Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Need for Revenge Hamlet and The Butcher Boy - 1132 Words
Revenge is considered by many, sought by some, and carried out by few. It consumes the avenger and what is left is madness. The theme of revenge is depicted in many works of literature. Two great examples of this theme would be The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe and Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare. In Shakespeare’s play the character of Hamlet is looking to avenge the murder of his father King Hamlet and in McCabe’s novel the character of Francie Brady seeks for revenge for almost everything that has happened to him, from the death of his mother to the loss of Joe’s friendship. Often the question of whether revenge is justified arises. In Hamlet’s case I see revenge as being justifiable because his motivations are strong,†¦show more content†¦In comparison to Hamlets motivations for revenge in The Butcher Boy Francie seeks revenge for all that is wrong with his life, and he expresses all his anger towards the Nugent family, particu larly Mrs. Nugent, even though she was not the direct cause. After Mrs. Nugent verbally attacked Mrs. Brady, all of Fancie’s anger, frustration and disillusionment was pinpointed towards the Nugent family. He went after them with pure vengeance on his mind. She says, â€Å"What else would you expect from a house where the father’s never in, lying about in pubs from morning to night, he’s no better than a pig†¦ Pigs-sure the whole town knows that!†(4). Anything that happened from then on could somehow be traced back to them. The Nugent family seems almost perfect to him and part of him I believe wants that stability. Even in his fantasy world he imagines Phillip saying, â€Å"He wants to be one of us. He wants his name to be Francie Nugent. That’s what he’s wanted all along†(64). Perhaps another motive for revenge is that Francie feels anger towards the Nugent family because they are a representation of what he cannot have. In c ontrast to the Nugent his family is broken; his mother is constantly in and out of a mental hospital because she attempts to commit suicide and has an alcoholic father who abuses his mother, which is far from ideal. Despite feeling sympathetic towards Francie because he has gone through a lot, I do not believe his revenge wasShow MoreRelatedModern English Macbeth21221 Words  | 85 Pagesattempted a laugh. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘As much as sparrows dismay eagles or hares lions. If I m completely honest I d say they were like overworked guns, their barrels exploding, as they lay into the enemy.’ He slipped to the ground. ‘I m weak, I need help.’ ‘You ve done well,’ said Duncan. He turned to an attendant. ‘Go, get him to a doctor.’ As the sentries carried the sergeant out another newcomer, even fresher from the battlefield, arrived. ‘It s the worthy Thane of Ross!’ said MalcolmRead MoreBhopal Gas Disaster84210 Words  | 337 Pagesbusiness in India. A shareholder resolution on the agenda for this year s annual meeting asserts that it would be respectful of human rights and, more importantly, also a good business decision for Dow to undertake new initiatives to address the needs of survivors. The resolution requests the company to produce a document listing the new initiatives by the management pertaining to the environmental, health and social concerns of the survivors of the gas leak at the Union Carbide plant. The shareholders
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Depression Essay - 1448 Words
Depression Introduction Depression is a common illness most people are affected by. Every person has suffered through at least one depression episode if not more. Depression does not discriminate against age, ethnicity or gender. For some people, depression is so severe they feel like it’s not worth living. Other people feel generally miserable or unhappy without really knowing why. Definition Depression is a medical illness that involves the mind and body. It affects how you feel, think and behave. Depression can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems (Mayo Clinic, 2011). When Depression occurs, it intervenes with daily activities and lacks the feeling of any sort of joy or happiness. It also comes between social†¦show more content†¦Causes of Depression Many things may lead to depression but according to the NIMH (2012), cutting-edge research has presented new opportunities for studying people with depression. Brain-imaging technologies, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have shown that the brains of people with depression actually look different from those of people without depression. Also Emedicineheath (2012) noted, depression is â€Å"not caused by personal weakness and is not a character flaw. When people suffer from depression, chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters are out of balance†. Many people believe it’s a combination of family genes and/or a stress related event. Reported by MayoClinic (2012) Depression is more common in people â€Å"whose biological family members also have this condition†. Depression may begin with a simple difficult situation or a very big stressful event such as lost a loved one, had a baby, recently divorced, been diagnosed with a long-term disease such as diabetes or heart disease. Experts in Emedicinehealth (2012) suggested sometimes even happy life events, such as a marriage or promotion, can trigger depression because of the stress that comes with change (para 4). Depression can also be caused by hormones. According to MayoClinic (2011) Changes in the bodys balance of hormones may be involved inShow MoreRelatedDepression : Depression And Depression927 Words  | 4 Pagesthe word Depression. Now that I am older I know not to use that term so loosely because depression is a disorder that is very serious. According to the Mayo Clinic Depression, also known as major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that causes a feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. Depression can cause physical problems because it affects how you think along with how you act. For example, you may not want to do activities that you normally would, due to this disorder. Depression does notRead MoreDepression And Sadness Of Depression1423 Words  | 6 PagesTaylor Neighbors Winters English 1301.91 11 November 2015 Depression and Sadness Imagine you are in the middle of a monumental ocean surrounded by heavy, crashing waves. (TS) The sky is black, and the water is cold. Suddenly, the current pulls you under and you forget how to swim. You are desperately gasping for air, fighting the current, but you continue to sink uncontrollably. You scream and with every ounce of the little breath left in your lungs, but nobody hears you; nobody saves you. Your bodyRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Depression1490 Words  | 6 PagesIn popular culture depression has become a thing that is seemingly almost sought after. A lot of youth use depression to have an edge or some kind of thing that makes them different. I feel like this ideology invalidates people with real mental illness and diagnosed depression. I say this but have also fallen victim to this aesthetic or aura that a lot of people portray. Although hard to define, depression can basically be summed up to be the lack of hope or courage pertaining to your life. It causesRead MoreDepression And Depression In Wurtzel931 Words  | 4 Pagesher life while dealing with depression and its symptoms. Having depression at a young age had affected her whole life and has made it difficult to act normal. Wurtzel expresses her sadness and copes in destructive ways such as cutting and doing drugs. The book goes on a journey of her life and the issues she goes through, meeting people, and dealing with additional problems. The novel’s main conflict is battling with depression and the urges of dealing with depression. I believe young readers wouldRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Adolescent Depression1290 Words  | 6 PagesDepression is an issue facing a large amount of people today. It has becoming increasingly known that a lot of depression begins to start in the adolescent years for many individuals. The social work profession is critical in helping this adolescent depression not lead to further depression in adulthood. To understand adolescent depression and what is needed to help people suffering from it, we need to further understand the prevalence of adolescent depression, the effects it has on teens sociallyRead MoreDepression1008 Words  | 5 PagesDepression Teresa Collick HCA/250 April 24, 2016 Depression has always been a major health issue going back for many years. Initially being called â€Å"melancholia†it appeared in the texts of the Mesopotamians in the second millennium. It was then thought of a demonic presence that required a priest to be in attendance. The understanding was that depression wasn’t considered a physical issue but a spiritual or mental illness. The BabylonianRead MoreThe Effects Of Depression And Its Effects On Depression1642 Words  | 7 Pages Depression, 2 Every single day, across the entire world, people are diagnosed with clinical depression. I think a lot of people tend to see depression as a excuse/reasoning for something they ve done. In reality, there have been many discussions done and research studies completed on depression to see whether or not it is genetically passed down or learned through experiences/influences. I think it is safe to say that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in depression. InRead MoreA Brief Note On Depression And The Depression2842 Words  | 12 Pages Robyn Lawhorn July 11, 2015 Psychology 100 Mrs. Fischer Hours Worked: 22 Major depression, also known as unipolar depression, is one of the most common mental illnesses. Over nine million adults each year suffer from depression. Many people don’t understand what depression really is, including myself until I did a lot of research over this subject. Major depression is more than a temporary state of being sad. It is a persistent state that can significantly impair an individual’s thoughtsRead MoreDepression Essay : The Causes And Effects Of Youth Depression1566 Words  | 7 PagesCauses and Effects of Youth Depression Most individuals spend a short downcasted period in their lives, but some individuals experience an extended period of dejection. This may be the cause of depression. Depression is a mental disorder that feeds on the negative self-evaluation of an individual. Eventually the individual is blinded of any positivity in their life by the overwhelming pessimistic views of a situation, continuing the cycle. Awareness of adult depression is substantial, but unprogressiveRead MoreAdolescent Depression1112 Words  | 5 PagesDepression is a disease that afflicts the human psyche in such a way that the afflicted tends to act and react abnormally toward others and themselves. Therefore it comes to no surprise to discover that adolescent depression is strongly linked to teen suicide. Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged 15 to 19 than cardiovascular disease or cancer (Blackman, 1995). Despite this increased suicide rate, depression in this age group is greatly underdiagnosed and leads to serious
Monday, December 9, 2019
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology-
Question: Discuss about theInfection Control Hospital Epidemiology. Answer: Introduction Nursing plays a significant role when it comes to control of and management of infections. Nursing is assumed to the practice that forms a fundamental ground which helps to prevent as well as controlling the transmission of diseases that are infectious within the health care environment and its surrounding. Therefore, this paper discusses the important issues that should be taken care of by health workers to minimize the spread of diseases among the patients, workers or even the family members of the patient. Importance of Considering Infection Control in Nursing Mr. Reginald Bowen must be taken care of so to help reduce the spread of norovirus in the meantime. The symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, lethargy, headache, inability to urinate, diarrhoea and vomiting shown by Mr Bowen are also manifested by patient suffering from EVD illness that is highly fatal in human, severe and extremely contagious among people as well as animals. According to World Health organization, the average fatality rate of EVD is approximately 50% (Andertun et al., 2017 p. 648). Therefore, policies and precautions must be implemented to ensure that the spread of the deadly diseases is controlled. Policies like the engagement of the community members play a fundamental role in successfully preventing the outbreak of the fatal illness. Isolation of Mr Bowen and transferring him to safe areas also helps in preventing the spread of sickness (Team, 2106 p.1485). Additionally, excellent laboratory services, personal protective gears as well as social mobilizations assist in the control of the disease. Moreover, if the health workers and the staff show any signs and symptoms of the EVD such as vomiting, rash, muscle pain and diarrhea, they must be isolated from the rest of the group immediately and taken to a close safe room to minimize the spread of the disease (Lehmann et al., 2016 p.74). According to WHO, during diagnosis of Mr Bowen, the health workers as well as the staff must wear gloves, face masks that should be capable of repelling fluid and long sleeved gowns (Reidy et al., 2017 p. 46). Finally, routine cleanliness must be maintained through cleaning and disinfection of the equipment used when handling the patient. Identify two (2) important health issues/problems for your patient. Mr. Bowen being allergic to sulphur may suffered serious health complication because many hospital uses sulphur for various activities. Many hospital uses sulphur for various activities including preservation thereby posting a great health problem to Mr Bowen. Additionally, Mr Bowen also suffers from stress. This patient is stressed by the number of times and distance that his wife must cover so to come and see him. Stress can minimize Mr Reginald survival chances and lead to quick death as a result of the disease (McMahon et al., 2016 p. 135). Nursing Interventions used to address the Issues In case of inability to urinate, surgery can be done so must correct the problem that Mr Reginald Bowen is facing. Effective surgery can help him to urinate effectively and prevent emergence of other urethral diseases. Moreover, severe abdominal pain, lethargy, headache, diarrhoea and vomiting, careful and well-evaluated consideration should be given when handling the situation so as to enable the health workers determine and give correct prescription (Anderson et al., 2014 p.66. Necessity of using a particular Nursing Intervention in addressing the Issue: Mr Reginald Bowen should be put under careful observation including checking for Benign hypertrophic prostate (BHP), Gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), the past infection that he has suffered from (Chipps et al., 2016 p.112). Consequently, immediate supportive and careful rehydration is very vital for the patient who suffers from internal as well as external bleeding to relieve them from muscle pain and fatigue. The interventions mentioned above are necessary because the patient had already indicated the symptoms. Additionally, the diagnosis mentioned above should be administered because the patient is already suffering from the impaired liver and kidney function as well as the internal and external bleeding (Kumar et al., 2017 p.232). Therefore, the methods mentioned above recommended since they speed up recovery thereby helping to reduce the pain. Conclusion Ebola virus Disease is known to be one of the most dangerous, contagious and fatal diseases around the world. The disease can quickly spread from one patient to another or from even animal and plants to human beings. One of the major symptoms of the illness is the external and internal bleeding from the infected persons. Due to high contagious nature of the disease, careful and sensible management measure should be put in place to ensure that the rate of its spread adequately minimized. Reference Anderson, D.J., Podgorny, K., Berros-Torres, S.I., Bratzler, D.W., Dellinger, E.P., Greene, L., Nyquist, A.C., Saiman, L., Yokoe, D.S., Maragakis, L.L. and Kaye, K.S., 2014. Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update.Infection Control Hospital Epidemiology,35(S2), pp.S66-S88. Andertun, S., Hrnsten, . and Hajdarevic, S., 2017. Ebola virus disease: caring for patients in Sierra Leonea qualitative study.Journal of advanced nursing,73(3), pp.643-652. Chipps, E.M., Carr, M., Kearney, R., MacDermott, J., Visger, T., Calvitti, K., Vermillion, B., Weber, M.L., Newton, C., Clair, J. and Harper, D., 2016. Outcomes of an oral care protocol in postmechanically ventilated patients.Worldviews on Evidence?Based Nursing,13(2), pp.102-111. Kumar, A., Unnikrishnan, B., Mithra, P., Kulkarni, V., Holla, R., Nazareth, S.V. and Bhat, V., 2017. Awareness Regarding Ebola Virus Disease among Health Care Professionals in Tertiary Hospitals.Indian Journal of Public Health Research Development,8(2). Lehmann, M., Bruenahl, C.A., Addo, M.M., Becker, S., Schmiedel, S., Lohse, A.W., Schramm, C. and Lwe, B., 2016. Acute Ebola virus disease patient treatment and health-related quality of life in health care professionals: A controlled study.Journal of psychosomatic research,83, pp.69-74. McMahon, Shannon A., Lara S. Ho, Hannah Brown, Laura Miller, Rashid Ansumana, and Caitlin E. Kennedy. "Healthcare providers on the frontlines: a qualitative investigation of the social and emotional impact of delivering health services during Sierra Leones Ebola epidemic."Health policy and planning31, no. 9 (2016): 1232-1239 . Reidy, P., Fletcher, T., Shieber, C., Shallcross, J., Towler, H., Ping, M., Kenworthy, L., Silman, N. and Aarons, E., 2017. Personal protective equipment solution for UK military medical personnel working in an Ebola virus disease treatment unit in Sierra Leone.Journal of Hospital Infection,96(1), pp.42-48. Team, W.E.R., 2014. Ebola virus disease in West Africathe first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections.N Engl J Med,2014(371), pp.1481-1495.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Conflict In Ideologies Between Capitalism And Communism Essay Example For Students
The Conflict In Ideologies Between Capitalism And Communism Essay resulted in one of the greatest conflicts of the twentieth century. The belief that freedom and democracy would die undercommunist rule caused the United States to start a conflict thatwould last for decades. The decisions made by the United Statesin W.W.II caused tensions to rise between the U. S. and theSoviet Union. Fear of Communism in capitalist nations, causedthe United states government to use propaganda to raise ColdWar anxieties. Furthermore, the American media influenced theattitudes of Americans, making a hatred of communism spreadthough the nation. Thus, the United States caused the conflictknown as the Cold War, through its political policy andpropaganda. We will write a custom essay on The Conflict In Ideologies Between Capitalism And Communism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The political relations going on in Europe during anddirectly after World War II had an enormous effect on laying thefoundation for the Cold War. War time conferences such as Yaltaand Terhran harshened the relationship between the communistsand the capitalists. At the end of W.W.II American policytowards the Soviets changed drastically. The change in presidentin 1945 caused relations with Russia to worsen. Furthermore,other political contributions to the Cold War entailed the TrumanDoctrine and the Marshall Plan. The division of Europe betweenthe west and east drew physical borders which outlined that thewar of misinformation that had began. Also treaties of the postwar world further separated the two super powers of the worldfor the decades to follow. The waging of hot wars through othercountries also strengthened Cold War hatred.(1)The first of the cold war tensions arose out of W.W.IIconferences between the Soviet Union, America and, GreatBritain. Tehran, the first major conferenc e which lead America tostart the Cold War, included all three of these nations. At thisconference the reshaping of post-war Europe was discussed (2)Later in February of 1945, the big three met again at Yalta. Atthis conference European boundaries, German reparations, andPolish elections were agreed upon.(3) Stalin, the Russian leader,agreed to hold free and fair elections. Later after Roosevelt, whoattended these conferences, died Truman became president. Heaccused the Soviet leader, Stalin, of not holding up to hisagreements at Yalta.(4) Stalin wanted to use Poland as a bufferzone to prevent any future invasions from happening through thisarea. During W.W.II the Soviets had lost 27 million, and Stalinmade it clear that in no way would he allow this to happenagain.(5) Stalin responded to Trumans accusation with thefollowing words, I am ready to fulfill your request and doeverything possible to reach a harmonious solution. But youdemand too much of me. In other words, you demand that Irenounce the interests of security of the Soviet Union, but Icannot turn against my country.(6) On the other hand, AmericanGeneral Lucius Clay, who was stationed in post war Germanycommented we must have the courage to proceed quickly withthe establishment of a government for western Germany42million Germans in the British and American zones representtoday the strongest outpost against Communist penetration thatexists anywhere.(7) At this response Truman changed hisattitude toward the Soviets with the words, there isnt anydifference between the totalitarian Russian government and theHitler government.(8) Furthermore, America decided to keepStalin out of the loop about the Manhattan project, whichfurthered distrust, because Stalin learn about the bomb throughespionage. Trumans change in attitude toward Stalin, from thatof FDRs negotiation with Uncle Joe to one committed tostopping the Soviet cause, led to the creation of a new Americananti-Soviet political policy. The Truman Doctrine, the name given to the policyestablished by Truman, would soon arise in American foreignpolicy. This Truman Doctrine came out of a speech the Trumangave to a joint session of congress. It was the response Trumangave to Britain, which delcared that they no longer could givemilitary and economic aid to Greece.(9) In this speech Trumanfinally gave the Cold War official status, by stating the threatthat the Soviet government had on national security. InTrumans actual words he said, I believe that it must be thepolicy of the United States to support free peoples who areresisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or byoutside pressures.(10) Congress, knowing that Great Britainwould no longer give aid the Turkey and Greece, realized thatthese nations would soon turn to communism. Thus, theydecided to appropriate four hundred million dollars to help in theaid of Turkey and Greece.(11). To support Trumans policySenator Author Vandenburg stated its time to scare th e hell outof the American people with tales of communism on themarch.(12) Thus, America was further contributed to cold warissues by committing to stop the spread of communism in areasof the world very remote from them. .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .postImageUrl , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:hover , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:visited , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:active { border:0!important; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:active , .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95 .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2f029b88060b4b4289f9eb0fbf2d6a95:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: AMERICANS GETTING TOUGH EssayAmericas next political actions further caused the ColdWar to escalate. In 1947, George C. Marshall the Secretary ofthe state at the time gave a speech at Harvard university whichreveled his plans for the an after war economy. Marshall askedthat all of the countries of Europe communists and capitalistsalike to draw up a plan for economic recovery from the war.(13)The Soviets refused to participate, because they saw it asAmerica using money to buy its way into good terms with Europe. In the words of the Soviet foreign minister Molotov, the Marshallplan was nothing but a vicious American scheme for usingdollars to buy its way.(14) In the end, the United States sent 13billion over to Western Europe to support economic recovery.(15)The Soviet Union saw this as an American attempt to keep any ofthese countries from turning to communism, which would closethem off as US markets. Thus, the Marshall plan furthercontributed to a Soviet cause to continue waging a Cold War. In1949 America helped to organize a treaty against communism. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO included thefollowing nations : Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Iceland,Italy, the Netherlands, Luxemberg, Norway, Portugal , the UnitedStates. This treaty showed a clear division of Communismverses Capitalism, and it declared that an attack against one ofthese nations would be an attack on all of them.(16) Thus, theUnited States used this treaty to escalate the cold War byshowing the Soviet Union that all of the NATO countries sidedwith the US in the Cold War. Finally, the United states wagedhot wars through other nations; instead in actually declaring waragainst the Soviet Union. These hot wars in Korea and again inVietnam. Both of these wars resulted from the United Statestrying to contain Communism from spreading throughout theworld. (17) Thus, all of the United States political actions furthercontributed to the Cold War cause. The political actions Of the United States from the time ofW.W.II onward caused the Cold War conflict. The conferences ofW.W.II set the tone for a time period of distrust between theSoviet union and the United States. With a new president inoffice Cold War policy was officialy began. Furthermore, fromthat point on the policy of the United States delcared itself asanti-Communist from that point on. Thus, to get the Americanpublic to side with the government on the issue of communism,America turned to the use of propaganda. The United States used propaganda and other influences toget the American public scared of communism and in support ofthe cold war. First congress began to use HUAC to stop filmsfrom having to much of a communist appeal to them(18)Furthermore, HUAC investigated people for being communistspies. Both Julius and Ethel Rosenburg and Alger Hiss, peopleaccused of being communist spies suffered conviction. Thiscaused the anti-Communist attitude in the United States to growtremendously. Thus, the American government used a federalorganization to further the publics hatred of communism. Nextan American Senator named Joseph R. McCarthy would lead aseries of trials against communists in the United States.(19)Most of the people that Macarthy accused of being communistreached conviction. This happened despite the fact that many ofthe accused were not in fact communists.(20) This situation hascompares to the Salem Witch trials; notably like the witch trialthe main outcome of the Macarthy trial srt uck fear into Americanpublic. Thus, the McCarthy trial increased anti-Communisthatred in the US and scared anyone out of committing tocommunist party for fear of their life. Therefore, the McCarthytrials acted as form of US propaganda, which gathered Americansupport for the Cold War against the Soviets. Moreover, withthe publication of George Orwells book 1984, anti-communistpropaganda increased. This book showed the United Statesunder a communist dictatorship. Thus, as propaganda this bookincreased the general anticommunist attitude of the Americanpublic.(20) Moreover, Hollywood began to produceanti-Communist films such as The Red Menace, which increaseda fear of communism in the United States.(21) Thus, the actionsof the American government, journalist, and media increased thegeneral anti-Communist support for the Cold War. .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .postImageUrl , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:hover , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:visited , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:active { border:0!important; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:active , .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722 .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub96cd7ccdd31e2145ebef2d2a3d86722:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How To Make Money Selling Item EssayThe American media also contributed to the Cold Warpropaganda in and out of the United States. American journalistswould commonly make up stories of communism in the UnitedStates in an effort to sell papers and to continue feelings ofanti-communism.(22) Also a radio station called Radio Onebegan to broadcast an anti communist message in Europe.(23)These radio broadcasts defamed the Soviet Union andcommunism and supported democracy and the United States. These broadcasts blatantly attempted to degrade communism,that they were never allowed to be transmitted in America.(24)Therefore, the overall actions of the United States clearly reportspropaganda to increase support for the Cold War, whichdominated American foreign policy for decades. The United States caused the Cold War by the politicaldecisions that in made and through its use of propaganda. Thepolitical decisions made by the United States from W.W.II onwardcaused the Cold War to start and to continue for decades. Moreover, the governments use of propaganda at home ralliedthe American public in an anticommunist attitude, whichsupported the countries political decisions. Thus, the UnitedStates caused the conflict between Democracy and Communism. BibliographyBIBLIOGRAPHYCayton, Andrew, and Elizabeth Israels Perry, and Allan M. Winkler. America Pathways to thePresent . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,1995. Dudley, William. ed. The Cold War Opposing View Points. San Diego: Greenburg Press Inc.,1992. Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know Rethinking the Cold War. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1997. Glynn, Patricia. Closing Pandoras Box.. New York : Harper Collins, 1992. Snyder, Alvin A. Warriors of Disinformation . New York: Arcade Publishing, 1995. Yoder, Edwin M., Jr. Joe Alsops Cold War . Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press,1995. Endnotes1 Andrew Cayton and Elizabeth Israels Perry, and Allan M. Winkler, America Pathways tothe Present , (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,1995.) p.7172 William Dudley, ed. The Cold War Opposing View Points, (San Diego: GreenburgPress Inc., 1992.) p143 Dudley 144 Dudley 1255 Dudley 1256 Cayton 7207 John Lewis Gaddis, We Now Know: REthinking the Cold War,(Oxford : Clarendon Press,1997.) p.1198 Cayton 7219 Dudley 1710 Cayton 72411 Cayton 72412 Dudley 1813 Cayton 72414 Cayton 72415 Cayton 72516 Cayton 72517 Patricia Glynn, Closing Pandoras Box., (New York : Harper Collins, 1992.) p.13518 Gaddis 2319 Edwin M. Yoder Jr., Joe Alsops Cold War, (Chapel Hill : The University of NorthCarolina Press, 1995.) p.2320 Glynn 13521 Cayton 73322 Yoder 2223 Alvin A. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation , (New York: Arcade Publishing, 1995.)p.22124 Snyder 224
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Changes In Health Care For Retired Workers
Changes in Health Care for Retired Workers Health care for retired workers is always changing and it’s not for the better. The workforce had changed remarkably causing retirement plans to decline. Current workers are being pressured to pay more out of pocket. These retirees are rarely helped out and when they are, it isn’t enough. It is difficult for employees to provide the best health care for their workers and remain competitive in today’s economy. Employers are providing health care to stay competitive in the marketplace, but this trend is dissipating. These employers are finding it increasingly difficult to provide these benefits to retired workers. The employers are focusing on health care costs and are not able to absorb additional cost increases. Current law severely limits employers’ ability to pre-fund retires health care obligations. As a result of this law, employers have capped contributions, increased co pays, increased employee contributions, or even eliminated benefits all together. The Employee Retirement Income Act states that employers are not required to provide any health care coverage to their workers, either active or retired. Although, once they decide to offer benefits they must follow certain requirements. Currently, only thirty five percent of employers sponsor retiree health care, leaving many with out access. Employers who offer medical coverage for retirees went from forty percent in 1993 to tw enty percent in 2001. That leaves more than three quarters of the retired population with out health coverage. Health care costs are rising for both active and retired employees and new pension funding requirements have wiped out corporate benefits budgets. This leaves less money for the retiree to live healthy in a world that is to expensive. Retirees depend on health care from current or past employers, and it’s the only likely source of affordable reliable coverage. In 2003 cost for employer pl... Free Essays on Changes In Health Care For Retired Workers Free Essays on Changes In Health Care For Retired Workers Changes in Health Care for Retired Workers Health care for retired workers is always changing and it’s not for the better. The workforce had changed remarkably causing retirement plans to decline. Current workers are being pressured to pay more out of pocket. These retirees are rarely helped out and when they are, it isn’t enough. It is difficult for employees to provide the best health care for their workers and remain competitive in today’s economy. Employers are providing health care to stay competitive in the marketplace, but this trend is dissipating. These employers are finding it increasingly difficult to provide these benefits to retired workers. The employers are focusing on health care costs and are not able to absorb additional cost increases. Current law severely limits employers’ ability to pre-fund retires health care obligations. As a result of this law, employers have capped contributions, increased co pays, increased employee contributions, or even eliminated benefits all together. The Employee Retirement Income Act states that employers are not required to provide any health care coverage to their workers, either active or retired. Although, once they decide to offer benefits they must follow certain requirements. Currently, only thirty five percent of employers sponsor retiree health care, leaving many with out access. Employers who offer medical coverage for retirees went from forty percent in 1993 to tw enty percent in 2001. That leaves more than three quarters of the retired population with out health coverage. Health care costs are rising for both active and retired employees and new pension funding requirements have wiped out corporate benefits budgets. This leaves less money for the retiree to live healthy in a world that is to expensive. Retirees depend on health care from current or past employers, and it’s the only likely source of affordable reliable coverage. In 2003 cost for employer pl...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Types of Suffixes in English Grammar
Types of Suffixes in English Grammar In English grammar, a suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word or root (i.e., a base form), serving to form a new word or functioning as an inflectional ending. The word suffix comes from the Latin, to fasten underneath. The adjective form is suffixal. There are two primary types of suffixes in English: Derivational suffix (such as the addition of -ly to an adjective to form an adverb) indicates what type of word it is.Inflectional suffix (such as the addition of -s to a noun to form a plural) tells something about the words grammatical behavior. Discover what famous writers, linguists, and other notable people have had to say about suffixes throughout history. Examples and Observations of Suffixes in English It is often possible to tell the era of a products development by its termination. Thus products dating from the 1920s and early 1930s often end in -ex (Pyrex, Cutex, Kleenex, Windex), while those ending in -master (Mixmaster, Toastmaster) generally betray a late-1930s or early-1940s genesis. (Bill Bryson, Made in America. Harper, 1994) Suffixes display all kinds of relationships between form, meaning, and function. Some are rare and have only vague meanings, as with the -een in velveteen. Some have just enough uses to suggest a meaning, as with -iff in bailiff, plaintiff, suggesting someone involved with law. (Tom McArthur, The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, 1992) In English, only three colours become verbs by adding -en: blacken, redden, whiten. (Margaret Visser, The Way We Are. HarperCollins, 1994) The number of suffixes in Modern English is so great, and the forms of several, especially in words derived through the French from Latin, are so variable that an attempt to exhibit them all would tend to confusion. (Walter W Skeat, Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 1882) Gazebo: The name is an 18th-century joke word combining gaze with the Latin suffix ebo, meaning I shall. (Encyclopedia Britannica Online) On Suffixes and Word Formation Primary school children would be better at spelling if they were taught about morphemes- the units of meaning that form words- researchers claim today...For instance, the word magician consists of two morphemes: the stem magic and the suffix ian....Children find the word difficult to spell because the third syllable sounds like shun. But if they knew it was made up of the two morphemes, they could make more sense of the way it is spelled, researchers suggest. (Anthea Lipsett, Spelling: Break Words Up Into Units of Meaning. The Guardian, Nov. 25, 2008) On the -ers Suffix Call it a vast linguistic conspiracy: proponents of the major conspiracy theo ries of the day- the truthers, the birthers, the deathers- share a suffix that makes them all sound like whackdoodles. It looks like conspiracy theorists might acquire a permanent suffix in -er, just like political scandals now have a permanent suffix in -gate, Victor Steinbok, a frequent contributor to the American Dialect Society’s online discussion board, observed recently in that forum...Today’s -er groups are not -ists; their beliefs are not -isms or -ologies, theories of social organization like communism or fields of study like sociology. Nor are they -ites, devout followers of a domineering visionary figure, like Trotskyites, Benthamites or Thatcherites. The -ers, the caricature asserts, are not sophisticated enough for that. That is perhaps why -er words, long before truther, have been used to deride political opponents, as in tree hugger, bra burner and evildoer- not to mention th e catch-alls for extremists, wingers and nutters (from wing nut). (Leslie Savan, From Simple Noun to Handy Partisan Put-Down. The New York Times Magazine, Nov. 18, 2009) [E]ven though writers write, bakers bake, hunters hunt, preachers preach, and teachers teach, grocers dont groce, butchers dont butch, carpenters dont carpent, milliners dont millin, haberdashers dont haberdash- and ushers dont ush. (Richard Lederer, Word Wizard: Super Bloopers, Rich Reflections, and Other Acts of Word Magic. St. Martins Press, 2006) On American -or and British -our [T]he o(u)r suffix has quite a confused history. The Online Etymology Dictionary reports that our comes from old French while –or is Latin. English has used both endings for several centuries. Indeed, the first three folios of Shakespeare’s plays reportedly used both spellings equally...But by the late 18th and early 19th centuries, both the US and the UK started to solidify their preferences, and did so differently...The US took a particularly strong stand thanks to Noah Webster, American lexicographer and co-namesake of the Merriam-Webster dictionaries...He preferred to use the –or suffix and also suggested many other successful changes, such as reversing -re to create theater and center, rather than theatre and centre...Meanwhile in the UK, Samuel Johnson wrote A Dictionary of the English Language in 1755. Johnson was far more of a spelling purist than Webster, and decided that in cases where the origin of the word was unclear, it was m ore likely to have a French than Latin root...And so he preferred –our to –or. (Olivia Goldhill, The Case of the Missing us in American English. Quartz, January 17, 2016) On the Problem With -ish Although there is no exact count, Merriam-Webster says there could be as many as one million-plus words in the English language...And yet, with all of those words at our disposal,...we seem to make a competitive sport out of creating brand new ones...[T]heres the suffix -ish, which is increasingly called-upon, fairly indiscriminately, to describe an approximation, or a likeness of something, when in most cases there is an existing word, or two, that would serve just as well: warmish, tired-ish, doing a good job-ish, Clinton-ish. Instead, -ish may be chosen for reasons of expediency, or cuteness. A sampling of some recent headlines from around the web include 5 Ways To Secure Your Happy-ish Ever After (The Huffington Post) because, as the author writes, Happily Ever After is not a thing and Ten(ish) Questions With...WR Jeremy Ross (ESPN) because there are, in fact, 16...-Ish...requires no cleverness whatsoever. Its lazy, non-committal, and confoundingly ambiguous, a symbol of a societ y ever more inclined to take the easy way out or blur the lines. (Peggy Drexler, The Problem With -ISH. The Huffington Post, January 9, 2014) On Some -Somes My favorite word: gigglesome....Familiar words like lonesome, handsome, and adventuresome are from a whole family of words that include some surprises that have fallen into disuse. I heard Red Barber one morning on the radio say the air was chillsome. Others are grievesome, toilsome, and boresome. My favorites of these old words are gigglesome and playsome, both usually applied to high-spirited children. (Bobbie Ann Mason, quoted by Lewis Burke Frumkes in Favorite Words of Famous People. Marion Street Press, 2011) On the Lighter Side of Suffixes Good things dont end in -eum; they end in -mania or -teria. (Homer Simpson, The Simpsons) Were words, too: burgle, burglar, burglary. The Americans go about it differently: burglar, burglarize, burglarization. Maybe theyll move on, soon, and well have burglarizationeers who burglarizationize us, leaving us victims of burglarizationeerage. (Michael Bywater, The Chronicles of Bargepole. Jonathan Cape, 1992) Ive heard of many chocoholics, but I aint never seen no chocohol. We got an epidemic, people: people who like chocolate but dont understand word endings. Theyre probably over-workaholled. (Demetri Martin, 2007)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 25
Response paper - Essay Example The readings highlight various plights that citizens in war-torn regions go through and the various freedoms denied by their governments for failing to uphold human right concerns. The readings are is important in understanding and emphasizing the need for other developing nations to step up and calm the situation. One can agree with the deliberations and conclusion drawn by the then US president Bush that the killing was, in fact, a massacre in one of the readings. The case of various human rights violations is not knew in the public domain. The cases are largely due to government negligence or failure to effectively use the information gathered by intelligence. Through analysis, the recent terrorism killings in Kenya amplify these concerns. In my view very human been irrespective of race, ethnic, religious or political affiliation deserves the right to be protected by the government and live in a secure nation. Although the readings have to deal much with the plight in many develop ing nations, they are not spared either when it comes to such concerns. There have been many incidences that the citizens particularly in Europe have laid blame on government security agencies for various extradition killing. Thus, the readings offer more knowledge human rights concern across the globe. Nonetheless, one can argue that the human rights and protection has improved in recent past. As exemplified in the readings, various aspects such globalization has been a big contributor to this significant transformation in human rights protection (Howard-Hassmann, 56). Thorough critical analysis, globalization has opened the world today and coupled with enhanced technology, the world is more aware of the concerns of citizens around them. It’s been a common knowledge that globalization avail additional opportunities not just for states and societies, likewise for the entire international order (Andrew Hurrell, 297).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Security Policy Brief on Mexico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Security Policy Brief on Mexico - Essay Example There has been a continuous increase in number of tourists making visiting Mexico in the past few decades. This makes tourism one of the main foreign exchange earners for the Mexican economy (Joyce, pg68). The rich culture of the Mexican people that have remained an altered by the technology has been the magnet to the people from all walks of life. However, the country of Mexico has its ugly picture that has for the past two decades given its neighbors and even the world a headache and sleepless night. It is known for transition groups, also known as cartels. These groups have smeared the beautiful image of Mexico with dirt through their illegal and heinous acts. According to the national system in charge of the public security in Mexico, the level of violence in the country has been on the rise for the past few years. In the year 2006, there were 10253 murders on the record, 11806 in 2007, 16811 in 2008, and 22480 murders in the year 2009. The masterminds of these deaths are the cartels who manslaughter the innocent civilian who stand on the way of the illegal activities. The center of conflict in this country revolves around the drug business. There is a lot of disagreement, competition and rivalry in the performance within the restrained drug routes and markets amongst the cartels. The outcome of the conflicts is a violent campaign of one group against the other. The other thorn on the wound has been the deployment of the military personnel by the government to end the drug business across the country’s border. This has not resolved the violence problem since the military uses force and fire exchange to control the cartels activiti es, hence contributing to the crises. As the aspect of jealousy continues to dominate in this drug related activities, other social crimes have cropped up. Their effects have left no segment of the society immune. The violence has given birth to the practices such as criminal gangs
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Fun for Life Essay Example for Free
Fun for Life Essay Many topics for you to try. Some of these came from IELTS and other textbooks, others are from websites. You can also see TWE (Test of Written English) topics from the TOEFL exam here. Use CTRL+F to find keywords or topics from this page in your browser. The destruction of the world’s forests is inevitable as our need for land and food grows. Do you agree? Write this essay in the forum! See what other people think of your writing! Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss. Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives? Are our zoos cruel to wild animals? Are women are better parents than men? Are zoos are necessary for education? Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Children should never be educated at home by their parents. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Computers can translate all kinds of languages well. Do our children need to learn more languages in the future? Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss. Discuss some of the arguments for and against keeping animals in zoos. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of giving international aid to poor countries. Do the benefits of study abroad justify the difficulties?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Java vs C :: Essays Papers
Java vs C Java vs. C++ papers = Since their inception, computers have played an increasingly important role in today’s society. Advancements in technology have enabled computers to become faster and cheaper. Today, the majority of families own a home computer that is vastly more powerful than giant mainframes of years gone by. Computer hardware has been evolving rapidly with no end in sight, and with all of the advancements in computer hardware come advancements in computer software; gone are the days when FORTRAN and COBOL were the languages of choice. Today, vvv two hot new object oriented programming languages have entered the computer programming arena, Java and C++, this paper will examine the similarities and differences between these new languages. Both Java and C++ are object oriented programming languages, but what does that mean? Object oriented programming (OOP) emphasizes data, instead of algorithms for solving problems. Instead of trying to fit a problem to the procedural a pproach of a language, OOP attempts to fit the language to the problem, in other words, OOP is structured to produce an answer without changing the question. Object oriented programming involves two separate parts, class and objects. Class is a specification that describes a new data form, it is a template that defines how an object will look and behave.(Kaj 1996, 8) An object is that particular data structure constructed using the parameters defined by class.(Prata 1995, 5) The object oriented programming approach to program design is to first design classes that accurately represent those things with which the program deals. A drawing program, for example, might define classes to represent rectangles, lines, circles, brushes, pens, and the like. The class definitions, recall, include a descriptions of permissible options for each class, such as moving a circle or rotating a line.(Prata 1995, 5) The main advantages of OOP, besides being able to create more complex software, and dev elop answers without changing the questions, are numerous. OOP facilitates creating reusable code, which can save a lot of work. Information can be hidden to safeguard data from improper access. Polymorphism lets the programmer create multiple definitions for operators and functions, with the programming context determining which definition is used, also Inheritance lets the programmer derive new classes from older ones. When using OOP, the programmer can focus on representing concepts, instead of concentrating on tasks. (Prata 1995, 6) Java, although in many respects similar to C++, is actually just a more simplified version of the latter.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Job Analysis Essay
The reason for job analysis is to study and evaluate the things that a job is supposed to involve. This is describing exactly what skills are needed to perform the job, and what the exact qualifications are to fill the position. Job analysis is a method needed when the employee need to know the precise function. An example would be that an employee’s duties should be clearly stated. So, a jobs analyst is to observe the employee at his or her current duties. This is also helpful in deciding what the requirements are to perform this job more effectively. As well jobs continue to change so a job analyst n should watch for any changes so that things are kept put o date. The job analyst should therefore be familiar with the job a well as the position. â€Å"The job analysis will lead directly to development of numerous other significant workers (tools): job requirements, job assessment as well as job performance criteria†(Spector, 2008). Today families are shattered, language barriers are high, violence is a standard, and then education which does not get to high a priority. Counselors typically deal with these types of students that have tangible needs, emotional troubles, and behavioral issues. Counselors have an ear for listening; shoulders to cry on and a firm facilitator for regulations are what a school counselor should use. Before becoming a school counselor a person needs to become part of the educational system as a teacher. There are 10 principles that significant according to the Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium when reviewing candidates for the position of school counselor. These principle consist of â€Å"learning styles and diversity, motivation and behavior, interpersonal relationships, communication and knowledge, instructional strategies and problem solving, planning for instruction, making content meaningful, assessment, child development and learning theory, and planning for instruction†INTASC, 2008). Many educators, mainly at an elementary age level, have a filled classroom with minimal resources in regards to discipline. It is important to keep a firm control of authority so as to support appropriate learning environment. Behavior is a test demonstrated by students to push more each day in bold new ways. Since these ideas have been said a prospective counselor in education needs to discern and recognize the benefits as well as the risks that are involved. The risks implicated the issues with reluctant and non participating family members with his or her child’s plan for behavioral concerns. The benefits are clear, when a school s filled with enjoyable, interactive programs t is pursued by a renewed sense of elation to from the students. Position Analysis Questionnaire Method The importance of job analysis in education is imperative. A systematic evaluation of a position for a school counselor aids in the supervised development of quality job performance. An Industrial and Organizational Psychologist employ wide range of techniques to perform accurate analysis on all jobs. An example would be functional job analysis, task inventories, job components inventory, and position analysis questionnaire. School counselors at the elementary level are most commonly given the positions analysis questionnaire. Job position for school counselors reflects services, codes, and programs this s found n Chapter 33 of the Texas Educational Code, Title 2 of the Texas Education Agency, or TEA. The basis of employment positions are required skills and the education a person needs to have to apply for a job. Counselors in Texas, has to have a degree n a Masters program with an credited University also have an official teaching certificate from Texas. In addition a people are required to teach a classroom setting for two years or more before an application for the counselor’s certification will be processed. A good score on certification examinations and a national finger print background check will then allow for the person to become an accredited applicant for school counselor (TEA, 2011). In 1996 across the state of Texas the Texas Evaluation Model for Professional School Counselors (TEMPSCO) was implemented. This serves as a form of regular analysis of an all school counselors. It is also pertinent for counselors teaching grades Pre-School -12th grades. It is documented on The School Guidance and Counseling Job Evaluation Form. Eight Domains of Job Performance There are a multitude of sub categories to the eight domains that are observed in the job analysis. This includes certain standards of personal behavior and job performance of the person in this position. All of the standards are provided by the Texas Education Code, Title 2, Public Education, Subtitle F. Curriculum, Programs, and Services: Service Programs nd Extracurricular Activities; Subchapter A; School Counselors and Counseling Programs (TEA, 2011). This requires practicing counselors to assess, arrange and administer developmental programs (including resources in a program and paraprofessionals) designed for other teachers, parents as well as students. Developmental programs need to concentrate on developing decision making, interpersonal effectiveness, self confidence, goal setting, cross cultural effectiveness, planning, communication, responsible behavior, and motivation to achieve (TEA, 2011). Also a school counselor is directed to oversee, review as well as plan guidance programs for students that have â€Å"developmental needs†. These needs are made up of physical disabilities, behavioral disorders, as well as learning disabilities. The addition of students who have disabilities is the essential goal for the TEA. Seen throughout the school district are the continued encouragement of other students and more importantly the parents of the child all through the domain of program management and guidance requirements. A school counselor is suppose to be able to openly counsel the students n a time of emergency, suffering, and other non specified issues. School counselors need to therefore consider many variables and use core concepts that are use n the field of Psychology. TEA advises the counselors to be current on theories and techniques that are believed to be satisfactory to achieve and establish individual, learning, community and occupational development for the students. There is a high standard for professionalism and compliance that counselors are held to. School counselors have to reflect proper moral, ethical, as well as lawful standards of behavior. Indecent use of communications or language and violation of school rules will not be allowed during any time for anyone that is n the educational system. This person is not only an advocate for the school, the students and parents, as well as the entire field of psychology. Reliability and Validity Reality and validity in regards to the job analysis of school counselor has significantly improving in comparison to earlier performed evaluations. The text materials and research carefully provides insight into each category and the requirement for each job position for further review and research. A list of certifications and prerequisite procedures are also listed. Evaluating eight levels of job requirements are: counseling, student assessment, professional standards, rogram management, coordination, guidance, and consulting (TEA, 2011). There are several columns or questions the evaluator has to answer. This is done with a score of 1-5 with each of the eight domain levels. The equivalent of the rating scale reflects the following: 1=unsatisfactory, 2=below, 3= meets the standards. 4=exceeds the standards, and 5= clearly outstanding. If the criteria or standard doesn’t pertain to the applicant during the evaluation NA will also apply. There is also a place on the evaluation to be left blank intentionally that will be used by the evaluator that includes his or her personal information, notes telling strengths additional comments that he or she has for the personnel, as well as areas that need to be worked on. Conclusion Depression, addictions, bipolar disorder, stress, divorce, anger, post traumatic stress disorder, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are just a few of the many factors and disorders that a person would receive advice, therapy, and counseling. These disorders and factors affect numerous students and families alike. Therefore there is a need for ethical, compassionate, and competent school counselors are essential. There is also a dramatic difference in the salary based scale and the worth of a job position for school counselors and a professional licensed counselor n private practice. However, the wish to better children’s lives through forms of developmental programs, advocacy for success and psychotherapy, outweigh any financial gain.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Medical Career vs. Fashion Design
Fashion Design Career As teenagers, high scholars or even college students, we always struggle with big questions†¦ What career am I going to pick? , What career suits me better? , Am I going to be able to do it?. We have been through those stages of adolescence, at least, I've past through them, and to be honest, sometimes those questions doesn't give you a concrete answer until you give a try and risk yourself into something new.Sometimes o have to look for pro/con to see what's best for you, that's why I'm looking for an answer through this essay. Medical career ; Fashion design are very different, but they do have some similarities. The medical career is a great profession. It career requires many skills and time to be successful. Behind a great doctor, is a hard and long Medical Career, there's a lot of sacrifices you have to do to success in that area.Medical career requires time and dedication, the length of the career is 7 years and 4 extra depending on the specialty o w ant, some specialties are 7 years long like neurosurgeon for example. After medical career you are required to work in a hospital or a private clinic, by becoming a doctor, you learn or gain the ability to save life's and cure illness, being able to help others makes you feel better despite of the salary of a Doctor, which most of the times is pretty high.But most of Medical School Students doesn't sacrifice sleep or eating hours for money, they really do it for solidarity. Fashion design is a creative and rewarding profession. It career requires a creative pen mind, a good point of view and time to practice. As we know, fashion industry is constantly innovating and creating new things, ideas, styles. It's not a relevant thing or area, but for some people It becomes a life style.Fashion designers workplace can be in a lot of places depending on what they want to do, they can work as designers, visual merchandisers, stylists, image consulter, make up stylist, chief editor of a magazi ne, even an assistant to a celebrity, to become a good Fashion designer, you need to have a good eye, creativity and the skills to improve something to a better ay or even to create something wonderful from scratch. During the career you spent more time in the practical part than in the lecture room, the salaries of a fashion designer depends on the Job they get.Medical Career and Fashion Design have some similarities despite of the types of the career. Both careers have things in common. Fashion industry and Medical area are very competitive when it gets to find a good Job after finishing the career, you need to know how to work as a team, both careers requires different type of clothes, in a capital there's always Doctors wearing Blue clothes or white scrubs, and mostly of fashion designers always wear important brands clothes or the latest fashion style.Salaries between these careers are different, and it depends of how good you are in your area. Although both careers are similar , they also have many differences. Seeking a career can be difficult for so many people, mostly teenagers or young adults. Some people Just look for what they suit better, but for me, the best career is the one that you choose with your heart based on your learning skills.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
essay121 Essays - Finance, Money, Economy, Free Essays, Term Papers
essay121 Essays - Finance, Money, Economy, Free Essays, Term Papers I was accepted into the Dental Hygiene Program at Howard for fall 2016. I am independent resident in the District of Columbia and work to support myself. I have been applying to grants, scholarships, and loans since I submitted my application to the program back in February 2016 . I have not received approval on any grants, scholarships, and loans as of September 30, 2017 . I currently have a bachelors and I am paying off my student loans to Great Lakes and Virginia Commonwealth University (Heartland Loan). I have used up my Pell Grant eligibility and my Federal Aid has only awarded me 12500.00 for the 2016-2017 school year. I have reached out to my mother for her help to cosign on any type of loan but she has declined due to her already putting money towards my undergraduate degree. I have reach ed out to my brother as well and he is not in a position to cosign for me. I went to my Wells Fargo bank on April 25, 2016 when I found out I was wait-listed for the Hygiene program. I applied for a student loan and was denied due to my credit report . When I graduated in 2013, I faced a financial hardship from being unemployed and was unable to make payments on my credit card from Wells Fargo or make payments on student loans. I didn't pay off the credit card in full and start making payments on my loans to rebuild my credit until 2015. I still have the charge off on my account even though the debt has been paid off. This has made it very difficult for me to get approved for loans, even private loans with high interest rates. I have applied to Sallie Mae an d Sofi for student loans and have been sent denial letters on August 10, 2016 and October 1, 2017 . I have exhausted all of my options and even request that Trans Union mail me a letter stating my debt has been paid off to reapply to more loans. This is my second time applying to Howard's competitive Hygiene program with only 10 seats for this semester. I have worked so hard to get into this program but unfortunately I did not have enough aid to continue the program and was forced to withdraw after fall semester. The director has held my seat to return this Fall and I am currently enrolled. My remaining balance for this semester after estimated aid is $6,558.00. Obtaining this degree means so much to me and I would greatly appreciate any help.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel
My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel Dan Burns is the author of A Fine Line and Recalled to Life. He is also an award-winning writer for the screen and stage. In this article, Dan talks about overcoming the â€Å"where do I start?†question that plagues many writers at the onset of their career. His advice for overcoming that doubt? Start small, and see where your story takes you. Stop asking, â€Å"Where do I start?†and just startMany people talk about being a writer but have difficulty actually getting started. Writing is hard, and often the ideas are there but the approach is elusive. Where do I start? I get that: it’s scary to put yourself out there and not see your ideas pan out the way you want them to. That’s why I recommend starting small and building on an idea over time. This approach helps me maintain my status as a working writer and overcome roadblocks. If putting your ideas out there scares you, start small and build your story slowly. As for Sebastian Drake, he continues to bug me to write as his story still has so much room for growth. I can only imagine where he’ll take me next.A Fine Line is available in hard cover and on Amazon Kindle.For more information, visit Dan Burns' website.Please share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Dan Burns, in the comments below!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Knowledge, Truth, Belief Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Knowledge, Truth, Belief - Assignment Example One should then seek out processes that are reliable. In all these, we see that any explications, even externalist explications, revolve around and make use of the internalist concepts (Chisholm 295). Goldman is an externalist, by explaining his position in justification after facts. He believes that the justification status of a certain belief is a function of the processes’ reliability. This is an externalistic approach. He disputes Chisholm’ internalist approach that justification status of a certain belief is something that the cognizer determines or is able to know. It is not necessary for the cognizer to know that a certain belief is justified. Rather, it is the reliability of the process that is important; that is, justifying your action after tested/reliable facts. There is a need for a merger between the two approaches. Internalism and externalism on their own provide unsatisfactory responses in answering the deepest epistemological issues (Laurence 8). For a belief to be justified, it is important to possess internal belief. However, it is imperative to base this internal belief on reliable processes. Hence, justification should not solely be determined by factors which are internal to person. For a proper response to epistemological issues, a hybrid of the two systems should be
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Major Sales ( Marketing Analysis Paper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Major Sales ( Marketing Analysis Paper) - Essay Example (Bonoma, 2006). The buyer – seller relationship is unique setting in which psychology play a huge role in the outcome of the intervention. Psychology is about understanding people’s needs and how to fulfill them (Heywood, 2007). The sales strategy utilized by a company must take into consideration how to fulfill the desires of the customers in order to obtain a final sale. An interesting scenario from the article written by Thomas Bonoma involved a company that had the best prices in the industry, but it was being outperformed by competitors because other companies were offering higher discount to the customer to finalize the sale even though their final prices were higher. This example clearly shows the perception of a higher discount played into the customers mind and created a false illusion of offering a better deal. The corporate world is complex which implies that a seller can not target a single person in a company when making a sales approach. In order to be effective at selling it is important to combine the individual and group dynamics of buying to predict what the buyer decision unit will do (Bonoma, 2007). A company can be visualize as a buying center which has different components within the organization. A corporate sale requires the salesperson to make an approach to different people within the organization to obtain results. Once the sales pitch is given to the initiator of the target this person will pass the information along to others for evaluation. The key for the salesperson is to ensure the information reaches the hands of the decision makers within the organization which are the ones that ultimately make the decision to purchase the product or service. Selling is an art and a science at the same which must be mastered by the seller. Persuasion is an element that can help salespeople a lot. If for example a particular characteristic of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Art & the Surreal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Art & the Surreal - Essay Example One of the most famous surrealists is Salvadore Dali, a Spanish artist who expressed himself in making photographic sketches that presenting irrational objects. Swans Reflecting Elephants is one amazing work of Dali which pictures swans swimming on a lake whose reflections in the water appear like elephants. Showing the main features of a surrealist work of art, Dali juxtaposed the beauty and serenity seen in swans to the heavy appearance of the beast of burden, the elephant. Other contrasting images in the painting are the dark, nightmarish images in and around the lake with the use of colors, and the bright, cloudless sky behind the lake. This style arouses the imagination of viewers with the artist intentionally making use of the subconscious in the hope of awakening the totality of a person (Duiker 84). The extreme presentations of the expressions of surrealist artists in their art works intend to shock its viewers into facing the realities of life. Aside from paintings and sculp tors, surreal ideas were also expressed in literary forms. However, though in a different expression, the views are similarly seen in poets’ literary styles.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Impact Of Social Media Media Essay
The Impact Of Social Media Media Essay In the era of everything instant, the perception of living life has dramatically changed. From the perspective that life is to too hard to live, it has now become an adage that life is easy and living it is should be much easier. Thanks to the comfort of modern technology and globalization, people are becoming more interconnected and interdependent. One of the great features of the unprecedented rise of the global cultures is attributed to the revolution of the Internet and social media. Almost everything has become so easy and so instant. Currently, the worlds by which define our reality have been changed by social media. We can do anything and everything through a globally wired network that enables instant communication. Socialnomics is the value created and shared via social media and its efficient influence on outcomes (Qualman 2010, p. xxi). Moreover, socialnomics is a revolution driven by people and enabled by the social media. A case in point is the most popular social networking site called Facebook. According to a blog in Birds Eye Media (2010), Facebook recently celebrated its six-year online presence. Its growing presence has enabled people to communicate more freely and have access to news and important updates. Information exchange occurs within and among the people we interact with in this new media platform. It provides the opportunity to reconnect with friends and loved ones. Social media works like a digital word-of-mouth where information dissemination is just a click away. In this age of globalization, social media networking has significantly altered the way we view realities and handle our relationships with other people. The Impact of Social Media Social media affects the way we write and speak the written word (Sherman 2010). Sherman noted that writing is more concise because the presence of a limited character spaces in Facebook and Twitter. People are challenged to convey their message to friends and the world within a 140 character limit. The task of writing something in a shorter and concise manner in Facebook as well as in SMS has changed how we communicate using different spellings and abbreviations (Sherman 2010). In another website article, Laurie (2010) cited six aspects in which social media has arguably made permanent effects on the lives of the people and the manner in which it is lived. The first aspect is child literacy. Children of today are more literate than in previous years, according to a survey made by The National Literacy Trust where over 3000 children were included. It was observed that a correlation existed between childrens engagement in social media and literacy. Today, even school-age children have active Facebook profiles. This has become a major turning point as users of social networking media vary from the very old to the very young. Social networking has enabled easy access for children in searching for answers on educational or social questions and in sharing what they know by posting links and videos gathered from the Web. Secondly, social networking has led to ambient intimacy since it allows people to be in touch with loved ones with a different level of regularit y which people would not normally have access to. Communication has become so ambient that we can use it wherever we want it. Facebook culture paved the way for the development of new levels of behaviors in relationship in general. Moreover, relationship statuses can be instantly changed and somehow be regarded that relationships can be had easily. It also becomes a venue for groups and various advocacies to form a niche and have their own chatroom and discussion board. In this manner, information is spread like a viral infection. Another aspect of change impacted by social media is the evident accessibility of knowledge (Laurie, 2010). The quote knowledge is power applies greatly in this Information age. The way information is produced and shared has changed with the advent of the Internet. Instant information can be viewed from popular search engines and knowledge in this manner has become a collaborative effort. The same thing with the advancement in the literacy level of children, anyone can be as knowledgeable as the person speaking in front of a lecture. Our own desire for knowledge is there and we can only ask ourselves if we want it (Laurie 2010). Social media has also reinvented politics (Laurie 2010). Accordingly, younger people are encouraged to be actively participating in matters of politics. Obamas successful election was helped by the proliferation of advocate groups created in support of his candidacy. Different countries used the networking culture to share their political ideologies via Facebook. Fan pages where created where the number of likes is akin to the number of hits in YouTube. This also enables the exchange of dialogues between politicians and the common citizen. Someone can just post a comment and share his sentiment over a wall in a Facebook page and this could be read by all. All these are just signs of the influence of social media in politics and it is not surprisingly increasing from users all over the world. Marketing in the age of Facebook has greatly contributed to the immense popularity of products advertised on it. Businesses now are compelled to engage in social media for marketing and advertisement because the economic potential of social media increases marketability in an easier and cheaper manner (Qualman 2010). Subscriptions to costly newspapers are not relevant when consumers are pushed to a timelier and free service in the net done at the comfort of your home or in the exact point where you are. Marketing and advertising is transforming itself from an industry reliant on mass market channels to one which must embrace the power of the consumer and attempt to engage in conversations (Has Social Media Changed Us 2010). While advertising is not a dying industry, is has changed dramatically in its platform and in that consumers now have the power. The last areas in which Laurie (2010) addressed on the effect of social media is the usage of the news as a cultural currency. Consumers are viewed as active participants of the network created. News can be gathered and can be passed around people within the network. Facebook is a perfect example of this tool as it is our tendency to connect first with our loved one and the people we encounter on a daily basis. Faster than the speed of light, gossip can be spread easily, status updates can be a source of a heated online argument where everyone on the network can track and read the long thread of dialogue. With all these, we have become more sociable, and somehow it is making us an epitome of social (Laurie 2010). Greene (2010) stated that social media has changed the lives of people in three ways. The idea of traditional media being replaced by social media makes it a biased look on how this revolution changed lives. Older people need not be scared of these new social media as the assimilation of both can be done without hints of failure because this is the direction our world is heading (Greene 2010). Moreover, the possibility of making friends around the world other than your workplace opens up your horizons to a better understanding of how to live in the 21st century. That is what Facebook does. Making friends and socializing becomes much easier compared to outside of the networking world. Some may be apprehensive but others are learning the ways and means on becoming more socially active and visible. Engaging social media encourages conversations and exchanges of ideas. A timid person who is afraid to say his opinions can now share his side without the fear of talking to someone in person al way. The efficiency of work and the level of productivity has also increased with the use of social media (Greene 2010). Cohen and Feld (2011) stated that social media has made business world more collaborative, fun and dynamic for everyone. But a level of inclusivity is on the rise in the exclusive world of networking (Greene 2010). The last important area which Greene (2010) tackled was the death of privacy. Today, 92 percent of two-year olds have an online record in the United States. Everything in life can be archived as the years pass. The issue of privacy is a matter that was taken seriously by Facebook administration as well as other popular networking sites. It is an advantage to take a look at the disclaimers popping out when creating an online account as this could cost someones private life. Privacy settings can be changed and the level of privacy in Facebook can be customized according to your restrictions. Even reporting abuse and fraud is incorporated in the interface of the networking sites so that people can block and delete hasty, violent and abusive language. As quoted from Brian Solis, we are entering an era of publicness or publicy, where are solely responsible for creating and defining our online persona (Greene 2010). Casciato (2010) believes that social media has changed the way social discourse is made between and among individuals. Conversations on the Internet are mediated and are available in real time. Social media allows one to make status updates, tweets, and blogs and text messages, without worrying about traditional social conventions such as dress. Conversations initiated over Facebook allows one to interact with another person from another part of the globe even in ones underwear. Social labels have also been change because of social media. In the past, people who are glued to computers for more than the 8 hour a day requirement for jobs are either labeled as geeks or nerds. Nowadays, being cool is being equated to how much time you spend on Facebook and how updated you are in posting status, pictures, or links. Moreover, the dynamics in Facebook can be considered narcissistic because speaking in the third person while updating what you are doing, feeling, or thinking is like staging o nes own reality show (Casciato 2010). Social media networking has also changed the way personal relationships are handled. Casciato (2010) stated that breaking up in the digital age has become unbelievably messy. The dilemma of removing someone from the network friends list, untagging someone from a post in order to separate ones identity from a past love would create a heavy burden of distinguishing reality from the virtual world. Social media has also made an impact on workers productivity. Procrastination in the workplace has become efficient ever since social media networking sites became popular (Casciato, 2010). The first thing that occupies the mind at work is to check and update ones status in Facebook. Meanwhile, features have a tendency to distract, whether it is a chatbox that pops up and engages you in a conversation or a red notification flag which appears to tell you that somebody posted on your wall. The cycle eventually goes on with hours of productivity lost in the process (Casciato 2010). Conclusion Social media or the so-called Facebook effect has changed how we socialize, gather information, and work in many ways. Communication, literacy, business and marketing, relationships, politics and culture are the key areas noted to have been greatly affected by this vast and growing social media hype. It has become a company that has changed social life in the United States and around the world (Kirkpatrick 2010). It has been visible and powerful in shaping how we look at the world. While it has its numerous benefits, social media should be used responsibly without disregarding the basic principles of ethical conduct.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Off to the Mall Essay -- essays research papers
"Let's go to the mall." This comment is one of the few statements that can be heard coming from the mouths of both sexes. While typically associated with shopping, and thus automatically, and unfairly, females, going to the mall has mutual attractions to both males and females. Since the massive increase of shopping malls in this country, the popularity of "going to the mall" has increased a thousand fold for everyone. For females the reason that "going to the mall" is so popular is very clear. Females were always taught that their rightful place is at home taking care of their families (this statement is aid without trying to sound chauvinistic). When the car made a sudden impact on the world during the middle part of the century, even more responsibility's were added to the wife's list of "to do's." The wife no longer just took care of the family. She now was able to go out and shop for food, clothes, or anything else that her family may need. In a sense the wife now had more freedom to take care of the family by being away from the home more. Today women are no different then their 1950's counterparts. While contemporary women are much more free-minded about their own place in society, there still lies the motherly instinct to go out and purchase for the family. This instinct may change in time, but until that change occurs this cause shall remain as the chief reason why women "got to the mall" or "go shopping." ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Us Immigration History
Terms United Irishmen- were harassed by British, support French revolution US supported Britain against the French War Brides act: Servicemen could bring their spouses from foreign lands into the U. S. (non-quota immigrants) 1980 Refugee Policy-Central Americans (Salvadorians and Guatemalans) came under this policy while others were coming in as non refugees. Immigration Reform and Control Act (I. R. C. A)-does 3 things Raises the immigration ceiling for the whole world. More slots to distribute Grants amnesty to undocumented residents that could prove that they were living here since 1982 Fined people who employed undocumented workersForced Repatriation- in 1934, Mexican and citizens of the Philippines are repatriated. Gentlemen’s Agreement- In 1907, an agreement was established between Japan and US where Japan would stop labor emigration and the US would limit immigrant restrictions against them (such as ending segregation in schools in San Francisco). Happened after the Rus so-Japanese war. Indentured Servitude: Debt bondage that was used in the colonial period in which one person would cover the travel cost into the colonies and in return they would work off the debt and upon completion would be given some land. his was the major way in which people got others to work the land for them and it was the system that was in place before slavery became popular. Assimilation- Basically, conformity into the US culture. Migrant- someone who has moved across one national frontier Emigration- wants to recreate a place where they came from i. e. New England, New York, New Mexico, New Spain, New Amsterdam Sojourners- someone who comes to America without the intention of staying here. In other words they come to make dough, but then leave. Italians and Greeks.Ravenstein’s Law- long migration occurs into urban areas, Rural dwellers are more migratory than urban dwellers, migration is mostly due to economic reasons Transnationalism- Primarily focuses on exchan ges, connections and practices across borders. It as if be â€Å"neither here nor there†since a migrant lives a multi sited life where exchanges and interactions across borders are a regular part migrants’ realities and activities-> Ex. Immigrants from Mexico can be living in the U. S but have continuous connections with their families in Mexico.League of Nations- Internal Security Act- In 1950, this gave the president power to incarcerate persons in peacetime. It applied to citizens as well as aliens. It was passed over President Truman’s veto. It also required communists to register with the government. 1940 Smith Act- set penalties for advocating the overthrow of the U. S. government. Required all non-citizen adults to register with the government. Visas could be refused to those deemed a danger to public safety. This was directed at Nazi sympathizers and radicals. 986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)- Raised the immigration ceiling to 540,000 a yea r. It also attempted to deal with immigrants already present, granting amnesty for unauthorized immigrants who could prove they had resided in the U. S. since a certain date. It also included stiff sanctions for employers of undocumented immigrants such as charging them fines. It was not successful due to a strong labor demand and lack of enforcement. Know Nothing Party- Nativist group active in the mid 19th century. They were concerned with political corruption and immigrant involvement in political machines.Rather than seeking to restrict immigration, the Know Nothing Party wanted to make it more difficult for immigrants to naturalize or hold high offices. They proposed a requirement of a 21 year period for naturalization. They were also anti-Catholic. LPC- â€Å"likely to become a public charge†. Clause of the Immigration Act of 1882 (transmuted in 1892). Aspect of nativism. Originally applied to persons who were obviously unable and/or unlikely to be able to support thems elves. During the Great Depression it was interpreted more strictly. 1917 Immigration Act- Passed over President Wilson’s veto.Required a literacy test for admission. This tightened restrictions on radicals. It also created the Asiatic Barred Zone (everything except the Philippines and Japan) from which immigration is barred. It reflected fears as well as the relationship of the U. S. to other nations/foreign policy. Foraker Act 1900- Under this act, Puerto Ricans were nationals, not U. S. citizens like contemporary FIlipinos. Immigration Restriction League- Formed in 1894 by a group of young Harvard graduates. It became the most influential single pressure group arguing for a fundamental change in American immigration policy.According to one of its founders, Prescott F. Hall, the question for Americans to decide was whether they wanted their country â€Å"to be peopled by British, German and Scandinavian stock, historically free, energetic, progressive, or by Slav, Latin, a nd Asiatic races [referring to Jews rather than Chinese or Japanese] historically downtrodden, atavistic and stagnant†. The league and its chief political spokesman, Henry Cabot Lodge pushed for literacy tests as the best way to improve the quality of the incoming immigrants. Agricultural Labor Relations Act- 1975 California.Established collective bargaining for farmworkers. This helped protect the rights of employees. 1921 Quota Act- limited annual immigration to 3% of foreign born of each nationality in the US in the year 1910. It imposed an annual ceiling of 350,000 quota admissions: 55% from Northern and Western Europe, 45% from other countries (nearly all Southern and Eastern European). It introduced new collective measures to allow non-quota or unlimited admissions of immediate relatives of US citizens and immigrants from the Western Hemisphere. 924 Johnson Reed Act (Second Quota Act) – Limited immigration further, to 2% of the number of each nationality group who lived in the US in 1890. It lowered the total annual ceiling of quota immigrants to 165,000, increased the share of Northern and Western European potential immigrants to 86% (142,000), and decreased the share from Southern and Eastern Europe to 11% (18,000). It barred Asian immigration entirely (effective for Japanese and for foreign born wives and children of US citizens of Chinese ancestry).Filipinos could still come outside the quota system because they were American â€Å"nationals†. 1934 Philippines Independence Act- Provided for Philippine’s independence on July 4, 1946. Filipinos lost their status as US nationals and were restricted to a token quota of 50 per year. 1942 Executive Order 9066- Issued by President Franklin Roosevelt. It authorized the US army to imprison 120,000 Japanese Americans, two-thirds of them US citizens and the rest ineligible for citizenship on racial grounds. 1942-64 Bracero Program- for Mexican laborers outside usual immigration contro ls.It was due to a labor shortage during WWII. Under the program, the US guaranteed that Mexican workers would receive specified minimum wages and certain living and working conditions, although many complaints were filed against employers who did not meet those standards. The WWII program had about 200,000 braceros in the US. Its peak year was 1959 when 450,000 braceros entered. It was an important landmark in the history of Latin American migration to the US. The notion was that Mexicans would be temporary workers or guest workers.While many returned home, many others became permanent residents. 1952 McCarran-Walter Act- passed over President Truman’s veto, reaffirming the national origins quota system and setting the total annual immigration limit to one-sixth of one percent of the population of the continental US in 1920. It exempted spouses and children of US citizens and people born in the Western Hemisphere from quotas. It also created a system of preferences within th e quotas for persons with needed occupations. It ended racial limits to immigration and naturalization, giving Japan a token quota of 100. 954 Operation â€Å"Wetback†- It removed one million Mexican immigrants from the Southwest amid numerous civil rights violations. It was staged by the INS, who reported that it had deported or expelled 3. 8 million Mexicans. 1965 Hart-Cellar act- abolished the national origins quota system. It created an Eastern Hemisphere system of equal visa limits per country of 20,000 annually. It placed the first limits on Western Hemisphere immigration. The hold total limited admissions to 290,000 per year: 170,000 from the Eastern Hemisphere and 120,000 from the Western Hemisphere.It also established an admission class not subject to limitation. It revised the occupation-first, family-reunion-second preference system to put family reunion first and occupations second. AIPAC- American Israel Public Affairs Committee, formed in 1963. This was an effec tive pro-Israel lobby. They established a close relationship with both parties in the US. United Irish- Mainly middle class Protestants. They wanted an end to British rule/aristocracy. They were strong believers in the French Revolution. Repatriation- sending someone back to their country of origin.The forced repatriation of Mexicans and Filipinos occurred in 1934. Angel Island- An island located in the San Francisco Bay. It was used as an immigration station from 1910-1940. Due to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, many Chinese were interrogated and detained on the island, some for years. Triangle Shirt-Waist Factory- This was a shop belonging to Eastern European Jews in New York City. A fire occurred in 1911, in which 146 workers, almost all young women, were burned to death or died leaping from high windows. This reflected the subpar conditions of many factories.It helped lead to the relatively early organization of garment workers in unions. AFL/CIO- American Federation of Labor . It was a union group founded in 1886. Mostly Irish men. Organized almost exclusively among skilled workers. In 1955 the AFL merged with Congress of Industrial Organizations to form the AFL-CIO. Puerto Rico + Gonzales Case-Isabel Gonzales traveled to New York from Puerto Rico where she was detained as an alien immigrant. January of 1904, the court ruled that under immigration law Gonzales was not a alien therefore could not be denied entry. The court however declined to state if she was a U. S. citizen.The importance of this case is the question if habitants of new island territories of the U. S. were considered citizens. Their citizenship remained ambiguous and Puerto Rican became known as â€Å"non citizen†nationals Immigration Act 1882-LPC Clause- Page Law- 1875, barred entry to Chinese and Japanese prostitutes, felons, and contract laborers. Spanish American War (1898)- Puerto Rico was annexed by the US in the aftermath of the war. Cuba was also liberated from Spain alo ng with Philippines. Little Italy Chinatown Federal Immigration Law 1891- statute that showed concern for both the physical and mental condition of prospective immigrants.It barred the immigration of â€Å"all idiots, insane persons, paupers or persons likely to become a public charge, persons suffering from a loathsome or contagious disease, persons who have been convicted of a felony or other infamous crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, and polygamists†. Mexican Immigration Industrialization/ Urbanization- early 1800s-early 1900s. These were great changes in this century. People moved from the country to the city. Nativism- anti-immigrant activity. It occurred in 3 phases: anti-Catholic [1830s-1850s], anti-Asian[1870s-mid 1900s], and anti-all immigrants[1880s-? ].Nativist attitudes have always been present. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Immigration Act of 1924 are examples of nativist influence on immigration policy. Ethnicity vs. Race- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)- Mexican American civil rights organization. Founded in the 1920s. Thind vs US- U. S. Supreme Court case in which the decision finding was that no person of East Indian origin could become a naturalized American. (1923) British Passenger Acts- attempted to deflect immigration from the British Isles to Canada rather than the US by making it much more expensive to travel to the latter.Canada bound ships were more easily accessible and convenient for Irish immigrants. Great Famine 1846-a period of starvation and disease from 1845-1852. Over 1 million people died and a drastic number migrated elsewhere. the famine created a diaspora as Ireland’s population decreased by as much as 25%. the cause of the famine was a potato disease known as potato blight. Manifest Destiny 1839- idea that the US should expand its influence. This ideology resulted in more aggressive land grabbing and in the homestead act that gave people land for free as long as they im proved the land. n other parts of the world, it led to colonization of the philippines via the Spanish-American War and to the inclusion of Texas via the Mexican American War. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- 1848 treaty at the end of the Mexican-American War that made Mexico pay the US as well as giving up the southwest states (California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado). the treaty had included a right to give Mexicans American Citizenship if they were within the lost territories but that was never enacted. Foreign Miners Tax 1850- This was a tax on gold that forced Chinese to pay 3 dollars a month when they were only making approximately six.If an immigrant couldn’t pay the tax, the tax collectors were allowed to take possessions equalling the amount owed, however most tax collectors took advantage of the fact that foreigners did not speak english well, and over taxed them. Texas Independence 1836- Cultural Pluralism- the preservation of one’s culture even within another society. This term applies to Chinatown and Little Italy. Pueblo Revolt 1680- Century of Migration- 1830’s-1920’s we are a nation of immigrants. During this time over 50 million immigrants came to the US leaving only 1. 7% of the population of Native people. i enrolled in this class about immigration nd learned about coming to the us nation the chinese were hated, the Italians were debated while the Irish came early and became integrated the irish were in politics and became racist dicks the chinese worked for small fee’s which is why the white men wanted them to flee while italians came, in order to play the game, but living in the US was not their aim. thats my song on immigration. Essays 4. Write an essay discussing the significance of nativism in US history. What were the forces giving rise to nativism at different moments in history and how did nativism affect immigrants and American society and politics more generally? Nativist attitudes ha ve always been present in American society. Nativism, or anti-immigrant activity influenced the treatment of immigrants as well as legislation. It occurred in 3 phases: anti-Catholic [1830s-1850s], anti-Asian [1870s-mid 1900s], and anti-all immigrants [1880s-mid 1900s]. Generally nativism has been more prevalent during times when Americans have been divided and lacking confidence in the future. Influxes of immigrants have contributed it nativism as well. Nativism also rose during war when immigrants’ loyalty was questioned. nti-Catholic Relatively large numbers of Irish and German Catholic immigrants, many of them desperately poor, began to arrive in the late 1820s and early 1830s. The costs of maintaining the poor were mounting. With growing Irish and German Catholic immigration, Catholics and Catholicism were seen as an internal threat of republican principles and of the republic itself. In eastern cities this sentiment often turned violent. Much of this violence wa s directed at convents and churches. 1840s and 50s the Know Nothing Party emerged, calling for a change in naturalization laws.They proposed a 21 year period for naturalization and wanted to bar immigrants from holding any but minor local offices. Nativism grew in the pre-Civil War years because there was uncertainty about the future of the nation. Some felt Catholics contributed to crime and radicalism. During the Depression there was competition for labor. anti-Asian– 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act suspended the immigration of laborers. This was to promote the interests of white workingmen in California and elsewhere in the West who experienced competition with Chinese laborers.Racial prejudice was also a large factor. Japan and the Gentleman’s Agreement, Executive Order during WWII. anti-all immigrants–from the end of the 19th century into the beginning of the 20th there was a large immigrant population. an 1891 statute barred the immigration of â€Å"all idiots , insane persons, paupers, or persons likely to become a public charge, persons suffering from a loathsome or contagious disease, persons who have been convicted of a felony or other infamous crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or polygamists†.Many Americans at that time felt their way of life was threatened by the â€Å"immigrant invasion†. 1924 Quota prop 187 > stopped funding unregistered citizens, however it was ruled unconstitutional. people were afraid that immigrants were coming for a â€Å"free ride†, but really most immigrants were coming for jobs. Was a key legislative piece in the development of similar propositions in other states that have since barred access to immigrants. recession and depression drove nativist movements. Nativism was affected by immigrants in many ways. The main reason i can think of is fiscal reasons.Many immigrants came to the US and took jobs away from those already established. Most immigrants were also willing to w ork for cheaper wages which would create an anti-immigrant view. Irish were willing to do the hard â€Å"dirty†work for cheap wages. Chinese were willing to do jobs for wages less than the people already doing there jobs. This along with other issues like lack of assimilation. People who immigrated and chose not to assimilate excluded themselves from the US community. Essay #1 Racialization is the act of classifying a group of people as a race when they were not previously viewed this way.These groups include, but are not limited to Jews, Chinese, Irish, Germans, Scandanavians, more specifically, Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes, Italians, Greeks, Armenians, Poles, and Hungarians. The way i see it, instead of classifying these groups as Asian, European, or Middle Eastern, they are viewed on a much more specific level, targeting the exact area they originated from. Now that there is a brief background on what racialization is, we will look at specific examples of where racializa tion was seen. The first place racialization was evident was in labor.To begin, the Irish were classified as hard working immigrants. The Irish seemed to always be stuck with the monotonous jobs such as digging trenches, or building sky scrapers. They were considered hard working people who would work from sun up to sun down and give 100%. In the early 1900’s the Irish dominated the unskilled labor section. Another racialized group was the Chinese people. Chinese people came to the Western US and brought skilled and unskilled labor. The Chinese were willing to work for low wages and were able to live on a less amount of necessities than their rival workers.The next place where racialization was blatantly evident was in communities. To begin with, Italians came to the US and remained in tightly knit Italian communities, choosing not to assimilate. Jews also came and although they did not necessarily create their own communities, their presence was evident in whatever community they lived in, and instead of being viewed as white, middle eastern, or whatever general class they may have fallen into, they were seen specifically as Jews. Chinese influence also had a huge role in the creation of Chinatown on the west coast in San Francisco.Chinatown was formed in 1850 and had a very tight community, however, it was also a tourist attraction. Many groups went from a general classification to a specific region they were known for coming from. The word that i hate to use but must is stereotypical. Racialization was a stereotype placed on specific races and it created almost an impermeable barrier to the rest of the nation once that stereotype had been placed upon a race. Irish were expected to be involved in politics, or unskilled labor. Chinese were expected to live in Chinese communities and work at a dry cleaning shop or in the mines, searching for old. Racialization was almost an anti-assimilation view as it seemed to prohibit naturalization in the US. It cla ssified races to specific groups, and in some cases, if these groups became too powerful, the government would strike them down as seen in the Chinese Exclusion Act. Racialization played a huge role in keeping records of immigrants, as well as, creating immigration policies meant to target certain immigrant groups. NOTE: This essay can be filled with a ton more evidence of basically any act or law passed to discriminate a race.The fact that races were viewed as such singular groups is what made them easy to prey upon. One thing i didn’t bring up was race in religion which, if that is your cup of tea, you might wanna elaborate on. Essay #2 The main forces behind immigration policy have always been around nativist interest i. e. Self interests of the American people. If we look a political party and two policies then dissect them, we can see the policies demonstrate self interest by the US. Bracero Program, operation wetback, know nothing party Bracero program-for Mexican labor ers outside usual immigration controls.It was due to a labor shortage during WWII. US guaranteed that Mexican workers would receive specified minimum wages and certain living and working conditions, although many complaints were filed against employers who did not meet those standards. The WWII program had about 200,000 braceros in the US. Its peak year was 1959 when 450,000 braceros entered. It was an important landmark in the history of Latin American migration to the US. The notion was that Mexicans would be temporary workers or guest workers. While many returned home, many others became permanent residents.They welcomed the labor only because they could not create enough goods to feed the war machine so they opened up to mexico so that they could attain unskilled workers that could work in agriculture and factories to help the war while simply treating them as if they were going to be sojourners and nothing else. It was an economic move for them initially since the increased wor kers would bring back production levels and money. Operation Wetback- a massive immigration operation that was meant to send back a large quantity of immigrant workers mostly Mexican. By the end of it, over 3. million were sent back to their country of origin. This was a massive attempt to remove the mexican laborers that had settled starting in 1946. This occurred as more and more soldiers returned from the war and job displacement began to occur. At this point, with the steady flow of migration into the states, it no longer suited them to continue to extend the Bracero program. It can be traced back to a nativist notion that the braceros were taking jobs away and with substantial numbers coming in that they created a threat to society. Know nothing Party- Nativist group active in the mid 19th century.They were concerned with political corruption and immigrant involvement in political machines. Rather than seeking to restrict immigration, the Know Nothing Party wanted to make it mo re difficult for immigrants to naturalize or hold high offices. They proposed a requirement of a 21 year period for naturalization. They were also anti-Catholic. This was largely meant to hold the Irish from â€Å"corrupting†the US way of life. The people disliked the Irish for being catholic since they believed they would always be loyal to the pope and on top of this the Irish would do any job which some people would not even do.
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