Wednesday, February 19, 2020
The effect of illegal immigration on the U.S. economy Term Paper
The effect of illegal immigration on the U.S. economy - Term Paper Example A nation without borders is not a nation and this country has been losing control of the borders for many decades, losing prosperity, security and autonomy along with them. One of the most important issues of the White House and Congress should be securing the borders, but homeland security is all but non-existent. This is a complex problem that is not being solved by the congressmen, who continuously fail to act in the country’s best interests. The massive numbers of illegal aliens pouring across mainly the southern border has and continues to cause substantial economic, social and physical harms to legal citizens. These harms occur predominantly to those who are among the most vulnerable segments of the population: minorities, children and the poor. The fundamental reason for the flood of immigration from Latin America, specifically Mexico, is the disintegration of the Mexican economy predominantly resulting from free-trade strategies employed by the North American Free Trad e Agreement and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The rampant corruption within the Mexican government has also contributed significantly to the collapse of the Mexican economy. â€Å"Due to IMF policies regarding Mexico, its economic output dropped 33 percent in the past two decades†(Small, 2005). During this period, its foreign debt rose 359 percent because of widespread looting of the national coffers. These factors caused the â€Å"collapse of all areas of productive economic activity and employment, is the primary driver of the flood of emigrants desperate to leave Mexico, to find some livelihood for themselves and their families in the United States†(Small, 2005). It has been estimated that the added cost to the federal government will be more than $15 billion per year when the present illegal aliens become citizens and begin collecting welfare benefits. The proposed bill will add greatly to this number because it will encourage a new surge of low skilled workers through its guest worker program. Traditionally, immigrants to the U.S. were less likely than those born in America to collect welfare. This historic arrangement has radically changed over the past three decades. Today, immigrant families are at least 50 percent more likely to receive federal benefits than those born in this country. Additionally, immigrants are more likely to adapt their lives to rely on the welfare system and studies have shown the longer immi grants stay in the U.S., the more likely they are to be on welfare. To further aggravate the situation, when an illegal immigrant becomes a citizen, he can legally bring his parents who also have the right to become citi zens. The estimated long-term cost of overall federal benefits could exceed $50 billion per year for the parents of the 10 million beneficiaries of amnesty. Approximately half of current illegal immigrants do not possess a high-school level education. Welfare use among this group and for low-sk ill immigrants granted amnesty is three times the rate for the U.S. born citizens. Over the past two decades, about 10 million people who do not possess a high-school diploma have entered the country and predictably end up on welfare. (Rector, 2006). Illegal immigrants receive more from public monies than they contribute which lowers the standard of living for legal citizens. Illegal immigrants contribute greatly to the overall population growth and health care, education and employment are the most impacted. Salaries are driven down by illegal immigrants willing to work for much less while their children, illegal and legal, overcrowd the schools. It’s the U.S. taxpayer who is sent the bill for their health care services as well. In addition, the large influx of illegal aliens
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Mark Zuckerberg as an Entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mark Zuckerberg as an Entrepreneur - Essay Example 54). Individuals who add value to themselves by swindles or other socially distasteful acts are not helping society and, hence, are not entrepreneurs in our eyes. Even if an enterprise makes a profit by, for example, selling drugs to schoolchildren, it has not met the test of adding value to society Entrepreneurship is based on innovation and change as the main driven forces in business. Entrepreneurial behavior is a potential candidate to significantly influence marketing thought and practice because it deals directly with a key concept in marketing: bringing innovation successfully to market. Mark Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur and co-founder of the social networking site, Facebook. His personality and approach to business reflect the idea that diffusion of innovation is the discipline of marketing, it is an area of thought and practice that is relatively undeveloped in comparison to managing products in mature markets. Mark Zuckerberg borrowed the idea of social networking from his school, known as "Harvard-thing", This site links only Harvard students, so Zuckerberg decided to expend it and link it to other schools. His personal example shows that in Entrepreneur activities, a careful review of ideas is combined with the quantity and quality of accumulated knowledge about markets created by innovation and the marketing of innovation, as well as other activity directly dependent on marketing, is relatively scarce and in comparison with other areas, deficient. The scarcity and deficiency of accumulated knowledge can not be attributed to a single cause. However, three causes may partially explain the situation as it exists today. The first is the strong marketing discipline preoccupation with managing in mature markets. It should be clearly noted, of course, that most product markets are mature. The largest revenue streams and profit lie in maturity. Consequently, most current marketing texts are, a t least implicitly, primarily focused on issues centered in the environment of maturity and the strategies of market leaders and challengers. Zuckerberg is characterised as craft entrepreneur who applied two main drivers of innovation: expansion and growth (Burns, 2001). Reasons Modern management is often more "brand" orientated than "product" or innovation orientated. In contrast to this view, Zuckerberg followed a completely different approach based on unique decision-making. With the increasingly turbulent environment and the shorter product life cycle, this focus, of necessity, will have to change. Zuckerberg is characterized as a scientific craftsman who possesses a professional nature. He applied professional knowledge and skills in business world and developed a new product interested for millions of people around the globe. Type of Personalities Zuckerberg is a leader who possesses such skills as independent thinking and decision-making. What is important is to recognize that, for a variety of reasons, innovation, which is the central value of entrepreneurial behavior as well as a key concept in marketing, is increasingly important. It is important because innovation is disruptive, the product life cycle continues to shorten, more products are in the early stage of the product life
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