stress. This patient is stressed by the number of times and distance that his wife must cover so to come and see him. Stress can minimize Mr Reginald survival chances and lead to quick death as a result of the disease (McMahon et al., 2016 p. 135). Nursing Interventions used to address the Issues In case of inability to urinate, surgery can be done so must correct the problem that Mr Reginald Bowen is facing. Effective surgery can help him to urinate effectively and prevent emergence of other urethral diseases. Moreover, severe abdominal pain, lethargy, headache, diarrhoea and vomiting, careful and well-evaluated consideration should be given when handling the situation so as to enable the health workers determine and give correct prescription (Anderson et al., 2014 p.66. Necessity of using a particular Nursing Intervention in addressing the Issue: Mr Reginald Bowen should be put under careful observation including checking for Benign hypertrophic prostate (BHP), Gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), the past infection that he has suffered from (Chipps et al., 2016 p.112). Consequently, immediate supportive and careful rehydration is very vital for the patient who suffers from internal as well as external bleeding to relieve them from muscle pain and fatigue. The interventions mentioned above are necessary because the patient had already indicated the symptoms. Additionally, the diagnosis mentioned above should be administered because the patient is already suffering from the impaired liver and kidney function as well as the internal and external bleeding (Kumar et al., 2017 p.232). Therefore, the methods mentioned above recommended since they speed up recovery thereby helping to reduce the pain. Conclusion Ebola virus Disease is known to be one of the most dangerous, contagious and fatal diseases around the world. The disease can quickly spread from one patient to another or from even animal and plants to human beings. One of the major symptoms of the illness is the external and internal bleeding from the infected persons. Due to high contagious nature of the disease, careful and sensible management measure should be put in place to ensure that the rate of its spread adequately minimized. Reference Anderson, D.J., Podgorny, K., Berros-Torres, S.I., Bratzler, D.W., Dellinger, E.P., Greene, L., Nyquist, A.C., Saiman, L., Yokoe, D.S., Maragakis, L.L. and Kaye, K.S., 2014. Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update.Infection Control Hospital Epidemiology,35(S2), pp.S66-S88. Andertun, S., Hrnsten, . and Hajdarevic, S., 2017. Ebola virus disease: caring for patients in Sierra Leonea qualitative study.Journal of advanced nursing,73(3), pp.643-652. Chipps, E.M., Carr, M., Kearney, R., MacDermott, J., Visger, T., Calvitti, K., Vermillion, B., Weber, M.L., Newton, C., Clair, J. and Harper, D., 2016. Outcomes of an oral care protocol in postmechanically ventilated patients.Worldviews on Evidence?Based Nursing,13(2), pp.102-111. Kumar, A., Unnikrishnan, B., Mithra, P., Kulkarni, V., Holla, R., Nazareth, S.V. and Bhat, V., 2017. Awareness Regarding Ebola Virus Disease among Health Care Professionals in Tertiary Hospitals.Indian Journal of Public Health Research Development,8(2). Lehmann, M., Bruenahl, C.A., Addo, M.M., Becker, S., Schmiedel, S., Lohse, A.W., Schramm, C. and Lwe, B., 2016. Acute Ebola virus disease patient treatment and health-related quality of life in health care professionals: A controlled study.Journal of psychosomatic research,83, pp.69-74. McMahon, Shannon A., Lara S. Ho, Hannah Brown, Laura Miller, Rashid Ansumana, and Caitlin E. Kennedy. "Healthcare providers on the frontlines: a qualitative investigation of the social and emotional impact of delivering health services during Sierra Leones Ebola epidemic."Health policy and planning31, no. 9 (2016): 1232-1239 . Reidy, P., Fletcher, T., Shieber, C., Shallcross, J., Towler, H., Ping, M., Kenworthy, L., Silman, N. and Aarons, E., 2017. Personal protective equipment solution for UK military medical personnel working in an Ebola virus disease treatment unit in Sierra Leone.Journal of Hospital Infection,96(1), pp.42-48. Team, W.E.R., 2014. Ebola virus disease in West Africathe first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections.N Engl J Med,2014(371), pp.1481-1495.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Conflict In Ideologies Between Capitalism And Communism Essay Example For Students
The Conflict In Ideologies Between Capitalism And Communism Essay resulted in one of the greatest conflicts of the twentieth century. The belief that freedom and democracy would die undercommunist rule caused the United States to start a conflict thatwould last for decades. The decisions made by the United Statesin W.W.II caused tensions to rise between the U. S. and theSoviet Union. Fear of Communism in capitalist nations, causedthe United states government to use propaganda to raise ColdWar anxieties. Furthermore, the American media influenced theattitudes of Americans, making a hatred of communism spreadthough the nation. Thus, the United States caused the conflictknown as the Cold War, through its political policy andpropaganda. We will write a custom essay on The Conflict In Ideologies Between Capitalism And Communism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The political relations going on in Europe during anddirectly after World War II had an enormous effect on laying thefoundation for the Cold War. War time conferences such as Yaltaand Terhran harshened the relationship between the communistsand the capitalists. At the end of W.W.II American policytowards the Soviets changed drastically. The change in presidentin 1945 caused relations with Russia to worsen. Furthermore,other political contributions to the Cold War entailed the TrumanDoctrine and the Marshall Plan. The division of Europe betweenthe west and east drew physical borders which outlined that thewar of misinformation that had began. Also treaties of the postwar world further separated the two super powers of the worldfor the decades to follow. The waging of hot wars through othercountries also strengthened Cold War hatred.(1)The first of the cold war tensions arose out of W.W.IIconferences between the Soviet Union, America and, GreatBritain. Tehran, the first major conferenc e which lead America tostart the Cold War, included all three of these nations. At thisconference the reshaping of post-war Europe was discussed (2)Later in February of 1945, the big three met again at Yalta. Atthis conference European boundaries, German reparations, andPolish elections were agreed upon.(3) Stalin, the Russian leader,agreed to hold free and fair elections. Later after Roosevelt, whoattended these conferences, died Truman became president. Heaccused the Soviet leader, Stalin, of not holding up to hisagreements at Yalta.(4) Stalin wanted to use Poland as a bufferzone to prevent any future invasions from happening through thisarea. During W.W.II the Soviets had lost 27 million, and Stalinmade it clear that in no way would he allow this to happenagain.(5) Stalin responded to Trumans accusation with thefollowing words, I am ready to fulfill your request and doeverything possible to reach a harmonious solution. But youdemand too much of me. In other words, you demand that Irenounce the interests of security of the Soviet Union, but Icannot turn against my country.(6) On the other hand, AmericanGeneral Lucius Clay, who was stationed in post war Germanycommented we must have the courage to proceed quickly withthe establishment of a government for western Germany42million Germans in the British and American zones representtoday the strongest outpost against Communist penetration thatexists anywhere.(7) At this response Truman changed hisattitude toward the Soviets with the words, there isnt anydifference between the totalitarian Russian government and theHitler government.(8) Furthermore, America decided to keepStalin out of the loop about the Manhattan project, whichfurthered distrust, because Stalin learn about the bomb throughespionage. Trumans change in attitude toward Stalin, from thatof FDRs negotiation with Uncle Joe to one committed tostopping the Soviet cause, led to the creation of a new Americananti-Soviet political policy. The Truman Doctrine, the name given to the policyestablished by Truman, would soon arise in American foreignpolicy. This Truman Doctrine came out of a speech the Trumangave to a joint session of congress. It was the response Trumangave to Britain, which delcared that they no longer could givemilitary and economic aid to Greece.(9) In this speech Trumanfinally gave the Cold War official status, by stating the threatthat the Soviet government had on national security. InTrumans actual words he said, I believe that it must be thepolicy of the United States to support free peoples who areresisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or byoutside pressures.(10) Congress, knowing that Great Britainwould no longer give aid the Turkey and Greece, realized thatthese nations would soon turn to communism. Thus, theydecided to appropriate four hundred million dollars to help in theaid of Turkey and Greece.(11). To support Trumans policySenator Author Vandenburg stated its time to scare th e hell outof the American people with tales of communism on themarch.(12) Thus, America was further contributed to cold warissues by committing to stop the spread of communism in areasof the world very remote from them. .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .postImageUrl , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:hover , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:visited , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:active { border:0!important; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:active , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: AMERICANS GETTING TOUGH EssayAmericas next political actions further caused the ColdWar to escalate. In 1947, George C. Marshall the Secretary ofthe state at the time gave a speech at Harvard university whichreveled his plans for the an after war economy. Marshall askedthat all of the countries of Europe communists and capitalistsalike to draw up a plan for economic recovery from the war.(13)The Soviets refused to participate, because they saw it asAmerica using money to buy its way into good terms with Europe. In the words of the Soviet foreign minister Molotov, the Marshallplan was nothing but a vicious American scheme for usingdollars to buy its way.(14) In the end, the United States sent 13billion over to Western Europe to support economic recovery.(15)The Soviet Union saw this as an American attempt to keep any ofthese countries from turning to communism, which would closethem off as US markets. Thus, the Marshall plan furthercontributed to a Soviet cause to continue waging a Cold War. In1949 America helped to organize a treaty against communism. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO included thefollowing nations : Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Iceland,Italy, the Netherlands, Luxemberg, Norway, Portugal , the UnitedStates. This treaty showed a clear division of Communismverses Capitalism, and it declared that an attack against one ofthese nations would be an attack on all of them.(16) Thus, theUnited States used this treaty to escalate the cold War byshowing the Soviet Union that all of the NATO countries sidedwith the US in the Cold War. Finally, the United states wagedhot wars through other nations; instead in actually declaring waragainst the Soviet Union. These hot wars in Korea and again inVietnam. Both of these wars resulted from the United Statestrying to contain Communism from spreading throughout theworld. (17) Thus, all of the United States political actions furthercontributed to the Cold War cause. The political actions Of the United States from the time ofW.W.II onward caused the Cold War conflict. The conferences ofW.W.II set the tone for a time period of distrust between theSoviet union and the United States. With a new president inoffice Cold War policy was officialy began. Furthermore, fromthat point on the policy of the United States delcared itself asanti-Communist from that point on. Thus, to get the Americanpublic to side with the government on the issue of communism,America turned to the use of propaganda. The United States used propaganda and other influences toget the American public scared of communism and in support ofthe cold war. First congress began to use HUAC to stop filmsfrom having to much of a communist appeal to them(18)Furthermore, HUAC investigated people for being communistspies. Both Julius and Ethel Rosenburg and Alger Hiss, peopleaccused of being communist spies suffered conviction. Thiscaused the anti-Communist attitude in the United States to growtremendously. Thus, the American government used a federalorganization to further the publics hatred of communism. Nextan American Senator named Joseph R. McCarthy would lead aseries of trials against communists in the United States.(19)Most of the people that Macarthy accused of being communistreached conviction. This happened despite the fact that many ofthe accused were not in fact communists.(20) This situation hascompares to the Salem Witch trials; notably like the witch trialthe main outcome of the Macarthy trial srt uck fear into Americanpublic. Thus, the McCarthy trial increased anti-Communisthatred in the US and scared anyone out of committing tocommunist party for fear of their life. Therefore, the McCarthytrials acted as form of US propaganda, which gathered Americansupport for the Cold War against the Soviets. Moreover, withthe publication of George Orwells book 1984, anti-communistpropaganda increased. This book showed the United Statesunder a communist dictatorship. Thus, as propaganda this bookincreased the general anticommunist attitude of the Americanpublic.(20) Moreover, Hollywood began to produceanti-Communist films such as The Red Menace, which increaseda fear of communism in the United States.(21) Thus, the actionsof the American government, journalist, and media increased thegeneral anti-Communist support for the Cold War. .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .postImageUrl , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:hover , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:visited , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:active { border:0!important; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:active , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How To Make Money Selling Item EssayThe American media also contributed to the Cold Warpropaganda in and out of the United States. American journalistswould commonly make up stories of communism in the UnitedStates in an effort to sell papers and to continue feelings ofanti-communism.(22) Also a radio station called Radio Onebegan to broadcast an anti communist message in Europe.(23)These radio broadcasts defamed the Soviet Union andcommunism and supported democracy and the United States. These broadcasts blatantly attempted to degrade communism,that they were never allowed to be transmitted in America.(24)Therefore, the overall actions of the United States clearly reportspropaganda to increase support for the Cold War, whichdominated American foreign policy for decades. The United States caused the Cold War by the politicaldecisions that in made and through its use of propaganda. Thepolitical decisions made by the United States from W.W.II onwardcaused the Cold War to start and to continue for decades. Moreover, the governments use of propaganda at home ralliedthe American public in an anticommunist attitude, whichsupported the countries political decisions. Thus, the UnitedStates caused the conflict between Democracy and Communism. BibliographyBIBLIOGRAPHYCayton, Andrew, and Elizabeth Israels Perry, and Allan M. Winkler. America Pathways to thePresent . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,1995. Dudley, William. ed. The Cold War Opposing View Points. San Diego: Greenburg Press Inc.,1992. Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know Rethinking the Cold War. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1997. Glynn, Patricia. Closing Pandoras Box.. New York : Harper Collins, 1992. Snyder, Alvin A. Warriors of Disinformation . New York: Arcade Publishing, 1995. Yoder, Edwin M., Jr. Joe Alsops Cold War . Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press,1995. Endnotes1 Andrew Cayton and Elizabeth Israels Perry, and Allan M. Winkler, America Pathways tothe Present , (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,1995.) p.7172 William Dudley, ed. The Cold War Opposing View Points, (San Diego: GreenburgPress Inc., 1992.) p143 Dudley 144 Dudley 1255 Dudley 1256 Cayton 7207 John Lewis Gaddis, We Now Know: REthinking the Cold War,(Oxford : Clarendon Press,1997.) p.1198 Cayton 7219 Dudley 1710 Cayton 72411 Cayton 72412 Dudley 1813 Cayton 72414 Cayton 72415 Cayton 72516 Cayton 72517 Patricia Glynn, Closing Pandoras Box., (New York : Harper Collins, 1992.) p.13518 Gaddis 2319 Edwin M. Yoder Jr., Joe Alsops Cold War, (Chapel Hill : The University of NorthCarolina Press, 1995.) p.2320 Glynn 13521 Cayton 73322 Yoder 2223 Alvin A. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation , (New York: Arcade Publishing, 1995.)p.22124 Snyder 224
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