Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Changes In Health Care For Retired Workers
Changes in Health Care for Retired Workers Health care for retired workers is always changing and it’s not for the better. The workforce had changed remarkably causing retirement plans to decline. Current workers are being pressured to pay more out of pocket. These retirees are rarely helped out and when they are, it isn’t enough. It is difficult for employees to provide the best health care for their workers and remain competitive in today’s economy. Employers are providing health care to stay competitive in the marketplace, but this trend is dissipating. These employers are finding it increasingly difficult to provide these benefits to retired workers. The employers are focusing on health care costs and are not able to absorb additional cost increases. Current law severely limits employers’ ability to pre-fund retires health care obligations. As a result of this law, employers have capped contributions, increased co pays, increased employee contributions, or even eliminated benefits all together. The Employee Retirement Income Act states that employers are not required to provide any health care coverage to their workers, either active or retired. Although, once they decide to offer benefits they must follow certain requirements. Currently, only thirty five percent of employers sponsor retiree health care, leaving many with out access. Employers who offer medical coverage for retirees went from forty percent in 1993 to tw enty percent in 2001. That leaves more than three quarters of the retired population with out health coverage. Health care costs are rising for both active and retired employees and new pension funding requirements have wiped out corporate benefits budgets. This leaves less money for the retiree to live healthy in a world that is to expensive. Retirees depend on health care from current or past employers, and it’s the only likely source of affordable reliable coverage. In 2003 cost for employer pl... Free Essays on Changes In Health Care For Retired Workers Free Essays on Changes In Health Care For Retired Workers Changes in Health Care for Retired Workers Health care for retired workers is always changing and it’s not for the better. The workforce had changed remarkably causing retirement plans to decline. Current workers are being pressured to pay more out of pocket. These retirees are rarely helped out and when they are, it isn’t enough. It is difficult for employees to provide the best health care for their workers and remain competitive in today’s economy. Employers are providing health care to stay competitive in the marketplace, but this trend is dissipating. These employers are finding it increasingly difficult to provide these benefits to retired workers. The employers are focusing on health care costs and are not able to absorb additional cost increases. Current law severely limits employers’ ability to pre-fund retires health care obligations. As a result of this law, employers have capped contributions, increased co pays, increased employee contributions, or even eliminated benefits all together. The Employee Retirement Income Act states that employers are not required to provide any health care coverage to their workers, either active or retired. Although, once they decide to offer benefits they must follow certain requirements. Currently, only thirty five percent of employers sponsor retiree health care, leaving many with out access. Employers who offer medical coverage for retirees went from forty percent in 1993 to tw enty percent in 2001. That leaves more than three quarters of the retired population with out health coverage. Health care costs are rising for both active and retired employees and new pension funding requirements have wiped out corporate benefits budgets. This leaves less money for the retiree to live healthy in a world that is to expensive. Retirees depend on health care from current or past employers, and it’s the only likely source of affordable reliable coverage. In 2003 cost for employer pl...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Types of Suffixes in English Grammar
Types of Suffixes in English Grammar In English grammar, a suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word or root (i.e., a base form), serving to form a new word or functioning as an inflectional ending. The word suffix comes from the Latin, to fasten underneath. The adjective form is suffixal. There are two primary types of suffixes in English: Derivational suffix (such as the addition of -ly to an adjective to form an adverb) indicates what type of word it is.Inflectional suffix (such as the addition of -s to a noun to form a plural) tells something about the words grammatical behavior. Discover what famous writers, linguists, and other notable people have had to say about suffixes throughout history. Examples and Observations of Suffixes in English It is often possible to tell the era of a products development by its termination. Thus products dating from the 1920s and early 1930s often end in -ex (Pyrex, Cutex, Kleenex, Windex), while those ending in -master (Mixmaster, Toastmaster) generally betray a late-1930s or early-1940s genesis. (Bill Bryson, Made in America. Harper, 1994) Suffixes display all kinds of relationships between form, meaning, and function. Some are rare and have only vague meanings, as with the -een in velveteen. Some have just enough uses to suggest a meaning, as with -iff in bailiff, plaintiff, suggesting someone involved with law. (Tom McArthur, The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, 1992) In English, only three colours become verbs by adding -en: blacken, redden, whiten. (Margaret Visser, The Way We Are. HarperCollins, 1994) The number of suffixes in Modern English is so great, and the forms of several, especially in words derived through the French from Latin, are so variable that an attempt to exhibit them all would tend to confusion. (Walter W Skeat, Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 1882) Gazebo: The name is an 18th-century joke word combining gaze with the Latin suffix ebo, meaning I shall. (Encyclopedia Britannica Online) On Suffixes and Word Formation Primary school children would be better at spelling if they were taught about morphemes- the units of meaning that form words- researchers claim today...For instance, the word magician consists of two morphemes: the stem magic and the suffix ian....Children find the word difficult to spell because the third syllable sounds like shun. But if they knew it was made up of the two morphemes, they could make more sense of the way it is spelled, researchers suggest. (Anthea Lipsett, Spelling: Break Words Up Into Units of Meaning. The Guardian, Nov. 25, 2008) On the -ers Suffix Call it a vast linguistic conspiracy: proponents of the major conspiracy theo ries of the day- the truthers, the birthers, the deathers- share a suffix that makes them all sound like whackdoodles. It looks like conspiracy theorists might acquire a permanent suffix in -er, just like political scandals now have a permanent suffix in -gate, Victor Steinbok, a frequent contributor to the American Dialect Society’s online discussion board, observed recently in that forum...Today’s -er groups are not -ists; their beliefs are not -isms or -ologies, theories of social organization like communism or fields of study like sociology. Nor are they -ites, devout followers of a domineering visionary figure, like Trotskyites, Benthamites or Thatcherites. The -ers, the caricature asserts, are not sophisticated enough for that. That is perhaps why -er words, long before truther, have been used to deride political opponents, as in tree hugger, bra burner and evildoer- not to mention th e catch-alls for extremists, wingers and nutters (from wing nut). (Leslie Savan, From Simple Noun to Handy Partisan Put-Down. The New York Times Magazine, Nov. 18, 2009) [E]ven though writers write, bakers bake, hunters hunt, preachers preach, and teachers teach, grocers dont groce, butchers dont butch, carpenters dont carpent, milliners dont millin, haberdashers dont haberdash- and ushers dont ush. (Richard Lederer, Word Wizard: Super Bloopers, Rich Reflections, and Other Acts of Word Magic. St. Martins Press, 2006) On American -or and British -our [T]he o(u)r suffix has quite a confused history. The Online Etymology Dictionary reports that our comes from old French while –or is Latin. English has used both endings for several centuries. Indeed, the first three folios of Shakespeare’s plays reportedly used both spellings equally...But by the late 18th and early 19th centuries, both the US and the UK started to solidify their preferences, and did so differently...The US took a particularly strong stand thanks to Noah Webster, American lexicographer and co-namesake of the Merriam-Webster dictionaries...He preferred to use the –or suffix and also suggested many other successful changes, such as reversing -re to create theater and center, rather than theatre and centre...Meanwhile in the UK, Samuel Johnson wrote A Dictionary of the English Language in 1755. Johnson was far more of a spelling purist than Webster, and decided that in cases where the origin of the word was unclear, it was m ore likely to have a French than Latin root...And so he preferred –our to –or. (Olivia Goldhill, The Case of the Missing us in American English. Quartz, January 17, 2016) On the Problem With -ish Although there is no exact count, Merriam-Webster says there could be as many as one million-plus words in the English language...And yet, with all of those words at our disposal,...we seem to make a competitive sport out of creating brand new ones...[T]heres the suffix -ish, which is increasingly called-upon, fairly indiscriminately, to describe an approximation, or a likeness of something, when in most cases there is an existing word, or two, that would serve just as well: warmish, tired-ish, doing a good job-ish, Clinton-ish. Instead, -ish may be chosen for reasons of expediency, or cuteness. A sampling of some recent headlines from around the web include 5 Ways To Secure Your Happy-ish Ever After (The Huffington Post) because, as the author writes, Happily Ever After is not a thing and Ten(ish) Questions With...WR Jeremy Ross (ESPN) because there are, in fact, 16...-Ish...requires no cleverness whatsoever. Its lazy, non-committal, and confoundingly ambiguous, a symbol of a societ y ever more inclined to take the easy way out or blur the lines. (Peggy Drexler, The Problem With -ISH. The Huffington Post, January 9, 2014) On Some -Somes My favorite word: gigglesome....Familiar words like lonesome, handsome, and adventuresome are from a whole family of words that include some surprises that have fallen into disuse. I heard Red Barber one morning on the radio say the air was chillsome. Others are grievesome, toilsome, and boresome. My favorites of these old words are gigglesome and playsome, both usually applied to high-spirited children. (Bobbie Ann Mason, quoted by Lewis Burke Frumkes in Favorite Words of Famous People. Marion Street Press, 2011) On the Lighter Side of Suffixes Good things dont end in -eum; they end in -mania or -teria. (Homer Simpson, The Simpsons) Were good...at words, too: burgle, burglar, burglary. The Americans go about it differently: burglar, burglarize, burglarization. Maybe theyll move on, soon, and well have burglarizationeers who burglarizationize us, leaving us victims of burglarizationeerage. (Michael Bywater, The Chronicles of Bargepole. Jonathan Cape, 1992) Ive heard of many chocoholics, but I aint never seen no chocohol. We got an epidemic, people: people who like chocolate but dont understand word endings. Theyre probably over-workaholled. (Demetri Martin, 2007)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 25
Response paper - Essay Example The readings highlight various plights that citizens in war-torn regions go through and the various freedoms denied by their governments for failing to uphold human right concerns. The readings are is important in understanding and emphasizing the need for other developing nations to step up and calm the situation. One can agree with the deliberations and conclusion drawn by the then US president Bush that the killing was, in fact, a massacre in one of the readings. The case of various human rights violations is not knew in the public domain. The cases are largely due to government negligence or failure to effectively use the information gathered by intelligence. Through analysis, the recent terrorism killings in Kenya amplify these concerns. In my view very human been irrespective of race, ethnic, religious or political affiliation deserves the right to be protected by the government and live in a secure nation. Although the readings have to deal much with the plight in many develop ing nations, they are not spared either when it comes to such concerns. There have been many incidences that the citizens particularly in Europe have laid blame on government security agencies for various extradition killing. Thus, the readings offer more knowledge human rights concern across the globe. Nonetheless, one can argue that the human rights and protection has improved in recent past. As exemplified in the readings, various aspects such globalization has been a big contributor to this significant transformation in human rights protection (Howard-Hassmann, 56). Thorough critical analysis, globalization has opened the world today and coupled with enhanced technology, the world is more aware of the concerns of citizens around them. It’s been a common knowledge that globalization avail additional opportunities not just for states and societies, likewise for the entire international order (Andrew Hurrell, 297).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Security Policy Brief on Mexico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Security Policy Brief on Mexico - Essay Example There has been a continuous increase in number of tourists making visiting Mexico in the past few decades. This makes tourism one of the main foreign exchange earners for the Mexican economy (Joyce, pg68). The rich culture of the Mexican people that have remained an altered by the technology has been the magnet to the people from all walks of life. However, the country of Mexico has its ugly picture that has for the past two decades given its neighbors and even the world a headache and sleepless night. It is known for transition groups, also known as cartels. These groups have smeared the beautiful image of Mexico with dirt through their illegal and heinous acts. According to the national system in charge of the public security in Mexico, the level of violence in the country has been on the rise for the past few years. In the year 2006, there were 10253 murders on the record, 11806 in 2007, 16811 in 2008, and 22480 murders in the year 2009. The masterminds of these deaths are the cartels who manslaughter the innocent civilian who stand on the way of the illegal activities. The center of conflict in this country revolves around the drug business. There is a lot of disagreement, competition and rivalry in the performance within the restrained drug routes and markets amongst the cartels. The outcome of the conflicts is a violent campaign of one group against the other. The other thorn on the wound has been the deployment of the military personnel by the government to end the drug business across the country’s border. This has not resolved the violence problem since the military uses force and fire exchange to control the cartels activiti es, hence contributing to the crises. As the aspect of jealousy continues to dominate in this drug related activities, other social crimes have cropped up. Their effects have left no segment of the society immune. The violence has given birth to the practices such as criminal gangs
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Fun for Life Essay Example for Free
Fun for Life Essay Many topics for you to try. Some of these came from IELTS and other textbooks, others are from websites. You can also see TWE (Test of Written English) topics from the TOEFL exam here. Use CTRL+F to find keywords or topics from this page in your browser. The destruction of the world’s forests is inevitable as our need for land and food grows. Do you agree? Write this essay in the forum! See what other people think of your writing! Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss. Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives? Are our zoos cruel to wild animals? Are women are better parents than men? Are zoos are necessary for education? Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Children should never be educated at home by their parents. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Computers can translate all kinds of languages well. Do our children need to learn more languages in the future? Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss. Discuss some of the arguments for and against keeping animals in zoos. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of giving international aid to poor countries. Do the benefits of study abroad justify the difficulties?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Java vs C :: Essays Papers
Java vs C Java vs. C++ papers = Since their inception, computers have played an increasingly important role in today’s society. Advancements in technology have enabled computers to become faster and cheaper. Today, the majority of families own a home computer that is vastly more powerful than giant mainframes of years gone by. Computer hardware has been evolving rapidly with no end in sight, and with all of the advancements in computer hardware come advancements in computer software; gone are the days when FORTRAN and COBOL were the languages of choice. Today, vvv two hot new object oriented programming languages have entered the computer programming arena, Java and C++, this paper will examine the similarities and differences between these new languages. Both Java and C++ are object oriented programming languages, but what does that mean? Object oriented programming (OOP) emphasizes data, instead of algorithms for solving problems. Instead of trying to fit a problem to the procedural a pproach of a language, OOP attempts to fit the language to the problem, in other words, OOP is structured to produce an answer without changing the question. Object oriented programming involves two separate parts, class and objects. Class is a specification that describes a new data form, it is a template that defines how an object will look and behave.(Kaj 1996, 8) An object is that particular data structure constructed using the parameters defined by class.(Prata 1995, 5) The object oriented programming approach to program design is to first design classes that accurately represent those things with which the program deals. A drawing program, for example, might define classes to represent rectangles, lines, circles, brushes, pens, and the like. The class definitions, recall, include a descriptions of permissible options for each class, such as moving a circle or rotating a line.(Prata 1995, 5) The main advantages of OOP, besides being able to create more complex software, and dev elop answers without changing the questions, are numerous. OOP facilitates creating reusable code, which can save a lot of work. Information can be hidden to safeguard data from improper access. Polymorphism lets the programmer create multiple definitions for operators and functions, with the programming context determining which definition is used, also Inheritance lets the programmer derive new classes from older ones. When using OOP, the programmer can focus on representing concepts, instead of concentrating on tasks. (Prata 1995, 6) Java, although in many respects similar to C++, is actually just a more simplified version of the latter.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Job Analysis Essay
The reason for job analysis is to study and evaluate the things that a job is supposed to involve. This is describing exactly what skills are needed to perform the job, and what the exact qualifications are to fill the position. Job analysis is a method needed when the employee need to know the precise function. An example would be that an employee’s duties should be clearly stated. So, a jobs analyst is to observe the employee at his or her current duties. This is also helpful in deciding what the requirements are to perform this job more effectively. As well jobs continue to change so a job analyst n should watch for any changes so that things are kept put o date. The job analyst should therefore be familiar with the job a well as the position. â€Å"The job analysis will lead directly to development of numerous other significant workers (tools): job requirements, job assessment as well as job performance criteria†(Spector, 2008). Today families are shattered, language barriers are high, violence is a standard, and then education which does not get to high a priority. Counselors typically deal with these types of students that have tangible needs, emotional troubles, and behavioral issues. Counselors have an ear for listening; shoulders to cry on and a firm facilitator for regulations are what a school counselor should use. Before becoming a school counselor a person needs to become part of the educational system as a teacher. There are 10 principles that significant according to the Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium when reviewing candidates for the position of school counselor. These principle consist of â€Å"learning styles and diversity, motivation and behavior, interpersonal relationships, communication and knowledge, instructional strategies and problem solving, planning for instruction, making content meaningful, assessment, child development and learning theory, and planning for instruction†INTASC, 2008). Many educators, mainly at an elementary age level, have a filled classroom with minimal resources in regards to discipline. It is important to keep a firm control of authority so as to support appropriate learning environment. Behavior is a test demonstrated by students to push more each day in bold new ways. Since these ideas have been said a prospective counselor in education needs to discern and recognize the benefits as well as the risks that are involved. The risks implicated the issues with reluctant and non participating family members with his or her child’s plan for behavioral concerns. The benefits are clear, when a school s filled with enjoyable, interactive programs t is pursued by a renewed sense of elation to from the students. Position Analysis Questionnaire Method The importance of job analysis in education is imperative. A systematic evaluation of a position for a school counselor aids in the supervised development of quality job performance. An Industrial and Organizational Psychologist employ wide range of techniques to perform accurate analysis on all jobs. An example would be functional job analysis, task inventories, job components inventory, and position analysis questionnaire. School counselors at the elementary level are most commonly given the positions analysis questionnaire. Job position for school counselors reflects services, codes, and programs this s found n Chapter 33 of the Texas Educational Code, Title 2 of the Texas Education Agency, or TEA. The basis of employment positions are required skills and the education a person needs to have to apply for a job. Counselors in Texas, has to have a degree n a Masters program with an credited University also have an official teaching certificate from Texas. In addition a people are required to teach a classroom setting for two years or more before an application for the counselor’s certification will be processed. A good score on certification examinations and a national finger print background check will then allow for the person to become an accredited applicant for school counselor (TEA, 2011). In 1996 across the state of Texas the Texas Evaluation Model for Professional School Counselors (TEMPSCO) was implemented. This serves as a form of regular analysis of an all school counselors. It is also pertinent for counselors teaching grades Pre-School -12th grades. It is documented on The School Guidance and Counseling Job Evaluation Form. Eight Domains of Job Performance There are a multitude of sub categories to the eight domains that are observed in the job analysis. This includes certain standards of personal behavior and job performance of the person in this position. All of the standards are provided by the Texas Education Code, Title 2, Public Education, Subtitle F. Curriculum, Programs, and Services: Service Programs nd Extracurricular Activities; Subchapter A; School Counselors and Counseling Programs (TEA, 2011). This requires practicing counselors to assess, arrange and administer developmental programs (including resources in a program and paraprofessionals) designed for other teachers, parents as well as students. Developmental programs need to concentrate on developing decision making, interpersonal effectiveness, self confidence, goal setting, cross cultural effectiveness, planning, communication, responsible behavior, and motivation to achieve (TEA, 2011). Also a school counselor is directed to oversee, review as well as plan guidance programs for students that have â€Å"developmental needs†. These needs are made up of physical disabilities, behavioral disorders, as well as learning disabilities. The addition of students who have disabilities is the essential goal for the TEA. Seen throughout the school district are the continued encouragement of other students and more importantly the parents of the child all through the domain of program management and guidance requirements. A school counselor is suppose to be able to openly counsel the students n a time of emergency, suffering, and other non specified issues. School counselors need to therefore consider many variables and use core concepts that are use n the field of Psychology. TEA advises the counselors to be current on theories and techniques that are believed to be satisfactory to achieve and establish individual, learning, community and occupational development for the students. There is a high standard for professionalism and compliance that counselors are held to. School counselors have to reflect proper moral, ethical, as well as lawful standards of behavior. Indecent use of communications or language and violation of school rules will not be allowed during any time for anyone that is n the educational system. This person is not only an advocate for the school, the students and parents, as well as the entire field of psychology. Reliability and Validity Reality and validity in regards to the job analysis of school counselor has significantly improving in comparison to earlier performed evaluations. The text materials and research carefully provides insight into each category and the requirement for each job position for further review and research. A list of certifications and prerequisite procedures are also listed. Evaluating eight levels of job requirements are: counseling, student assessment, professional standards, rogram management, coordination, guidance, and consulting (TEA, 2011). There are several columns or questions the evaluator has to answer. This is done with a score of 1-5 with each of the eight domain levels. The equivalent of the rating scale reflects the following: 1=unsatisfactory, 2=below, 3= meets the standards. 4=exceeds the standards, and 5= clearly outstanding. If the criteria or standard doesn’t pertain to the applicant during the evaluation NA will also apply. There is also a place on the evaluation to be left blank intentionally that will be used by the evaluator that includes his or her personal information, notes telling strengths additional comments that he or she has for the personnel, as well as areas that need to be worked on. Conclusion Depression, addictions, bipolar disorder, stress, divorce, anger, post traumatic stress disorder, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are just a few of the many factors and disorders that a person would receive advice, therapy, and counseling. These disorders and factors affect numerous students and families alike. Therefore there is a need for ethical, compassionate, and competent school counselors are essential. There is also a dramatic difference in the salary based scale and the worth of a job position for school counselors and a professional licensed counselor n private practice. However, the wish to better children’s lives through forms of developmental programs, advocacy for success and psychotherapy, outweigh any financial gain.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Medical Career vs. Fashion Design
Fashion Design Career As teenagers, high scholars or even college students, we always struggle with big questions†¦ What career am I going to pick? , What career suits me better? , Am I going to be able to do it?. We have been through those stages of adolescence, at least, I've past through them, and to be honest, sometimes those questions doesn't give you a concrete answer until you give a try and risk yourself into something new.Sometimes o have to look for pro/con to see what's best for you, that's why I'm looking for an answer through this essay. Medical career ; Fashion design are very different, but they do have some similarities. The medical career is a great profession. It career requires many skills and time to be successful. Behind a great doctor, is a hard and long Medical Career, there's a lot of sacrifices you have to do to success in that area.Medical career requires time and dedication, the length of the career is 7 years and 4 extra depending on the specialty o w ant, some specialties are 7 years long like neurosurgeon for example. After medical career you are required to work in a hospital or a private clinic, by becoming a doctor, you learn or gain the ability to save life's and cure illness, being able to help others makes you feel better despite of the salary of a Doctor, which most of the times is pretty high.But most of Medical School Students doesn't sacrifice sleep or eating hours for money, they really do it for solidarity. Fashion design is a creative and rewarding profession. It career requires a creative pen mind, a good point of view and time to practice. As we know, fashion industry is constantly innovating and creating new things, ideas, styles. It's not a relevant thing or area, but for some people It becomes a life style.Fashion designers workplace can be in a lot of places depending on what they want to do, they can work as designers, visual merchandisers, stylists, image consulter, make up stylist, chief editor of a magazi ne, even an assistant to a celebrity, to become a good Fashion designer, you need to have a good eye, creativity and the skills to improve something to a better ay or even to create something wonderful from scratch. During the career you spent more time in the practical part than in the lecture room, the salaries of a fashion designer depends on the Job they get.Medical Career and Fashion Design have some similarities despite of the types of the career. Both careers have things in common. Fashion industry and Medical area are very competitive when it gets to find a good Job after finishing the career, you need to know how to work as a team, both careers requires different type of clothes, in a capital there's always Doctors wearing Blue clothes or white scrubs, and mostly of fashion designers always wear important brands clothes or the latest fashion style.Salaries between these careers are different, and it depends of how good you are in your area. Although both careers are similar , they also have many differences. Seeking a career can be difficult for so many people, mostly teenagers or young adults. Some people Just look for what they suit better, but for me, the best career is the one that you choose with your heart based on your learning skills.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
essay121 Essays - Finance, Money, Economy, Free Essays, Term Papers
essay121 Essays - Finance, Money, Economy, Free Essays, Term Papers I was accepted into the Dental Hygiene Program at Howard for fall 2016. I am independent resident in the District of Columbia and work to support myself. I have been applying to grants, scholarships, and loans since I submitted my application to the program back in February 2016 . I have not received approval on any grants, scholarships, and loans as of September 30, 2017 . I currently have a bachelors and I am paying off my student loans to Great Lakes and Virginia Commonwealth University (Heartland Loan). I have used up my Pell Grant eligibility and my Federal Aid has only awarded me 12500.00 for the 2016-2017 school year. I have reached out to my mother for her help to cosign on any type of loan but she has declined due to her already putting money towards my undergraduate degree. I have reach ed out to my brother as well and he is not in a position to cosign for me. I went to my Wells Fargo bank on April 25, 2016 when I found out I was wait-listed for the Hygiene program. I applied for a student loan and was denied due to my credit report . When I graduated in 2013, I faced a financial hardship from being unemployed and was unable to make payments on my credit card from Wells Fargo or make payments on student loans. I didn't pay off the credit card in full and start making payments on my loans to rebuild my credit until 2015. I still have the charge off on my account even though the debt has been paid off. This has made it very difficult for me to get approved for loans, even private loans with high interest rates. I have applied to Sallie Mae an d Sofi for student loans and have been sent denial letters on August 10, 2016 and October 1, 2017 . I have exhausted all of my options and even request that Trans Union mail me a letter stating my debt has been paid off to reapply to more loans. This is my second time applying to Howard's competitive Hygiene program with only 10 seats for this semester. I have worked so hard to get into this program but unfortunately I did not have enough aid to continue the program and was forced to withdraw after fall semester. The director has held my seat to return this Fall and I am currently enrolled. My remaining balance for this semester after estimated aid is $6,558.00. Obtaining this degree means so much to me and I would greatly appreciate any help.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel
My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel My Building-Block Approach to Writing a Novel Dan Burns is the author of A Fine Line and Recalled to Life. He is also an award-winning writer for the screen and stage. In this article, Dan talks about overcoming the â€Å"where do I start?†question that plagues many writers at the onset of their career. His advice for overcoming that doubt? Start small, and see where your story takes you. Stop asking, â€Å"Where do I start?†and just startMany people talk about being a writer but have difficulty actually getting started. Writing is hard, and often the ideas are there but the approach is elusive. Where do I start? I get that: it’s scary to put yourself out there and not see your ideas pan out the way you want them to. That’s why I recommend starting small and building on an idea over time. This approach helps me maintain my status as a working writer and overcome roadblocks. If putting your ideas out there scares you, start small and build your story slowly. As for Sebastian Drake, he continues to bug me to write as his story still has so much room for growth. I can only imagine where he’ll take me next.A Fine Line is available in hard cover and on Amazon Kindle.For more information, visit Dan Burns' website.Please share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Dan Burns, in the comments below!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Knowledge, Truth, Belief Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Knowledge, Truth, Belief - Assignment Example One should then seek out processes that are reliable. In all these, we see that any explications, even externalist explications, revolve around and make use of the internalist concepts (Chisholm 295). Goldman is an externalist, by explaining his position in justification after facts. He believes that the justification status of a certain belief is a function of the processes’ reliability. This is an externalistic approach. He disputes Chisholm’ internalist approach that justification status of a certain belief is something that the cognizer determines or is able to know. It is not necessary for the cognizer to know that a certain belief is justified. Rather, it is the reliability of the process that is important; that is, justifying your action after tested/reliable facts. There is a need for a merger between the two approaches. Internalism and externalism on their own provide unsatisfactory responses in answering the deepest epistemological issues (Laurence 8). For a belief to be justified, it is important to possess internal belief. However, it is imperative to base this internal belief on reliable processes. Hence, justification should not solely be determined by factors which are internal to person. For a proper response to epistemological issues, a hybrid of the two systems should be
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