Wednesday, July 31, 2019
‘Of mice and Men’ Analysis Essay
In ‘Of mice and Men’ several characters dream of a different and better life. Why is it not a surprise that the dreams never come true? ‘Of Mice and Men is a novel written by john Steinbeck that features the hopes and aspirations of ordinary people living very simple lives. It features very strong characters each with their own dreams of a different and better life. But of course such dreams only remain dreams because they never do come true. The title ‘of mice and men’ is taken from a poem by a famous Scottish poet Robert Burns that quotes. The beat laid schemes o’ mice and men Gang aft agley (often go wrong) And leave us nought but grief and pain For promised joy! This basically means that it doesn’t matter how much you plan and dream, things very rarely go according to plan, which leaves us longing for promised dreams. John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California in 1902. This may have been the reason he decided to set the novel ‘Of mice and men’ in the Salinas valleys. It was hard to live in good conditions around the time the book was set (1930-1940) because of the Wall Street crash and the great Depression that followed. It was extremely hard to get a job and if you did get a job, it would be for minimal pay. During the 1930’s there was very bad unemployment, which meant thousands of people never had a job in the USA, so agencies (like the one that Lennie and George got their work cards from, ‘Murray and Ready’s) were set up to end farm workers to where they were needed. Despite these conditions many people believed in the American dream. The theory of the American dream was taken from the 17th centaury and basically mans that in America, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from anybody can make it big and be satisfied with what they have achieved. A lot of characters in the novel also had dreams of making it big and owning something good that they have worked hard to accomplish. Lennie Small and George Milton are the main characters and they both had similar dreams although they were very different people in more ways then one. We first get a description of their dream in chapter 1 when George and Lennie were at their campsite about to eat their supper. The conversation about the dream started off when Lennie said to George †tell me- like you done before about the rabbits.†The dream was basically that they wanted their own land where nobody can boss them around and tell them what to do. They also wanted to raise animals such as pig’s cows and chickens †an live of the fatta da lan†. From this dream the to characters Lennie and George both wanted different things. George wanted a place of his own and independence he also wanted security for Lennie but the main thing he wanted is a ranch like the one he lived on as a child. On the other hand the only thing Lennie wants from the dream is to â€Å"tend the rabbits†. At this point of the novel the dream that Lennie and George had was still just a fantasy not reality. This is because George and Lennie did not have much money, like many people who lived around the time of the great Depression. People found it hard to get jobs let alone make a lot of money and they had just run away from another ranch in Weed because of Lennie’s behaviour, so deep down George knew that it was virtually impossible for their dreams to become a reality, until†¦ Candy is an ageing, disabled ranch hand that has been on the ranch for a, long time and when he hears Lennie talking to George about the dream he realises that that was his golden ticket out of the ranch. Candy wants to leave the ranch because he feels that he has no future in the ranch he fears that he might be sacked in the near future because he cannot do his job as good as an able bodied person. Candy realises he has enough money to offer Lennie and George so he could be part of the dream, Lennie and George accepts Candy’s offer and then the dream becomes a reality because George knows a real place they could get. Crooks is a black ranch hand that is discriminated because of his colour. Crooks first gets to know about the dream when Lennie walks into his room, whilst looking for some companionship. When Lennie tells him the dream, at first he did not believe it and he thought it would never happen. But then candy walks into the room and confirms what Lennie was saying at this point candy starts to believe the ream and he offers to join them. Then Curleys’ wife walks in and has an argument with the three men and threatens crooks by saying se could heave him hung, it is after Curleys wife leaves the bunkhouse that crooks decides to withdraw his offer and end his dream. Curley’s wife dream is different from all the other means dreams. When she was younger, a man said that he was a film producer and that when he went he would come back for her and she would be in the movie. She waited for long for the man to send for her but he never did, she thought it her mother hid the letters but I think the man was not a real director; he was just flirting with her. Curley’s wife manages to end all of the dreams she firstly ends crooks dream by telling him that she could get him hung, then she ends everyone else’s dream when she dies because Lennie killed her and George then knows their dreams are over and her dream is over because she dies.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Multicultural Education by Keith Wilson Essay
Multicultural education relates to education and instruction designed for the cultures of several different races in an educational system. This approach to teaching and learning is based upon consensus building, respect, and fostering cultural pluralism within racial societies. Multicultural education acknowledges and incorporates positive racial idiosyncrasies into classroom atmospheres. Pros of Multicultural Education A significant demographic transformation is on the horizon for the United States of America. Bennett (1995) estimates that â€Å"by the year 2000, over 30 percent of our school age population will be children of color†(p. 18). Additionally, research has indicated that ethnic minority students are disproportionately poor, dropping out of school, being suspended or expelled, and achieving far below their potential relative to the ethnic majority (Bennett, 1995). Consequently, teachers must prepare themselves and their children for the ever changing challenge of interacting and communicating with diverse races. Reduction of fear, ignorance, and personal detachment are possible benefits to a Multicultural education. The following excerpts are taken from Paul Gorski (1995), a University of Virginia Doctoral student during a case study interview: The idea of political correctness with the black race astounds me. I found it extremely interesting that some blacks in our class prefer to be called African American. In all of my classes†¦ I have felt like I was stepping on egg shells as to not offend the blacks in my class. I am honestly glad it is not that big of an issue to my fellow classmates–it promotes a more comfortable, genuine environment for me to be totally honest and carefree. Initially, the student interviewed in the case study reflected an attitude that would probably not facilitate consensus building, respect for other cultures, or fostering of cultural pluralism within different racial communities and in the classroom. However, with integrated curriculum, social activities, administrative support, and staff training, fear, ignorance, and personal detachment may be notably reduced in both students and teachers. Benefits to multicultural education can help to eliminate the crux of stereotyping, prejudice, racism, and bigotry (Fear, Ignorance, dis-ownership). Case study analyzed: 1. fear: â€Å"I have felt like I was stepping on egg shells as to not offend blacks in my classes†¦ †2. ignorance: â€Å"I found it extremely interesting that some blacks in our class prefer to be called African American. †3. dis-ownership: â€Å"I am honestly glad it is not that big of an issue to my fellow classmates. †The writer agrees with Hilliard and Pine (1990), â€Å"if Americans are to embrace diversity, the conscious and unconscious expressions of racism (sexism) within our society must be identified and done away with†(p. ). Multicultural education is the potential catalyst to bring all races together in harmony. Cons of Multicultural Education According to some views, if one wants to alienate and further fragment the communication and rapport between ethnic groups, implement multicultural education. As stated by Bennett (1995), â€Å"to dwell on cultural differences is to foster negative prejudices and stereotypes, and that is human nature to view those who are different as inferior†(p. 29). Thus, multicultural education will enhance feelings of being atypical. Schools in America may see multicultural education as a way to â€Å"color blind†their students to differences. Administrators may view the â€Å"color blind†approach as a gate keeper that assures equal treatment and justice for all students and as a way to facilitate compatibility and sameness of all cultures. A common statement from this line of thinking is, ‘we are more alike than different’. We should focus on the similarities and not the differences to achieve greater equanimity among the races. Ethnicity is breaking up many nations. If one looks at the former Soviet Union, India, Yugoslavia, and Ethiopia, all countries are in some type of crisis. Closer to home, one observes the divisiveness of the Rodney King and O. J. Simpson trials in our country, we can see how focusing on race and multiculturalism may lead to a further divisiveness between the races in America. Over time, multicultural education may have unplanned for and undesired consequences. For example, multicultural education rejects the historic American goals of assimilation and integration of ethnic cultures into the majority culture. Hence, the perception may result that America is a country of distinct ethnic groups, as opposed to a more traditional view of the country that involves individuals making decisions for the good of the order (Schlesinger, 1991). Multicultural education may increase the resentment encountered by students who feel that changes in school traditions, curriculum, and academic standards are not necessary to get along and respect students from ethnic minorities. Since many institutions resist change of any kind, passive resistance on the part of the administration may simulate acceptance of the tenants of Multicultural education. Of course, excepting the tenants of multicultural education should be avoided with enthusiasm and optimism. What would real Multicultural Education look like? The writer submits that multicultural education must have, as its crux, the below defining characteristics to achieve its purposes for students, teachers, parents, and administrators of the school system: a) a learning environment that supports positive interracial contact; b) a multicultural curriculum; c) positive teacher expectations; d) administrative support; and, e) teacher training workshops (Bennett, 1995). If one of the features is absent, frustration and heightened resentment may occur as backlash behaviors multiply. The effects of a positive multicultural climate may manifest in a number of ways, such as: a) diminished pockets of segregation among student body; b) less racial tension in the schools; c) increased ethnic minority retention and classroom performance; and, d) inclusion of a multicultural curriculum. In short, the multicultural educational environment should not be a microcosm of our present American society, with regard to issues of diversity and tolerance. Many factors determine a successful multicultural atmosphere, but the features as outlined above may be important indications of success. Administrative support for multicultural education is critical. How can a house stand if the foundation is fragile. Multicultural education will be as successful as commitment to it by school administrators. Regardless of the level of commitment (local, state, and/or national), programs initiated under the guise of multiculturalism must receive reinforcement from administrators who are accountable for the success of established multicultural initiatives. A key factor in any proposed multicultural initiative is curriculum development. A multicultural curriculum should be considered for several reasons: a) provides alternative points of view relative to information already taught in most educational systems; b) provides ethnic minorities with a sense of being inclusive in history, science etc. and, c) decreases stereotypes, prejudice, bigotry, and racism in America and the world. A significant demographic transformation is on the horizon for American schools. Educational institutions have been dictated too long by attitudes, values, beliefs, and value systems of one race and class of people. The future of our universe is demanding a positive change for all (Hilliard & Pine, 1990).
Monday, July 29, 2019
Comparing and contrasting two characters from The Handmaids Tale
Sexual slavery and feminism are two of the main themes in Atwood’s dystopian book The Handmaid’s Tale (1986), in which she portrays a society called Gilead in which women are deprived of their civil liberties. In Atwood’s dystopian society most women have become infertile and the few ones who can still bear children are turned into handmaids, i. e. sexual servants who are brainwashed for the mere purpose of breeding healthy children for the elite. This novel is an account of Offred’s musings and her fragmented perception of reality. It is Offred who introduces two antithetical characters: rebellious Moira and submissive Janine. Although these characters employ different strategies to either escape or accommodate respectively, they end up being subdued by Gilead’s regime, metaphorically losing control over their own body. I will outline both characters’ personalities, their subjugation to Gilead and the loss of connection with their own bodies. Moira is a rebellious lesbian who is admired by the Handmaids, but as the story unfolds, she subdues to Gilead. Moira’s boisterous behavior is displayed by her actions and speech, which is highly colloquial, as when she states, â€Å"I’m borrowing five bucks off you, okay? †(Atwood, THT, p. 32) and when she refers to the Red Center[1] as a â€Å"Loony Bin†(THT, p. 61). She constantly defies the Gilead system and even tries to escape twice succeeding on her second attempt and as a result of this Moira never becomes a proper handmaid. Even when Moira has disappeared from the scene, she makes a dramatic impact on the Handmaids, who admire her: â€Å"Moira was our fantasy (†¦) she was with us in secret, a giggle†(THT p. 17). But her power over Offred seems to cease when Moira appears in scene at Jezebel’s, a place in which improper Handmaids such as Moira are forced into prostitution: â€Å"I am shocked by them (the women in Jezebel’s) I recognize them as truant. The official creed denies them, denies their very existence, yet they are here †(THT p. 213). There, Moira lets herself be used by men once and again in order to accommodate to this new reality, even minimizing the gravity of the situation: â€Å"it’s not so bad, there’s lots of women around. Butch paradise, you might call it†(THT p. 28). Thus, her once rebellious identity fades as she loses control of her body. In this way, it can be deduced that even the most rebellious personality subdues to Gilead. Unlike Moira, Janine is seen as a straight-laced, submissive character who is constantly trying to accommodate to Gilead, but in the end, she gets subdued as well. Her submissive behaviour is clearly displayed when, at the Red Center, she blames herself for having been gang-raped in the pre-Gilead society, as a strategy for accommodation: â€Å"It was my fault, she says. It was my own fault. I led them on. I deserved the pain†(THT p. 62). Soon, the aunts consider Janine an â€Å"example†(THT p. 62) for the rest of the Handmaids. But whereas Moira is admired for her courage, Janine is depicted by the handmaids in a derogatory sense, calling her a â€Å"whiny bitch†(THT p. 98), and even â€Å"sucky†(THT p. 98). Their hatred for Janine grows when she becomes a spy for the Aunts: â€Å"We (the handmaids) avoided her when we could (†¦) She was a danger to us†. Similar to Moira, Janine ends up working for Gilead, although Janine does it legally. She is able to bear a child for her Commander’s wife, but soon after the birth the baby dies: â€Å"(The baby) was a shredded after all (†¦) My God, (†¦) to go through all that, for nothing. Worse than nothing†(THT p. 192). As a result, Janine becomes insane as she cannot tolerate the loss: â€Å"she’s (Janine) let go, totally now, she’s in free fall, she’s in withdrawal†(THT p. 252). But her insanity is also due to the loss of connection with her body she gets â€Å"legally†raped, which comes as a revival of her pre-Gilead’s traumatic experience. For her, losing the relationship with her body implies losing her mind as well. In conclusion, Janine had done everything to accommodate to this society: she pleased the Aunts, she became a spy, and she even bore a child; but she never accomplished her purpose of becoming accepted and, as compared to Moira, she is subjugated to Gilead, metaphorically losing both mind and body. As I have already stated, Moira and Janine present both differences and similarities. The boldest differences between them are their personalities and their strategies to either escape or accommodate to Gilead. But even these antithetical characters have a similar destiny: their subjugation to the society and the metaphorical loss of connection with their own bodies. The implication that arises from this comparison is that were a society like this be established, women would not only be morally affected, but they would also lose their own identity. Another line of research worth pursuing further is to study the effect that a society like this could have on today’s world.
Target Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Target Company - Case Study Example The primary business units of Target are Target Financial Services (Target Sourcing Services/The Associated Merchandising Corporation and Target stores. Target is a privately owned company headed by Greg Steinhafel, and Bob Ulrich, a chairman. The main products are clothing, housewares and food (Target. Corporation 2008). At Target, consumers also hold images of institutions. Images of retail-store characteristics or personalities affect shopping behavior. Sensory impressions result in consumers' attributing distinct personality characteristics to retail units. Some stores reflect the bargain basement, discount atmosphere, whereas others reflect an atmosphere of elegance, luxury, affluence, and sophistication. The store image stems from such diverse factors as advertisements, sales personnel, merchandise, services, pricing strategies, physical plant, and layout. Research findings seem to indicate that consumers choose to shop at stores and purchase brands consistent with their own pe rsonalities. Since 1971, Target has provided huge acquisition policy which helps it to expend and grow as a leading US retailer. Suring 1982-2000, target organized its new campaign and opened new stores in the West and East coast. In 2006, target opened its store in India (Target. Corporation 2008). Currently, Target employs 366,000 (2008) people. ... Globalization changes the nature of demand and preferences of potential customers ( The main internal factor include organizational goals and strategic intent of Target based on current market situation. The revenue of the company is $63.367 billion and net income is 2.849 billion (2007) (Target. Corporation 2008). The customer based of target consists of low and middle class citizens who value good quality but low price. This fact, combined with shared universal wants, needs, desires, and fantasies (for name brands, novelty, entertainment, trendy, and image-oriented products), make it possible to reach the global teen segment with a unified marketing program. In Target's price competition takes form of branding, advertising, promotion, and additional services to customers and product innovation. In relation to minor competitors, the Target provides comparable buyer value but perform the activities more efficiently so as to attain a cost advantage, or perform the activities in a unique way which raises the value to the consumer and thus allows them to command a premium price - the concept of low cost. I want to work for Target Corporation because it proposes great opportunities for employees and develops personal skills and knowledge of every employee. For me, target is a chance to apply my professional knowledge and skills into practice and grow with the company. Target employs excellent managers and experts I would like to work with. This function is concerned with dividing work and allocating it among employees and determining their responsibilities and relations. At Target, all employees come from different cultural and social environment;
Sunday, July 28, 2019
You Can tell a lot about people by observing what they wear and eat Essay
You Can tell a lot about people by observing what they wear and eat - Essay Example Food preferences vary due to many factors including age, gender, socio-economic status, nationality, lifestyle and environment. For instance, people from middle and upper classes tend to eat healthier compared to those who grow up in poor families. Organic food, which is quite expensive, is usually consumed by those who can afford it and tries to follow a healthy life style. Teenagers and children are more likely to eat fast food and sweets than adults. Generally, there are common food choice patters between different groups of people based on the way they live but this is not all information people get observing meals of others. Even the process of eating can tell enough about who they really are. According to Santillano (2015), people who eat slowly are used to routine in their lives. At the same time, they do not lose their chance to relax and get positive experience savoring their food. People who eat quickly have other priorities and prefer to minimize time they spend on basic things. People express their hobbies, attitudes and lifestyles in their food choices. People who do not eat meat can express their care about animals or own health in this way by their diet. Gym-lovers will eat more protein which comes from white meat, cottage cheese and eggs alongside with protein cocktails and special power bars to source their muscles with energy for growth. On the contrary, girls on diet will choose smaller portions that contain fewer calories and more vegetables and fruit. Overall, there are many hints about lifestyle and personality one can spot observing what people eat. Clothes also reveal much information about a person who wears it. As well as food, it reflects age, gender, socio-economic status, lifestyle, belonging to subcultures, hobbies and personality traits. Moreover, it is no difficult to get information about peoples approximate height and weights without seeing them just with the help of their
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Share Trading Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Share Trading Assignment - Essay Example Trading Activities Buying of Shares with the notional ?100,000 888 Holdings PLC (888.L) ?31.25 as at September 30, 2011 11:07 Prev Close: 32.75 Open: 32.25 Bid: 35.50 Ask: 36.00 1y Target Est: 1.05 Beta: N/A Next Earnings Date: N/A Purchase cost ?54,000.00 1,500 shares times the ask price of ?36.00 per share. Stamp Duty ?270.00 ?32,750 times 0.005 (Note: 0.005 = 0.5%) Brokers commission ?10.00 It is ?10.00 whatever the size of the trade. Total ?54,280.00 Shares of 888 Holdings Plc seemed to be very lucrative hence the desire to buy them. What’s more, there has been an increasing trend in the value of shares of 888 Holdings Plc, which made it even more lucrative. Vodafone Group PLC (VOD.L) ?166.25 as at September 30, 2011 Prev Close: 166.25 Open: 167.15 Bid: 168.30 Ask: 168.35 1y Target Est: 199.14 Beta: N/A Next Earnings Date: N/A Purchase cost ?45,454.50 270 shares times the ask price of ?168.35 per share. Stamp Duty ?227.27 ?13,300 times 0.005 (Note: 0.005 = 0.5%) Brokers co mmission ?10.00 It is ?10.00 whatever the size of the trade. Total ?45,691.77 Despite recent drop in the value of shares, Vodafone Plc shares seemed attractive to invest in given the status of the company. The company has grown considerable thus proving that there is possibility of future prospects. What’s more, there were indications that the firm’s share is very attractive in the market hence trading on the shares may be very easy. The total amount invested in the two firms is given by 1,500 shares of 888 Holdings Plc ?54,280.00 270 shares of Vodafone Plc ?45,691.77 Total ?99,971.77 Selling of Shares 888 Holdings PLC (888.L) ?72.00 3.25(4.73%) 11:07 (April 16, 2012) Prev Close: 68.75 Open: 68.25 Bid: 71.50 Ask: 72.00 1y Target Est: 1.05 Beta: N/A Next Earnings Date: N/A Selling Revenue ?107,250.00 1500 shares times the ask price of ?71.50 per share. Brokers commission ?10.00 It is ?10.00 whatever the size of the trade. Total ?107,240.00 Vodafone Group PLC (VOD.L) 71. 54 2.09(1.23%) 11:12AM (April 16, 2012) Prev Close: 169.45 Open: 169.35 Bid: 171.50 Ask: 171.55 1y Target Est: 199.14 Beta: N/A Next Earnings Date: N/A Purchase cost ?46,305.00 270 shares times the ask price of ?171.50 per share. Brokers commission ?10.00 It is ?10.00 whatever the size of the trade. Total ?46,295.00 Total Revenue obtained from selling the shares 1,500 shares of 888 Holdings Plc ?107,240.00 270 shares of Vodafone Plc ?46,295.00 Total ?153,535.00 Percentage Profit from the Trading * 100 = 53.53% FTSE All-Share index is 5,300 on September 31, 2011 and 5,678 on April 16, 2012 at 1400 hours. = 7.13% Therefore, on the basis of the above calculations on Percentage profit and FTSE All-share index, there is no doubt that the trading was able to beat the FTSE All-share index. Critical diary Trading within the stock exchange market is a tricky and challenging aspect of commerce. Every individual involved in investment or trading within the stock exchange market has to be equip ped with adequate and up to date information on the performance of the various stocks or shares within the stock exchange market. One way of attaining such adequate and up to date information is extensive reading and listening to business news. Consequently, before engaging in this trade, I read many articles, journals, listened to and watched much business news. From the articles, journal
Friday, July 26, 2019
Analysis of Advanced Criminalistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of Advanced Criminalistics - Assignment Example This is however not the case, the real suspect had left fingerprints on the very saliva that he spoke onto and DNA testing would have indicated otherwise. Finally, the clerk was not aware of what was going on at the time of the robbery. The asserted that the only thing he could remember was someone who had clothes that resembled those of the customer and the front end of the gunpoint. In other words, the suspect had planted samples with the customers DNA without the prior knowledge of the clerk. People can be implicated in a crime based on their DNA. Claims have shown that DNA composition is unique on every person except in twins. In case a crime has happened and between two twins, one was involved and later fled to a distance place. The other twin will be implicated to have been involved in the crime. Furthermore, DNA is a chemical compound and is bound to mutations and change (Porada & Straus, 2001). Some tests done on DNA’s of people have errors and when used as evidence, may lead to arresting of a person who was not necessarily a perpetrator of the crime. Finally, scientists can fabricate DNA of one person resembles the DNA of another person. In such instances, when scientist fabricates DNA obtained from saliva or blood samples of a particular crime scene, they put people whose DNA matches the fabricated DNA, at risk of implication. Identification of the source of the DNA should always be made. This is because some of these detectable levels have errors and some of them are based on truth. Also, most of the detectable levels rely on probability and as a result, they do not give concrete evidence that someone was involved in a crime and that is why identification of the DNA source should be made. In the case of Samantha death and identification of Alejandro Avila, DNA identification played a major role (Raymond, 2002). DNA found on Samantha’s dead body was compared to DNA found on the car of Avila and they were found to be identical.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Analyse the impact and effectiveness of ILO (international labor Essay
Analyse the impact and effectiveness of ILO (international labor organization) convention in child labor in China - Essay Example expensive or less troublesome than that of adults, when other labour is scarce, and when they are considered irreplaceable by reason of their size or perceived dexterity.1†In many South Asian countries, juvenile child labour is easy to find and kept in places like workshops, factories and for household purposes. There data present showing the exact and calculated number of child labour in China. China has a history of thirty years with ILO and its role has been continuously changing since. In early 70’s China declared itself a non-active member because of the absence of inevitable tripartite employees, trade union and government structure which was the basic membership requirement of ILO. Peoples Daily, a famous newspaper in China, refers to an investigation started by the government organization which was accountable for examining labour conditions throughout the country. According to this report, child labour is most common in factories of fireworks, toys and textiles, construction, food production, and light mechanical work. Child labour is highly in demand, as children have smaller hands and pure eye vision by years of labour, which makes them more stipulating than adults for many types of work. Furthermore, child labour complexes the scenario, problems like no school, hazardous working conditions, unbelievably low wages, overloaded work pressures resulting in harmful negative effects on physical and mental growth. Abusive and sexual exploitation and armed conflict are the worse issues which also rise due to underage children working. Like any other country, there is a law in China which strictly prohibits child labour. In this paper, thus, the main focus was on the recommendations which suggest imposing severe punishment on violators and on reinforcing the government’s monitoring and judicial systems. This document is necessary to understand the efforts of China in regard to child labour and also its joint effort with the ILO2. The U.S. Department
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
There is no set topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
There is no set topic - Essay Example Goodman Brown’s decision to come to the forest and meet with the devil is, on the one hand, mystical and, on the other hand, courageous. The major concern of the man is not the fact of meeting itself, but the thought of how others would think of him after that. Religious beliefs of Goodman Brown are interesting from psychological perspective, because this faith is based on his conviction that people around him are also religious. Unfortunately, protagonist’s faith is too weak and can be easily influenced by other people. Therefore, when a man gets to know that his close people like father, wife, grandfather, Goody Cloyse, Deacon Gookin, the minister are in friendship with devil, he makes up his mind to join the majority as well. People who joined devil used to be pious and respected in their village. Thus, Goodman Brown does not even question rightfulness of his decision concerning religious and faith matters. The protagonist simply does the same as everyone he knows we ll. Being inherently corrupted Goodman Brown is destined to lose his innocence, which is a symbol of transgression from the God’s world into the world of devil. From the very beginning it was Goodman Brown’s choice to go to the forest and meet with the devil. No one tells him to do so. Such an order of events is very convenient to the devil and he even facilitates Goodman Brown in his decision.
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Parenting by Leonard Pitts Essay
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Parenting by Leonard Pitts - Essay Example This research will begin with the biography of Leonard Pitts Jr. He was born in the United States and is a famous commentator, journalist, and an author. Leonard Pitts in his popular op-ed essay â€Å"spare the rod, spoil the parenting’’ makes use of a range of rhetorical or persuasive strategies to strengthen and support his opinions on the use of physical punishment to discipline children. The title of the story seems to be inspired from ‘He that spareth is a rod, hateth his son’ which is a biblical proverb. The proverb clearly portrays the importance of punishment. Leonard Pitt strives to persuade and educate parents regarding the importance that physical punishment has in the mental and intellectual development of children. Pitt tries to persuade his audiences to accept the fact that spanking and other forms of corporal punishments are necessary for forcing children to maintain discipline. Throughout the open format of the essay, Leonard Pitt uses a sa rcastic and blunt approach to not only spark reader’s interest but also to persuade them to accept his views. Therefore, the author tackles a sensitive topic in a casual yet authoritative manner which keeps his audiences intrigued till the very last line. The author’s strategy to use blunt diction and vocabulary to attract reader’s sympathy works phenomenally. In addition, Leonard Pitt argues and clearly points out the differences between corporal punishment ways and physical abuse, this argument forms the center of foci in his essay.... Pitt attempts to seek reader’s sympathy and understanding by stating that like most kids, his children are spoiled brats as well. Leonard makes use of his personal experience to convey to the readers that he is a parent who is capable of recognizing his children’s faults. In addition this strategy prevents the reader from thinking that the author is being judgmental towards others. The essay has an open format which makes the reader feel as if they are having a conversation with their best friend. Perhaps this is one of the most powerful rhetorical strategies used by the author throughout the essay. This allows the reader to take in and accept the information being conveyed by the author, without being intimated. Leonard maintains the strategy of having a conversation with his reader by asking questions such as ‘who is teaching whom?’ and ‘who is the in charge here?’This strategy not only ensures reader’s interest but also makes the read er realize that the author is not targeting a particular group of parents but in fact he is targeting the faults of all parents including him. He portrays the negative attributes of children by pointing out that they are ‘overindulged’ ‘spoiled’ and ‘materialistic brats’. Furthermore, the author blames his children to be bad and spoiled. This strategy forces the readers to sympathize with the author and realize that children need to be rewarded with a spank every time they misbehave. However, the author would never have been able to persuade the parents about the importance of corporal punishment if he had portrayed children as being good. Therefore, the author quotes ‘the screaming five year old’ and ‘misbehaving backside’ to reinforce his point that parents
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Racial discrimination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Racial discrimination - Research Paper Example Racism involves more than cognizant ill-will, more than willful acts of exclusion, avoidance, violence and malice committed by individuals. Racism explains the actuality of unjust benefit, bestowed authority, and unseen concession which the white Americans enjoy, to the burden, detriment, and drawback of the individuals of color. We may infer that racial bias works my means of acts carried out of conscious alertness. Also racial discrimination is not naturally bestowed upon human beings, it is a created vice. Racism or racial discrimination is rather complicated and is not the mundane understanding. It is far worse than the actions of bigotry, bias, and exclusion. Racism is a way of accepting and inferring discrepancies in the color of the skin which makes the white Americans have the benefit of an advantaged social class which provides admission and gains to the disadvantage, detriment and trouble to individuals of color. In all permutations, racial discrimination is at the centre a resistance of social benefits based on racism (Synder, 2008). Globalization and racial discrimination The super powers of today, like, Australasia, European countries and North America and pockets of wealthy nations have quickly adjusted to the strategy to embrace apartheid in a bid to protect themselves from the risk of privileged lifestyles and territorial integrity. This hazard is posed by the imminent increase in international migration from underdeveloped to developed nations, especially nations witnessing the collapse of its governments to those having a strong and stable functional political environment. In fact, a bulk of 23 million displaced persons and immigrants worldwide hail from the poorer Third World nations. This is where racial discrimination with reference to inhospitable reactions from developed nations towards these migrants is the highlight of widespread racial discrimination conducted. Despite the fact that, official apartheid conducted in South Africa has now been banned, nations worldwide are in favor of making preventive policies and acts of control which are strikingly similar to those acts of apartheid conducted in the 1950s in South Africa. Moreover, these nations have plausible reasons for imposing such policies in the name of defending the existing social institutions and cultures, maintaining law and order, enhancing security in states, preserving economic benefits, safeguarding ethnic identity and a means of managing and regulating movements in population. The breakthroughs attained in technology especially in the field of communications have spurred interdependence and closer linkages in many parts. Occurrences taking place in a particular area may activate a series of incidences which may have effects in nations which are far away from the scene of crime. Also one can opine that globalization is responsible for certain challenges. The worldwide economy is subject to the interlinked economies of the Europe, United States, Japa n, and the quickly increasing ones of Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Pressures of migration have resulted from changes in the region of economic growth places and from dislocation caused by clash (Richmond, 1994). Racial discrimination in the workplace Racial/ethnic pestering and discrimination means unwanted, uncomfortable or unwelcome treatment on the basis of ethnicity or race and pressurizes the targeted individual’
Monday, July 22, 2019
Huella Online Essay Example for Free
Huella Online Essay Introduction Huella Online Travel was an Internet travel portal Founded in 1999 in Kuala Lumpua, Malaysia targeting Greater China and Asian Pacific. It expanded into 10 different markets across Asia, including Hong Kong. Huella online travel sells travel related products and services to customers, on behalf of suppliers, such as airlines, car rentals and hotels. Problem Statement Hong Kong consumers have low interest in buying airline tickets online although internet penetration is quite high. Research Objectives Huella‘s Hong Kong site was launched in 2000. Revenue growth in Hong Kong had been less than expected. Huella market share in Hong Kong to be only 4% compared 9% in Singapore. In this regard, we seek to †¢To get a depth insight into Hong Kong online travel market †¢To find rationale behind low usage of online booking of airline tickets in Hong Kong especially people belonging to the age group of 18-35 †¢Perception of Huella brand and its Hong Kong website Research Design The research will be conducted with the help of survey through the feedback of questionnaires from a sample of 300 people (including both male and female) belonging to the age group of 18 to 35 and will be conducted online. The sample will focus students, business executives and leisure travellers. The respondents used to fill the questionnaire will be based on Random Sampling. DATA ANALYSIS The answers of the questions in the questionnaires will be analyzed on the basis of scale which may vary from question to question and is constructed at the time of preparation of the questionnaires. The results will be shown in terms of percentages and the graphical representation of people’s preferences in terms of percentages and ratios. BUDGET The overall cost may range from $ 2,000 to $ 3,000 approximately. SCHEDULE The Research may take Three months, according to the schedule as follow: ïÆ'ËœOne month for the questionnaires to be filled by respondents. ïÆ'ËœOne Month for the Data Analysis. ïÆ'ËœOne Moth for the preparation of Report.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Energy Saving By Using Solar Panels Engineering Essay
Energy Saving By Using Solar Panels Engineering Essay Climate change concerns, coupled with high oil prices, peak oil, and increasing government support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. New government spending, regulation and policies helped the industry weather the global financial crisis better than many other sectors. Renewable energy is energy that comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat, which are renewable because they are naturally replenished at a constant rate. About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewables, with 10% coming from traditional biomass, which is mainly used for heating, and 3.4% from hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) accounted for another 3% and are growing very rapidly. The share of renewables in electricity generation is around 19%, with 16% of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3% from new renewables. Si nce its emergence; renewable energy has come a long way. In was not until the 1970s that environmentalists promoted the development of alternative energy both as a replacement for the eventual depletion of oil, as well as for an escape from dependence on oil; it was at that stage that the first wind turbines appeared. On the other hand, solar had always been used for heating and cooling, but solar panels were too costly to build solar farms, until 1980. The reason why have chosen the topic of solar heating systems; solar energy for my dissertation is because among the various renewable energy sources, solar energy is one of the crucial energy sources, if not the most crucial. According to a 2011 projection by the International Energy Agency, solar power generators may produce most of the worlds electricity within 50 years, dramatically reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases that harm the environment. Before doing this report, I have to admit that the knowledge that I had regarding solar energy or solar energy systems was minimal. But since starting working on this report, I think, I have come a long way; yet, I have to admit, there has been done so much research in this field, in the past couple of decade that I would still have to go a long way before I would consider myself a specialist. This report should cater towards any individual who had heard of the solar energy, solar energy systems and how they could benefit from it. T his report also gives a brief insight into, where solar energy system (solar energy) is headed in the future. A far as the structure of my report is concerned, I will be looking into the history of solar energy, the solar energy itself, solar energy collectors solar panels; Furthermore, I would also be looking at the benefits of solar energy systems for us and the consequences, if any. On the other hand, I would also be analysing economic issues related to solar energy systems such as: the cost of heating a house or a building by the means of solar energy contra to contemporary means. Last but not the least I would be summarizing the advantages that I have discussed as well as look at some disadvantages, if there are any. I will sum up the whole report with a conclusion, thanks beforehand. History of solar energy Before we delve into the discussion of why solar energy is so needed in the world today, well first look into what solar energy really is. By definition, solar energy is that beaming light and heat that is generated from the sun. Solar energy has been used by human beings since time immemorial. The radiation that comes from solar energy along with the resultant solar energized resources such as wave power, wind, biomass and hydroelectricity all give an explanation for most of the accessible renewable energy that is present on earth. However, only an infinitesimal portion of the existing solar energy is used. Solar energy has been used by humans for thousands of years. For example, ancient cultures used energy from the sun to keep warm by starting fires with it. Ancient Egyptians built places to live that allowed stored energy from the sun during the day, and a heat release during the night. This kind of architecture: heated homes at night while keeping the temperature low during the day; buildings were designed so that, walls and floors collected solar heat during the day, that was released at night to keep them warm. If you have ever stood in the sun to get warm then you too have utilized solar thermal energy. Egyptians also used the sun as part of their mummification process, using the sun to dry dead bodies. The Egyptians used a form of passive solar power. 3rd Century B.C., Greek soldiers with the help of Archimedes, focused light on a Roman fleet by using mirrors. The Romans were invading a port city that did not have defenses ready for the attack. The mirrors were used to concentrate the energy of the sun, and cause the fleets sails to burn. The Romans retreated and the Greeks were able to prevent the invasion. The Greeks used passive solar power. 100 A.D. a historical writer by the name of Pliny the Younger, built a house in the northern part of Italy that had mica windows in one room. This one particular room demonstrated solar heating in that its mica windows stored heat, and later gave it off. This room was useful because the added heat it generated lessened the amount of wood that had to be burnt, to maintain heat. Roman bath houses had famous south facing windows that heated the rooms. Native Americans also built houses that used passive solar power. Houses were built into the side of cliffs or hills to allow storage of heat during the day, and a release of heat at night. In 1767, the worlds first solar collector was built by Swiss scientist Horace de Saussare. They also kept their homes warm through passive solar energy designs The discovery of photovoltaic happened in 1839 when the French physicist Edmond Becquerel first showed photovoltaic activity. Edmond had found that electrical current in certain materials could be increased when exposed to light. 66 years later, in 1905, we gained an understanding of Edmonds work, when the famous physicist Albert Einstein clearly described the photoelectric effect, the principle on which photovoltaic are based. In 1921 Einstein received the Nobel Prize for his theories on the photoelectric effect. Solar cells of practical use have been available since the mid 1950s when ATT Labs first developed 6% efficient silicon solar cells. By 1960 Hoffman Electronics increased commercial solar cell efficiencies to as much as 14% and today, researchers have developed cells with more than 20% efficiencies. 20% efficient means that out of the total energy that hits the surface of a solar cell; about 20% is converted into usable electricity. The first long-term practical application of PV cells was in satellite systems. In 1958 the Vanguard I, was launched into space. It was the first orbiting vehicle to be powered by solar energy. Photovoltaic silicon solar cells provided the electrical power to the satellite until 1964 when the system was shut down. The solar power system was so successful that PVs have been a part of world-wide satellite space programs ever since. The sun provides endless nonpolluting energy to the satellite power systems and demand for solar cells has risen as a result of the telecommunications revolution and need for satellites. The energy crisis and oil embargos of the 1970s made many nations aware of their dependency on controlled non-renewable energy sources and this fueled exploration of alternative energy sources. This included further research into renewable sources such as solar power, wind power and geothermal power. An economic breakthrough occurred in the 1970s when Dr. Elliot Berman was able to design a less expensive solar cell bringing the price down from $100 per watt to $20 per watt. This huge cost savings opened up a large number of applications that were not considered before because of high costs. These applications included railroads, lighthouses, off-shore oil rigs, buoys, and remote homes. For some countries and many applications, solar energy is now considered a primary energy source, not an alternative. Solar energy Solar energy is the energy derived from the sun through the form of solar radiation. Solar powered electrical generation relies on photovoltaic and heat engines. A partial list of other solar applications includes space heating and cooling through solar architecture, day lighting, solar hot water, solar cooking, and high temperature process heat for industrial purposes. In my report, I would only be looking into a few of the above mentioned solar power harnessing techniques, due to the fact that there is a limitation towards, how much material I can present in my dissertation. Solar cell A solar cell (also called a photovoltaic cell) is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. It is a form of photoelectric cell (in that its electrical characteristics e.g. current, voltage, or resistance vary when light is incident upon it) which, when exposed to light, can generate and support an electric current without being attached to any external voltage source. Passive solar or active solar Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate. The Earth receives 174 petawatts (PW) of incoming solar radiation (insolation) at the upper atmosphere .Approximately 30% is reflected back to space while the rest is absorbed by clouds, oceans and land masses. The spectrum of solar light at the Earths surface is mostly spread across the visible and near-infrared ranges with a small part in the near-ultraviolet. Earths land surface, oceans and atmosphere absorb solar radiation, and this raises their temperature. Warm air containing evaporated water from the oceans rises, causing atmospheric circulation or convection. When the air reaches a high altitude, where the temperature is low, water vapor condenses into clouds, which rain onto the Earths surface, completing the water cycle. The latent heat of water condensation amplifies convection, producing atmospheric phenomena such as wind, cyclones and anti-cyclones. Sunlight absorbed by the oceans and land masses keeps the surface at an average temperature of 14  °C. By photosynthesis green plants convert solar energy into chemical energy, which produces food, wood and the biomass from which fossil fuels are derived. Yearly Solar fluxes Human Energy Consumption Solar 3,850,000 Wind 2,250 EJ Biomass 3,000 EJ Primary energy use (2005) 487 EJ Electricity (2005) 56.7 EJ The total solar energy absorbed by Earths atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year. Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass. The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earths non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined Solar energy can be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator. How solar power works Light (photons) striking certain compounds, in particular metals, causes the surface of the material to emit electrons. Light striking other compounds causes the material to accept electrons. It is the combination of these two compounds that can be made use of to cause electrons to flow through a conductor, and thereby create electricity. This phenomenon is called the photo-electric effect. Photovoltaic means sunlight converted into a flow of electrons (electricity). . Passive solar heating In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. This is called passive solar design or climatic design because, unlike active solar heating systems, it doesnt involve the use of mechanical and electrical devices. The key to designing a passive solar building is to best take advantage of the local climate. Elements to be considered include window placement and glazing type, thermal insulation, thermal mass, and shading. Passive solar design techniques can be applied most easily to new buildings, but existing buildings can be adapted or retrofitted. Passive energy gain Passive solar technologies use sunlight without active mechanical systems (as contrasted to active solar). Such technologies convert sunlight into usable heat (water, air, and thermal mass), cause air-movement for ventilating, or future use, with little use of other energy sources. A common example is a solarium on the equator-side of a building. Passive cooling is the use of the same design principles to reduce summer cooling requirements. Some passive systems use a small amount of conventional energy to control dampers, shutters, night insulation, and other devices that enhance solar energy collection, storage, and use, and reduce undesirable heat transfer. Passive solar technologies include direct and indirect solar gain for space heating, solar water heating systems based on the thermo siphon or geyser pump, use of thermal mass and phase-change materials for slowing indoor air temperature swings, solar cookers, the solar chimney for enhancing natural ventilation, and earth sheltering. More widely, passive solar technologies include the solar furnace and solar forge, but these typically require some external energy for aligning their concentrating mirrors or receivers, and historically have not proven to be practical or cost effective for widespread use. Low-grade energy needs, such as space and water heating, have proven, over time, to be better applications for passive use of solar energy. Pragmatic approach to a productive passive solar energy Many detached suburban houses can achieve reductions in heating expense without obvious changes to their appearance, comfort or usability. This is done using good siting and window positioning, small amounts of thermal mass, with good-but-conventional insulation, weatherization, and an occasional supplementary heat source, such as a central radiator connected to a (solar) water heater. Sunrays may fall on a wall during the daytime and raise the temperature of its thermal mass. This will then radiate heat into the building in the evening. This can be a problem in the summer, especially on western walls in areas with high degree day cooling requirements. External shading, or a radiant barrier plus air gap, may be used to reduce undesirable summer solar gain. Active solar heating systems Active solar technologies are employed to convert solar energy into another more useful form of energy. This would normally be a conversion to heat or electrical energy. Inside a building this energy would be used for heating, cooling, or off-setting other energy use or costs. Active solar uses electrical or mechanical equipment for this conversion. Solar energy collection and utilization systems that do not use external energy, such as a solar chimney, are classified as passive solar technologies. Passive solar relies on the inherent thermo-dynamic properties of the system or materials to operate. They do not need external energy sources. Solar hot water systems, except those based on the thermo siphon, use pumps or fans to circulate fluid (often a mixture of water and glycol to prevent freezing during winter periods) or air, through solar collectors, and are therefore classified under active solar technology. The basic benefit of active systems is that controls (usually electrical) can be used to maximize their effectiveness. For example a passive solar thermal array which does not rely on pumps and sensors will only start circulating when a certain amount of internal energy has built up in the system. Using sensors and pumps, a relatively small amount of energy (i.e. that used to power a pump and controller) can harvest a far larger amount of available thermal energy by switching on as soon as a useful temperature differential becomes present. Controls also allow a greater variety of choices for utilizing the energy that becomes available. For example a solar thermal array could heat a swimming pool on a relatively cool morning where heating a domestic hot water cylinder was impractical due to the different stored water temperatures. Later in the day as the temperature rises the controls could be used to switch the solar heated water over to the cylinder instead. The downside to Active Solar systems is that the external power sources can fail (probably rendering them useless), and the controls need maintenance. How to buy solar panels solar water heating Shower Solar water heating can meet about a third of your hot water needs, research conducted by a UK research magazine. A solar water heating system (also known as solar thermal system) uses panels fitted to your roof to heat water for use around the home. A typical solar hot water system is able to meet around a third of a households hot water needs a saving of  £55 to  £80 on your annual water-heating bills, based on a three-bedroom semi-detached house. Householders installing solar water heating systems can get  £300 through the governments Renewable Heat Incentive Premium Payment scheme. Choosing a solar water heating system When choosing a solar water heating system, youll need to consider four major factors: your average hot water use the area of south-facing roof available your existing water heating system your budget. Youll need roughly one square meter of collector area per person in the household. Each metre of panel area will need between 30 and 60 litres of water tank volume. If you use a less efficient collector (such as flat-plate solar water heating panels), youll need to cover a larger area than if you use a more efficient collector (such as evacuated tubes). Youll also need to select system components (such as a hot water cylinder, controls and pipe work) and choose the location for your solar panels, considering shade, pipe runs, roof pitch and future access. Solar water heating installation There are plenty of solar panel installers out there, so I recommend that you always collect a range of quotes to compare. Cost effectiveness of solar water heating systems In my opinion developing common industry standards and offering public incentives is important. He emphasizes that creating public awareness programs is the key to having success in this industry, including a cleaner environment and more jobs as a consequence. It is clear that installing the application is easy for households since the technology is less complicated and cheaper than PV. According to The Solar Guide, the payback period for an investment in a solar water heating system is 3 to 5 years, although it may vary a lot in different countries due to national standards and differences in manufacturing quality. The return of investment depends on the system and the current fuel source that is being used to heat the water. It makes more sense to install a combi-system (hot water+space heating) whereby a 12-20 sq-m would completely cover a households water heating demand and a substantial part of its space heating demand in spring and in autumn. Solar trackers may be driven by active or passive solar technology Most solar collectors are fixed in their array position mounting, but can have a higher performance if they track the path of the sun through the sky (however it is unusual for thermal collectors to be mounted in this way). Solar trackers, used to orient solar arrays may be driven by either passive or active technology, and can have a significant gain in energy yield over the course of a year when compared to a fixed array. Again passive solar tracking would rely on the inherent thermo-dynamic properties of the materials used in the system rather than an external power source to generate its tracking movement. Active Solar Tracking would utilize sensors and motors track the path of the sun across the sky. This action can be caused by geographical and time data being programmed into the controls. However, some systems actually track the brightest point in the sky using light sensors, and manufacturers claim this can add a significant extra yield over and above geographical tracking. How does Solar Thermal work? The basic mechanism of solar thermal energy is to collect the solar radiation and transfer the heat directly or indirectly to its final destination via a heat transfer medium usually a fluid. The most commonly used applications are Domestic Hot water (DHW), Combined DHW and Space Heating, District Heating, Solar Cooling and Air-Conditioning. High Temperature Solar Thermal Electricity Generation is also among solar thermal applications. (e.g. solar tower and parabolic through applications). The key component of the solar thermal systems is the collectors which can be divided into two groups: Unglazed collectors have been used in the industry for a long time, mainly for heating open-air swimming pools. There is no heat exchanger in the system, and the water is flowing directly through long thin tubes. It is cheap and easy to install. Due to the simplicity of unglazed collectors, they cannot fulfill the needs for delivering full-time energy. Unglazed collectors are mainly used in the USA and in Australia. Glazed collectors are much more efficient in supplying continuous heating and achieving higher temperatures than unglazed ones. Glazed collectors are usually rectangular boxes covered by glass, containing little pipes and tubes and a heat absorbing material inside. There are different types of collectors for different means of use. Glazed collectors are commonly used in China, Europe and the Middle East. Solar thermal collector A solar thermal collector is a solar collector designed to collect heat by absorbing sunlight. The term is applied to solar hot water panels, but may also be used to denote more complex installations such as solar parabolic, solar trough and solar towers or simpler installations such as solar air heat. The more complex collectors are generally used in solar power plants where solar heat is used to generate electricity by heating water to produce steam which drives a turbine connected to an electrical generator. The simpler collectors are typically used for supplemental space heating in residential and commercial buildings. A collector is a device for converting the energy in solar radiation into a more usable or storable form. The energy in sunlight is in the form of electromagnetic radiation from the infrared (long) to the ultraviolet (short) wavelengths. The solar energy striking the Earths surface depends on weather conditions, as well as location and orientation of the surface, b ut overall, it averages about 1,000 watts per square meter under clear skies with the surface directly perpendicular to the suns rays. A solar collector works to convert and concentrate solar energy into a more usable form. For example, a thermal collector may use a parabolic array of mirrors to focus, direct, and reflect the light of the sun to a smaller point where the heat can be used to drive some sort of turbine engine by heating the driving fluid. Another type of collector may use a flat panel array of solar photovoltaic cells to convert solar energy directly into electricity. Some metals exhibit a photoelectric property whereby when the metal is exposed to light, it causes electrons to be emitted. These metals may be arranged in a valence-covalence band configuration which generates the actual voltage within the array. Types of solar collectors for heat Solar collectors fall into two general categories: non-concentrating and concentrating. In the non-concentrating type, the collector area (i.e., the area that intercepts the solar radiation) is the same as the absorber area (i.e., the area absorbing the radiation). In these types the whole solar panel absorbs the light. Flat-plate and evacuated-tube solar collectors are used to collect heat for space heating, domestic hot water or cooling with an absorption chiller. Types of solar collectors for electricity generation Parabolic troughs, dishes and towers described in this section are used almost exclusively in solar power generating stations or for research purposes. Although simple, these solar concentrators are quite far from the theoretical maximum concentration. For example, the parabolic trough concentration is about 1/3 of the theoretical maximum for the same acceptance angle, that is, for the same overall tolerances for the system. Approaching the theoretical maximum may be achieved by using more elaborate concentrators based on non-imaging optics. Parabolic trough Parabolic torough This type of collector is generally used in solar power plants. A trough-shaped parabolic reflector is used to concentrate sunlight on an insulated tube (Dewar tube) or heat pipe, placed at the focal point, containing coolant which transfers heat from the collectors to the boilers in the power station. Parabolic dish Solar Parabolic dish It is the most powerful type of collector. One or more parabolic dishes concentrate solar energy at a single focal point, -similar to a reflecting telescope which focuses starlight, or to a dish antenna used to focus radio waves. This geometry may be used in solar furnaces and solar power plants. There are two key phenomena to understand in order to comprehend the design of a parabolic dish. One is that the shape of a parabola is defined such that incoming rays which are parallel to the dishs axis will be reflected toward the focus, no matter where on the dish they arrive. The second key is that the light rays from the sun arriving at the Earths surface are almost completely parallel. So if the dish can be aligned with its axis pointing at the sun, almost all of the incoming radiation will be reflected towards the focal point of the dish-most losses are due to imperfections in the parabolic shape and imperfect reflection. Losses due to atmosphere between the dish and its focal point are minimal, as the dish is generally designed specifically to be small enough that this factor is insignificant on a clear, sunny day. Compare this though with some other designs, and you will see that this could be an important factor, and if the local weather is hazy, or foggy, it may reduce the efficiency of a parabolic dish significantly. In dish-stirling power plant designs, a Stirling engine coupled to a dynamo is placed at the focus of the dish, which absorbs the heat of the incident solar radiation, and converts it into electricity. (Solar) Power tower A power tower is a large tower surrounded by tracking mirrors called heliostats. These mirrors align themselves and focus sunlight on the receiver at the top of tower, collected heat is transferred to a power station below. Advantages Very high temperatures reached. High temperatures are suitable for electricity generation using conventional methods like steam turbine or some direct high temperature chemical reaction. Good efficiency. By concentrating sunlight current systems can get better efficiency than simple solar cells. A larger area can be covered by using relatively inexpensive mirrors rather than using expensive. Concentrated light can be redirected to a suitable location via. For example illuminating buildings. Heat storage for power production during cloudy and overnight conditions can be accomplished, often by underground tank storage of heated fluids. Molten salts have been used to good effect. Disadvantages Concentrating systems require sun tracking to maintain Sunlight focus at the collector. Inability to provide power in diffused light conditions. Solar Cells are able to provide some output even if the sky becomes a little bit cloudy, but power output from concentrating systems drop drastically in cloudy conditions as diffused light cannot be concentrated passively. Solar panel A solar panel (also solar module, photovoltaic module or photovoltaic panel) is a packaged, connected assembly of photovoltaic cells. The solar panel can be used as a component of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. Each panel is rated by its DC output power under standard test conditions, and typically ranges from 100 to 320 watts. The efficiency of a panel determines the area of a panel given the same rated output an 8% efficient 230 watt panel will have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 watt panel. Because a single solar panel can produce only a limited amount of power, most installations contain multiple panels. A photovoltaic system typically includes an array of solar panels, an inverter, and sometimes a battery and or solar tracker and interconnection wiring. Theory and construction Solar panels use light energy (photons) from the sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. The majority of modules use wafer-based crystalline silicon cells or thin-film cells based on cadmium telluride or silicon. The structural (load carrying) member of a module can either be the top layer or the back layer. Cells must also be protected from mechanical damage and moisture. Most solar panels are rigid, but semi-flexible ones are available, based on thin-film cells. Electrical connections are made in series to achieve a desired output voltage and/or in parallel to provide a desired current capability. The conducting wires that take the current off the panels may contain silver, copper or other non-magnetic conductive transition metals. The cells must be connected electrically to one another and to the rest of the system. Externally, popular terrestrial usage photovoltaic panels use MC3 (older) or MC4 connectors to facilitate easy weatherproof connections to the rest of the system. Bypass diodes may be incorporated or used externally, in case of partial panel shading, to
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Cultures: The Case Of Genital Mutilation
Cultures: The Case Of Genital Mutilation This article explained the reasoning and differing views on female genital mutilation. The article describes in detail the three types of female genital mutilation, or FGM. The first is called clitoridectomy, in which part of the clitoris or the whole clitoris is removed. The bleeding caused by this procedure is usually stopped by either applying direct pressure or stitching the wound. The second type of genital cutting is call excision. In this procedure, both the clitoris and the labia minora are removed, and the bleeding after the procedure is stopped by stitching up the wound. The third and most extreme method of genital cutting is called infibulation. In this method, the entire clitoris and labia minora are removed, and incisions are made into the labia majora. The raw surfaces of the labia majora are then either stitched together or made to be held together until they heal together. The newly formed skin covers the urethra and the majority of the vaginal opening. Infibulation i s not used as frequently as the clitoridectomy or excision, but it is still used on rare occasion. No matter which form of genital cutting is used, there have been many extensive and sometimes chronic health problems associated with female genital mutilation. These include chronic and repeated infections, difficulties in urination and menstruation, pain during intercourse, infertility, and obstruction during childbirth, causing painful tearing and excess bleeding. Most of these are caused most by the infibulation method, as it obstructs the most. However, major complications can still arise from the other two methods as well. These complications are generally ignored in cultures where female genital mutilation is accepted as a cultural norm. This practice is seen as a cultural norm in such countries as Africa and the Middle East. The World Health Organization states that between 85 and 115 million women worldwide have undergone genital cutting. Most of these instances have occurred in regions of Africa or the Middle East, although there are now beginning to be small numbers of cases reported in countries such as Australia, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It seems that the conclusion being argued for in this article is that the mutilation of female genitalia is wrong, regardless of any persuasion cultural or otherwise. This article makes reference to several cases that argue for the ethical soundness of female genital mutilation, and it refutes each of these as invalid arguments. The first of these arguments states that it is morally wrong to criticize the practices of another country unless we are prepared to equally criticize similar practices in our own country, and states that the United States is guilty of doing this. While it may be true that the United States can tend to be oblivious to the plight of other countries in some respects, body image is not one of them. American women are all too aware of what it means to feel pressure to adapt to the right or ideal body image, because of the heavy influence the Western culture feels from the media to look a certain way. The tacit influence the media has on the Western culture is that if you do not look like the women on the television screen, you are a failure. It is untrue for this argument to state that the United States is not critical of themselves in the same way. Therefore, this argument is not valid. The second argument states that it is morally impermissible to criticize the practices of another culture until their own culture is completely free of all evil and immoral practices. This argument is, to put it plainly, ridiculous; how can it be morally permissible to ignore a cry for help just because the one who hears the call is not perfect? This would make helping anybody at any time completely immoral. For example, a doctor would not be able to help a patient if he engaged in a morally questionable activity at any time in the near past. This goes directly against the Hippocratic Oath that the doctor takes that explicitly states that he is to help people. This argument is also invalid. The third argument says that female genital mutilation is equal in morality to dieting and body shaping in the Western culture. However, there are several basic differences between the two practices. The first difference is that while dieting and body shaping is completely voluntary, genital mutilation is an involuntary procedure. The father makes the decision about whether or not to make is daughter participate in genital mutilation. The girl is then held down by several grown women while the procedure is performed so she doesnt jerk away. Dieting and body shaping are completely by choice, regardless of the pressure one may feel from the media or their peers. Another difference is that genital mutilation cannot be undone. Dieting, on the other hand, is very easily reversed. A third difference is that genital mutilation is mostly performed in unsafe and unsanitary conditions that children should not be exposed to, and dieting is not. A fourth difference is that female genital mutilat ion causes extreme health risks, not limited to death. Dieting only causes problems like this when taken to extremes, such as anorexia and bulimia. These are both reversible and treatable. A fifth difference is that female genital mutilation is usually performed on girls much too young to know the difference, or even give consent. (Even if she were old enough, consent would be irrelevant anyway.) Dieting, on the other hand, is something young adults and adults partake in. All of these differences illustrated are more than enough to prove that dieting and genital mutilation are not even close to being related in any sense. Therefore, this argument is also invalid. The fourth argument states that female genital mutilation involves the loss of a function that is not vitally essential to the lives of those losing it, and that the Western culture attaches far too much significance to it. To imply that genital cutting is depriving a woman of sexual pleasure is to say that she is merely a sexual being, and that is degrading to women. There is no difference between genital cutting and leading a life of celibacy. While the outcome of genital cutting and celibacy may be the same, we cannot say that the two are equal. Celibacy can be ended at any time, if the individual so chooses. That is the fundamental difference: choice. Female genital mutilation is not optional, voluntary, or reversible. Therefore, this argument is invalid because the premises do not match the outcome. ENTRY 2 Sex Consequences: World Population Growth vs. Reproductive Rights by Margaret P. Battin This article addresses the issue of world population growth while also explaining how the human race can have children within the carrying capacity of the land and the environment around them, thus proving more responsible. The conflict in the article is that human can reproduce at a rate that strips the land of vital, life sustaining resources by overpopulating it. This can be dangerous and life threatening to the human race as a whole. Land is a finite resource and can only sustain and support a certain number of people. Anything beyond that number could be fatal. According to the author, Battin, our current world population is 5.8 billion people. The growth rate of the population is that it doubles once roughly every 40 years. At this rate, the population is set to hit 12.5 billion by the end of the century. Another 40 years later, and the population will be at 25 billion, and then 50 billion, 100 billion, and so on. However, the land cannot sustain this many people, so the population will never actually hit this extreme. The population will shrink in size again due starvation or other natural causes before it ever gets that high. Now the problem is, how to keep that from happening? Thomas Malthus th eorized that the population needs to be controlled; while he did not advocate direct population control, he thought perhaps the morality and common sense of the population would serve as a sort of birth control. However, he knew that the reality was the population would still go through stages of overpopulation and starvation. Therefore he said that population control must be exerted from an outside source to keep the human population from dooming themselves to extinction. The feminist group, on the other hand, believes that the controlling of the population growth equates to controlling people. Also, they are convinced that contraceptive programs are tested exclusively by first world male doctors, and they test their programs on less privileged third world women. As one feminist movement states, population control is racist, sexist, and classist. It also states that the contraception programs try to force the values of a first world, well-off group of people onto the less privileged. There is a conclusion to help settle this dispute, which will be explored in detail. The solution that the author argues for is that everybody in the world, male and female, should use a form of super effective, easily reversible automatic birth control, or contraception. There are two major types already on the market for women. These are the intrauteral Copper T380A, and the subdermal Norplant. For men, nothing is readily on the market; however, there are several automatic contraceptive options for men being tested for use on humans. If everyone used a form of automatic background birth control, pregnancy would be a choice rather than a chance. The argument for this type of logic is that in the United States, roughly 50% of all pregnancies are not planned. Also, half of these unplanned pregnancies are aborted. This is generally due to the fact that the parents are simply not prepared for a pregnancy, including and especially pregnancies that occur because of failed birth control. These pregnancies would most likely be welcomed at a later time, when the parents were more prepared and ready for a pregnancy and to start a family. Granting the individual the ability to choose when they wanted a pregnancy to occur would put much more power in the hands of the individual to help control the population growth. Generally speaking, parents would not choose to have as many children or pregnancies as they would if they left it to chance. Also, women would not fall prey to agreeing to something in the heat of the moment, or being coerced into agreeing to bear a child. A pregnancy would not occur as a result of rape, or because of a m isuse or nonuse of a birth control method. This opens a whole new world to women; instead of making the option to be pregnant a negative choice to a positive choice. Instead of risking getting pregnant, a woman would be able to choose when to allow her body to become pregnant. There would also be a degree of reproductive freedom for men as well. They would not have to worry about accidentally causing a pregnancy, and then having to be responsible for the child that they helped create. They would be completely free. While they could still be tricked by a woman who had her device removed without his knowledge, there is much less risk than if the woman forgot accidentally or purposely to use her birth control or misused it. However, the woman still holds the majority of control over the result of the contraception in the intercourse. The logic used here is that if everyone used background contraception, then everyone would be free to make the decision on whether or not to become pregnant or not. Everyone has the right to choose whether or not they want to be pregnant. Background contraception grants that choice. Therefore, all humans should be made to install automatic contraception. While this is a valid argument, I am not sure I agree with it. While this would indeed solve the reproduction growth crisis, it would also take away human free will. Many people may not be receptive to this type of control, not to mention that these types of automatic contraception are not particularly inexpensive. It would not make sense to initiate a population growth control based on these two factors alone. As Battin points out, the initiation of this type of control has an almost fascist sound. Forcing everyone into the same type of contraception would pose as a major threat to free will, and would cause some dire consequences to occur for those enforcing it. ENTRY 3 Womens Rights as Human Rights: Toward a Re-Vision of Human Rights by Charlotte Bunch For centuries, there has been a distinction between human rights and womens rights. This distinction is disconcerting; because of it, numerous heinous crimes have been committed against women, including mutilation, starvation, and murder. Technically, because there is a distinction, womens rights are not classified as human rights. Since women are humans, why are womens rights not viewed as human rights? Does this make women less human than men? Surely this cannot be so. While it is obvious that women are no less human than men, they are sometimes treated as such a lower life form. Even in situations that men and women are both treated unfairly, it is the male that is seen as mistreated, and the female almost fades into background noise. In a male-predominate culture, women are seen as not as important, and are often treated as lesser to the male, even in their suffering. While the concept of human rights is one that is widely internationally known and accepted, womens rights are not as commonly accepted as humane or even right. However, it has been theorized that the universality of human rights can be used as a tie to help bridge the gap between human rights and womens rights. In 1948, the Declaration of Human Rights was set forth. This outlines the guidelines of the basic rights we as human beings have. In that Declaration, Eleanor Roosevelt fought to add Article 2, which says that all people have the right to everything enclosed in the Declaration, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. The addition of not discriminating against gender was meant to begin to fix the issue of womens subordination. There are four approaches that the author, Bunch, speaks about, which she believes to be an effective way to bridge the gap, so to speak, between human rights and womens rights. While these approaches can apply to several areas of life, she writes that they are particularly helpful in drawing a connection between human rights and womens rights. They also demonstrate how violence toward women is a violation of basic human rights. The first approach that Bunch speaks about is to take into account the specific needs of women as civil and political rights, while also calling to attention the particularly heinous tortures women suffer through simply because of the fact that they are female. One instance where this has been done is when the Womens Task Force of Amnesty International took a stand to launch a campaign for women who are held as political prisoners and are sexually abused, which causes them to not be able to care for their children and thus causing a violation of human rights on the children. This directly links a violation of womens rights to a violation of human rights. This is a valid and sound argument; it shows a clear, direct correlation between the two premises that a violation of womens rights causes a violation of human rights and therefore, it is wrong. The second approach is to regard womens rights as socioeconomic rights. This is in regards to food, employment, shelter, and health care. This is the view taken by those who would view human rights as too individualized, and take womens rights as a purely economic issue. In other words, human rights do not have meaning without an economic definition. This helps to galvanize women into protecting themselves from workplace violence, and from being taken advantage of by employers. Women cannot be targeted as cheap, easily exploited employment, because this would violate their human rights. This is also a valid argument. The third approach is to view womens rights through a legal scope. There have been new legal guidelines set in place to guard against gender discrimination, and this has added a new dimension to the womens rights debate. The specific laws that state the legal issues behind gender discrimination and violence against women are one major example of this third approach. These laws have made it possible for women to be able to fight for their rights to be treated fairly, as human beings, rather than a lower life form to males. The most important international form of this law is called the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which has been stated to be essentially an international bill of rights for women and a framework for womens participation in the development processà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[which] spells out internationally accepted principles and standards for achieving equality between women and men. This Convention has been accepted by 104 countries, as of January 1990. This means that all countries that have agreed to and accepted the Convention must adhere to and abide by the laws stated within it, and a report must be submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, proving their compliance to the Convention. However, the Convention never actually directly addresses the issue of violence against women. This is its one shortcoming; it does, however, clearly state a human rights outline for women within it. If all governments accepted this Convention, this would be a great way to start heading in the right direction toward men and women being treated equally. This is a valid and sound argument The fourth and final approach that Bunch explains is to view human rights through feminist lenses, so to speak. What this means is that we are to view human rights in such a way that more thoroughly examines how human rights affect this lives of women in depth, and then asking how human rights can be more responsive and sensitive to women. While the other three approaches merely had a feminist taint, this approach is the most blatantly feminist; it clearly takes a stance that purely centered around women, and waits for no one to tell them if their approach is an accurate human rights issue or not. The danger in approaching the issue with this narrow scope is that it rules out too much reason. While it may be a valid argument, in my opinion, it has not been thought through thoroughly enough and is simply ignoring some of the basic rules of logic.
Odyssey :: essays research papers
1. Does the Odysseus of these books seem different in character from the Odysseus of Books V – XII? If so, why? In the books 5 to 12 Odysseus’ character does not really undergo any transitions from one facet to another. Odysseus still carries the same attributes and traits right through to the end of the story. It is, however, evident in book 22, when Odysseus takes his revenge upon the suitors, that we see a totally different side to Odysseus’ character. Both these two points will be addressed in this answer. At the beginning of the Epic, Odysseus is presented as a very brave and heroic man who often thinks about his home, wife and son. He is a character that loves story telling, which also includes lying with the greatest of ease. Odysseus â€Å"the man of many resources†never changes in his ways throughout the rest of the Epic, as he remains constant to all his former attributes. In this way it is obvious that Odysseus is a very stable hero who acts and thinks in the same manner always, much like any human. However, there is a twist to this debate, as in Book 22 when he fights the suitors and prevails we do see a very different side to the character of Odysseus. In this book, Homer presents Odysseus to us as a very ruthless and un-forgiving character one who has everything set on destroying all he can. Odysseus could basically be described as heartless. We see this in particular when Odysseus â€Å"stuck Leodes full in the neck.†Leodes had submitted to Odysseus yet he was blessed with no hope of recognition as Odysseus had already decided upon the suitor’s fate. This is quite a change in the way that Odysseus is portrayed in all the other
Friday, July 19, 2019
Rape fantasies :: essays research papers
Written in 1977, "Rape Fantasies" appears to be a recap of a conversation among several women during their lunch hour, a few of them playing bridge, one--Chrissy the receptionist--reading aloud from a tabloid. When Chrissy asks the question, "How about it, girls, do you have rape fantasies?" the story unfolds with each woman's response, all retold from the perspective of Estelle, who's doing her best to deflect the entire conversation by concentrating on her bidding. The conversation is tragically ironic, moving from woman to woman, Darlene calling the entire subject "disgusting," Greta describing a Tarzan-like scenario, Chrissy describing hers in a bubble bath, when Estelle, ever the voice of reason, reminds them that what they're describing are sexual fantasies: "Listen . . . those aren't rape fantasies. I mean, you aren't getting raped, it's just some guy you haven't met formally who happens to be more attractive than Derek Cummins . . . and you have a good time. Rape is when they've got a knife or something and you don't want to" (104.) Estelle then describes her rape fantasy where she deflects her attacker by squirting juice from a plastic lemon in his eyes ("You should hear the one about the Easy Off Cleaner"), but also includes the one where "this short, ugly fellow comes up and grabs my arm . . . [and] I say, kind of disgusted, 'Oh for Chrissake,' and he starts to cry," which prompts a wave of sympathy in Estelle (106). And there are more, each with Estelle warding off her attacker through outsmarting him ("I've just found out I have leukemia"), or talking him out of it. As the narrative continues, the reader becomes aware that Estelle is addressing someone in addition to the reader--"I hope you don't mind me holding my nose like this . . ." (107) and that person is probably a man (twice Estelle says, "But I guess it's different for a guy"). As the story ends, we realize that Estelle all along has been in a bar, speaking to a man she has just met, worrying about the possibility she will be raped by him. "Like, how could a fellow do that to a person he's just had a long conversation with, once you let them know you're human, you have a life too, I don't see how they could go ahead with it, right?
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Help with macbeth P.E.E
Explain what medium you will use to present your Ideas (Why you have chosen to do a painting etc) PARA 3 -5 The scenes you have chosen. This Is your PEE Paragraphs 2. Explain which theme you will focus on in your presentation. Why you chose it? 3. Explain why you are doing a sculpture and what you hope to show your audience 4. You are going to explain which scenes best illustrate your theme. (Pick out 3-5 examples that show the breakdown in their relationships) 5. With these examples, you will then write PEE paragraphs. 6.Conclusion The Role of Guilt In Macbeth Guilt plays a strong role In motivating Macbeth, and causes Lady Macbeth to be river over the edge of sanity to her death. Throughout the story, there are many different types of guilty feelings that play a role in Machete's fatal decisions and bring Lady Macbeth to commit suicide. Although there are many instances that show the power guilt has played on the main characters, there are three examples that show this the best. On e is, just after the murder of the great King, Duncan.Guilt overcomes Macbeth where he can no longer think straight. A second example is soon after that, where all the guilt Macbeth feels at first, changes into hate after he decides that Banquet must be killed as well. The last example is Just about at the end of the play, when we see Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, and then later committing suicide; this all because of the burden of her guilt. All of these examples build the proof that In this play, guilt plays a very large role In the characters' lives. Returns to his room to Join his wife.As any person would be, Macbeth is very shaken by his wrong act. Killing a man, not to mention a beloved king is a sin and Macbeth knows it very well! He truly believes he has murdered all innocence, and only worse things will follow. Throughout the scene there are several quotes that show this; †Glacis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Castor shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more, †and †Will all great Neptune ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red. This shows the amount of guilt he felt. He describes this by saying that if he tried to wash his hands in the river, it would turn into the color of the blood itself. Lady Macbeth attempts to make him stronger, †A little water clears us of this deed: How easy it is then! †But the guilt he feels Just does not go away†¦ At least for the time being. As soon as Act Ill is set up, we see Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Banquet having a nice friendly conversation. Macbeth was already crowned king, and a dinner was planned for that night. Banquet was to be the â€Å"guest of honor†.Little did any of us know, Macbeth was already conspiring his friend's death. Guilt seems to play a motivating role when he says, â€Å"Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill†What he is referring to, is his guilt; if you do something bad once, it will bother you. If you do it again, it will bother you less. If you keep doing it, it will eventually stop bothering you impolitely. He also admits, (that one time only) in the scene, that after killing Duncan, his morals and guilt were poisoned and used to motivate him to commit more murderous crimes. Fit be so, for Banquets issue have I filed my mind; For them the gracious Duncan have I murdered; Put rancorous in the vessel of my peace†¦ †Perhaps one of the strongest evidence that shows guilt, is how it affected Lady Macbeth. After the absence of a story line for most of the play, Act V begins by re- entering Lady Macbeth; this time though, she is not at all the woman we were first introduced to. It begins with a discussion between a doctor and a very worried gentlewoman about the failing health of the lady herself.Just as we learn that she has begun to sleepwalk every night, Lady Macbeth comes in, doing Just that. She start s to rub her arms, in a washing motion and says, â€Å"Out damned spot! Out, I say! †and, â€Å"†¦ Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? †The word blood, is really a metaphor for the enormous guilt she feels and her action, in trying to get rid of the guilt by â€Å"washing†and rubbing it away. In the second quote, the â€Å"old man†represents, King Duncan. Who would have known that killing the king carried so much guilt?Her sleepwalking continues as she talks about the death of Lady Macadam. †The thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now? What, will these hands newer be clean? †After the continuous rubbing motion, Lady Macbeth cries out, â€Å"Here's the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. †She realizes that nothing could ever get rid of the smell of the blood and the guilt caused by all the murders committed by Macbeth. It's also shown here that she feels fully responsible for every person killed by her husband.Just several scenes later, Lady Macbeth commits suicide. What's the reason? It was Just a build up of all The quotes and explanations used throughout this essay, built up proof that guilt played a big role as the motivation for Macbeth, and guilty feelings were brought out through the characters' actions and responses, until the very fatal end. Guilt itself, is a very strong and uncomfortable feeling. It can result though, in many good things, and Just as easily into bad things. This is what happened throughout this story†¦ And this is also why the play has been called, â€Å"The Tragedy of Macbeth. â€
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