Monday, September 30, 2019
I Don; T Know
Unit Eight Project Danielle Cripe Kaplan University Unit 8 Project Questions: Part I 1. Under HIPAA, are you legally allowed to view this patient’s medical information? Why or why not? All personal and confidential information should be limited to the bare amount of health care professionals. Only to carry out medical treatment (MLAE). 2. In this case, how would you be able to correct your error and provide the missing documents to the patient while still protecting patient confidentiality under HIPAA? You should contact the patient inform them you still have the documents, and ask if they ould like to come to get them (MLAE). 3. Besides a HIPAA Patient Release of Information form, list 4 other items that are found in the medical record. A privacy notice, acknowledgment that the privacy notice was received, a trading partner agreement, and an agreement reached with a healthcare professional business associates (MLAE). 4. Legally, does the patient or the physician/healthcare fa cility own the medical record? Why? The healthcare facility, but the patient can access them any time as long as the physician feels it will cause no harm to the patient (MLAE). 5.List 3 ways patient confidentiality is maintained in the reception/waiting area of a medical office. Not discussing patient information in the lobby. Making sure computer screens are out of patients sight. Also making sure patients files are not left open (MLAE). 6. A breach of confidentiality can result in what consequences for a health care professional? This could result in possible termination, or possible civil action being taken (MLAE). 7. From the list of Interpersonal Ethics (found in Chapter 1 of the Fremgen text), please describe how any of those traits were demonstrated in your actions in this case scenario?Respect by looking to make sure you could access his information (MLAE). Unit 8 Project Questions: Part II 1. Would the action taken in this second scenario be within your scope of practice f or your chosen field? Why or why not? No only physicians should be giving out prescriptions, and they should have never even looked in the file. They should have just taken a message for the doctor (MLAE). 2. What determines your scope of practice for your chosen career? What you study, and what the office you are working in tells you to do (MLAE). 3.Would Respondeat Superior apply in this case scenario? Why or why not? I would not think so, because this person was not acting within their scope of Employment (MLAE). 4. Would the Good Samaritan Law apply in this case scenario? Why or why not? No because this was not any emergency situation (MLAE). 5. What role does the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) play in regards to prescription medication? The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and ver-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, bi opharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), and veterinary products (MLAE). 6. What role does the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) play in regards to prescription medication and a physician’s ability to prescribe narcotics? Physicians must have a DEA license to write prescriptions, and it must be for the state they are practicing in (MLAE). References Bonnie F Fremgen, Ph. D. (2009). MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS. New Jersey : Pearson Education Inc.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Research Essay
Throughout this assignment I intend to demonstrate an understanding and knowledge of research methodology. I will examine how research is used to support practice and policy. I will address research terminology and the roles and responsibilities of the researcher. Our group research project will be critically analysed. Kumar (2001) implies research is more than a set of skills. Research is a way of thinking and examining the various aspects of your day-to-day professional work, understanding and formulating guiding principles that govern a particular procedure. Research helps us to understand why things behave the way they do and why people act in a certain way. If carried out effectively, research can be imperative as it brings about change in policy and practice Burns (1972). The two predominant methods of research are Quantitative and Qualitative research (Kumar,2001). These methods differ primarily in their analytical objective, the type of questions they pose and the different m ethods of data collection. The following definition, taken from Aliaga and Gunderson (2000,pg1), describes what we mean by quantitative research methods: Quantitative research is ‘Explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analysed using mathematically based methods in particular statistics.’ (Muijs,2011) Quantitative research is also described as traditional or empirical research, meaning that it is based upon observation, experimentation and measurement (Lambert). Qualitative research is usually a more detailed form of research and cannot usually be expressed in terms of numbers. It often takes in to account people’s values, attitudes and opinions. The three most common qualitative research methods, are participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Each method is particularly suited for obtaining a specific type of data. Lambert (2010, pg 256) infers that both qualitative and quantitative approaches can be combined in a single study to improve depth and breadth. For the purpose of our small scale research project we used a research question as opposed to a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a statement of assumption which will be tested in the research (Muijs,2011). A research question is an initial statement to set the scene for exploratory research within an interpretivist framework. A questionnaire was used to gather data for our research project. Newby (2010) states questionnaires are amongst the most popular. The advantage of using a questionnaire in date collection is they are practical. A large amount of information can be collected from a group of people in a short period of time. The data can be expressed statistically. It is thus possible to make comparisons with other studies. The results of a questionnaire can be easily evaluated, analysed and quantified by the researcher (Barlette & Burton, 2012). The disadvantages for this type of research is people may not be honest when filling out the questionnaire this could lead to the data pr ovided being false and therefore invalid (ibid). The interview is the most prominent data collection tool in qualitative research(Muijs,2011).When data has been quantified, it can be used to compare and contrast other research and may be used to measure change. Positivists believe that quantitative data can be used to create new theories and / or test existing hypotheses (ibid). Researchers are required to consider ethics in every aspect of their conduct. The Belmont Report states the three fundamental ethical principles for using any human subjects for research are Respect for Persons, Beneficence and Justice (U.S Department of Health & Human Services,1979.) The first of these principles meant that the researcher should treat the participant as an independent person who should be kept fully informed at all times. The researcher should also ensure that persons with reduced independence such as a child should be protected at all times. Beneficence is included to ensure the benefits of being included in the research should outweigh any negative impact to the participant. Justice implies that selection of the participants must be fair and those who are asked to participate should also benefit (Macfarlane & Bruce, 2009). Personal values and also professional values that researchers should use when carrying out a study, will be analysed. A code of ethics is a fra mework to help and advise us but ultimately it remains the responsibility of the individual (Early Childhood Australia,2010). Research ethics are a set of principles on how researchers should conduct themselves when dealing with research participants. Denscombe (2007) states we must respect the rights and dignity of the participants, avoid harm to research participants and carry out the research with honesty and integrity. According to Stonehouse (1991) a code of ethics is ‘a statement about practice, or what we will strive to do. It is based on core values, or what we believe’. There are a number of reasons it is important to conduct research in line with ethical standards; it is a sign of respect for participants, other researchers and those who will use the research. A code of ethics is not enforced but it is something that we should adhere to. The Impact of Distance Learning on a Student’s Work and Home Life Introduction In order to better understand what affect distance learning has on the work and home life of a student, students from the Education Department at Anglia Ruskin University in the second year of their Foundation Degree in Early Years collated data from a research module seeking to answer the following question: Does combining distance learning and working have a negative impact on a student’s work and home life? The chosen method of data collection was via a questionnaire with the answers offering an explanation and understanding as to why students look to improve their early years education skills by going back to study and what challenges they faced. Method The research was a 10 minute questionnaire, asking a mixture of both closed and open questions. A combination of closed and open questions were used so allowing students to answer in a more efficient and accurate manner. Opinions from each of the surveyed students were as important as were the answers to the multiple choice questions. The questions asked related to a work and life balance, and sought to understand how students deal with the work and study balance. Sample The results are a snap shot outlining the sort of pressure s placed on students in terms of time, commitments and everyday lives. The results covered how many hours a week were worked, where was the work undertaken, where did the students live and the time pressures on completing course work. It outlines the key challenges facing mature students who are looking to further their early years education and teaching careers. Ethics To ensure that all University protacals were observed, an introduction was provided outlining the aim of the research and confirming what research the surveyed students were being asked to contribute. Confidentially was important so was the opportunity if needed to withdraw from the research at any time. Results The results of the survey outline the time constraints and challenges faced by the students as they look to progress their education and their career Figure 1 – Gender of students. The above results showed that 100% of the surveyed students were female. Though we are unable to draw any direct conclusions from this, perhaps females are more likely to return to early years education than their male counter parts. All were involved with early years education and so found the early years course additional help to their working lives. Figure 2 – Age of Students The above outlines the age of the students. 75% of those surveyed were in the age range of 25 – 34. Though we cannot draw any direct conclusions from this, it would suggest that the 25 – 34 age range has the propensity to undertake further education whist working and looking after their children. The younger age groups perhaps are more interested in their social lives where the 44+ are perhaps to well established to go back to further education. Figure 3 – Hours worked per week The above outlines the number of hours worked per week. This shows that the early years students are having to work quite long weeks whilst undertaking and finishing course work. Figure 4 –Who do you live with? The above research shows that out of the surveyed students none currently reside at home with their parents. As 75% of them are from the 25 to 34 age demographic, they have all moved out from the parental home and are either residing with their partner, or with friends. Figure 5 – How many children do you have? The above shows that the students have a real cross section of the number of children they currently have. The older students are more likely to have had children, so making their daily working lives even harder to undertake the required course work. Reasons for embarking on this foundation course The students were asked why they were embarking on the foundation course, all respondents cited the need to gain further qualification in order to improve their chances of career progression. Some cited the need to complete their EYPS by 2015 allowing the student to move with an improvement in their career prospects. Those with children were looking at the opportunity of also progressing their career but at a slightly older age. Some students were encouraged by the in house management to undertake the course so improving their knowledge and skills. Figure 6 – how much research is undertaken? The above outlines how much research was undertaken before the students undertook the course. 25% admitted they had done very little research and had relied on word of month from friends and past students. 25% admitted attending an open day so they were better able to understand the course and the time requirements. The reminder was either advised by their managers to undertake the course or had done minimal research and joined the course anyway. Figure 7 – Choice of learning. The majority said they did have a choice in how to study, but elected to undertake distance study. The remaining 25% who did not have a choice said that their working hours meant they were unable to take anytime out to attend face to face courses. If they had a choice, would they have attended face to face courses as opposed to opt for distance learning? Out of the total sample, 75% said that work commitments were an influence in making the decision to undertake distance learning with the remaining 25% stated this was the only option for undertaking and completing the course. All the students agreed that distance was more flexible and was a cheaper option. Figure 8 – Effectiveness of distance learning The research indicates that when the students were asked to compare distance learning having previously undertaken face to face learning, they all agreed that distance learning was worse. The students found it more difficult to express opinions over distance learning and missed the one to one question opportunity. Better communication via face to face because information was taken in and understood more easily. The speed of response was thought to be quicker and better via face to face with greater accuracy and clarity in the answers. The students were asked if distance learning allowed discussions to take on a greater degree of thought and reflections, with 50% saying yes it did, and 50% saying no it did not. Figure 9 – How many hours per week do you study? The total number of hours per week given over to studying is split, with 50% of the surveyed saying 5 to 10 hours, whilst the remaining 50% saying 10 plus hours per week. The difference could be down to level of experience, age, ease of distance learning or just the time it takes to undertake assignments. Each individual will have key skill bases that will allow then to complete the projects in different timelines, hence the difference in hours per week worked. Using the Likert scale (Newby,2010) the results were conclusive that students felt 1 module per half term would improve the balance between study and home. In completing the modules, 75% either agreed or strongly agreed that completing one module per half term as opposed to two over a term certainly improved the study/home life balance, with 25% saying they did not agree nor disagree. This comes back to being able to prioritize their workload more successfully as they have a clear goal in a defined timeline, as opposed to a longer timeline where better time management could well be needed. Figure 10 – When do you study? The survey group had different work patterns, with 50% working at weekend, 25% in the week and 25% working across both. This would probably be driven by their respective home life, their career, if they have children and where they lived. Studying time would have to fit in around many other external factors. All the surveyed agreed that the study time affected their home or social life. The younger individuals lost out on time meeting friends and going out and all agreed that weekend life with its need to undertake family and home jobs meant that their time was really squeezed. Time management was a key to getting all of the modules finished and in on time. In terms of hobbies, all agreed that they had and enjoyed taking part in their hobbies, whether it was in the week or at weekends. Out of the survey, 50% stated that these were severely affected and the remaining 50% said that they were affected. Hobby time spent was certainly reduced with 50% saying that the distance learning had a significant affect on how much time they could send pursuing their hobbies over a given week. The surveyed also found that their employers had very different reactions to their distance learning, with 75% being given no extra time off to help with their studies, and 25% being helped by their employer. The 25% who were helped were allowed on average one study day off per week. Figure 11 – Is the study having a positive effect in your workplace? Interestingly 50% said that the learning experience was having a positive effect on their work place, with 50% being unsure. The positive impact allowed the newly gained knowledge to be used in the work place with positive effects, helping day to day running of work, cascading more information down to other staff members, additional responsibility being enjoyed and the general acceptance that the new learning was having a positive impact of the workplace and fellow colleagues. In terms of dealing with the pressure of distance learning, all of those surveyed said they felt that the support they received as part of the online group did not help them deal with the added pressure and workload from the extra learning. This could be down to the whole new experience of distance learning where previously they had the face to face time, where issues could be discussed and solutions found. Now if there are any issues, then the individual must try to find a solution themselves and so are potentially feeling more isolated and pressured. 75% did feel that having a mentor aided them in their day to day studies, where 25% were unsure. Again this could be down to the new experience of undertaking distance learning with the individuals taking to time to understand how to best use the mentor. As this process develops so the mentor could well be used more in a way to help find solutions to ongoing issues and problems. The mentor when asked had a great deal of knowledge, but the issue was still how best to use them. All of the surveyed felt that having a mentor in no way helped them in reducing the number of hours they had to work. The mentor was there to help with specific questions, not to help with larger problem solving hence reducing the number of hours that had to be worked. All of the surveyed felt with the advent of modern technology development, distance learning will play an important part for our future generations. It was felt that individuals could go back and study without having to give up their jobs, the studying would be more convenient for them and their families, older students would not have to sit in a classroom with younger students so having perhaps a confidence issue and generally the feeling was being able to study at a time and in an environment that was more suited to the individual. Reflection The undertaken research and related results were indeed a very worthwhile process that yielded some frank and interesting points of view. With any form of research, hindsight plays an important part when reviewing the questions, the questionnaire, the sample size and the overall results. The information allowed the survey to demonstrate a view that distance learning on the home/work life balance is truly a challenge particularly when looking at the relative age and social position of the surveyed. The questionnaire included a number of dichotomous questions giving clear unequivocal responses (Cohen,Manion & Morrison,2011). Open questions gave participants an opportunity to write down their opinions generating qualitative data(Kumar,2001). Research ethics as described by Blaxter et al. cited in Bell (2005) is about being clear about the nature of the agreement with the research participants. Clear instructions and the overarching ethics of the research meant there was no poor interpretation. Sample sizes are always important and so the larger the sample size the more accurate and more believable the results become. Quality of the samples then becomes of paramount importance so though the sample size is small, the results are accurate and are a true reflection on what was reported within the questionnaire. All data collection and results interpretation proved to be fairly straight forward mainly as the sample size was small and the surveyed students were willing to share their views and spend time accurately filling out the questionnaire. References: Barlette & Burton , S & D (2012) Researching education . London: Sage. Bell, J (2005) Doing your Research Project . 4th ed. Berkshire: Open University Press. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2011) Research Methods in Education . 7th ed. Oxon: Routledge. Early Childhood Australia (2010) Code of Ethics literature review [Online] Available at [Accessed 25 November 2013] Kumar, R (2011) Research Methodology. 3rd ed. Great Britain: SAGE Publications Ltd. Lambert, E.B (2003) Introducing Research to Early Childhood Students. Australia : Social Science Press. Sage (2010) Introduction to quantitative research [Online] Available at [Accessed 27 November 2013] U.S Department of Health & Human Services (1979) The Belmont Report [Online] Available at [Accessed 1 December 2013] Weatherall, S. (2013) Research terms, MOD001251 Research 1 . [Print] Anglia Ruskin University, Unpublished.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Scottish culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Scottish culture - Essay Example Scotland which has a good agricultural land for keeping animals and crop cultivation lacks enough food supply to feed its growing population (Sakamoto, 2003, p. 133). For this reason, it is depending on imported food products. Fishing which is one of the economic activities in Scotland is facing problems as the fish stock has been depleted. This has led to closure of some of the fishing grounds, thus making it difficult for the fishermen to survive. Due to poor performance of some of the economic activities in Scotland, it has resulted to poor performance of the whole economy (Sakamoto, 2003, p. 133). The economy of Scotland has not been strong compared to the United Kingdom economy (Young, & Hood, 1994, p. 67). Since the Scottish economy is not autonomous; it uses the United Kingdom monetary policies. The official currency used in Scotland is the British pound sterling. The economy of Scotland has shifted from heavy industries to service and technology based economy (Young, & Hood, 1994, p. 69). After the industrial revolution, Scotland relied most on heavy industries such as steel and coal mining, and shipbuilding. However, currently the country has taken a new move towards investing in information and technology activities so as to create more employment opportunities (Young, & Hood, 1994, p. 68) The economy of Scotland has a fast growing and dynamic development industries and electronic design (Sakamoto, 2003, p. 135). There are also strong multinational companies which have established technological firms in other countries. Some of these companies include the Motorola which offers communication electronics (Sakamoto, 2003, p. 135). Scotland is well endowed with a number of resources that form firm basis for its economy. Some of these resources include: crude oil, barley for making wine, rich cultural heritage & landscape for tourist attraction. Scotland has the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Trust-Mart expansion on to UKs supermarket retail market Assignment
Trust-Mart expansion on to UKs supermarket retail market - Assignment Example Competitive Strategy of Trust-Mart Since inception, Trust-Mart had showed immense growth in the retail supermarket industry. Trust-Mart operates in almost 20 areas of China. It has rapidly enhanced the number of outlets throughout China. Trust-Mart focuses on three strategies to compete in the supermarket retail environment [1] (Trust-Mart, 2011). Freshness: Trust-Mart aims to provide fresh products compared to other supermarkets in China. For maintaining freshness in its products Trust-Mart has enough employees in every department (production, marketing and distribution). By proper management, Trust-Mart is able to obtain food products quicker and much fresher. Cost: Trust-Mart strives to provide low cost for any products which makes the company a strong competitor in retail market environment of China. Trust-Mart provides impressive rate across various products. The rate of product does not affect the freshness of the products (Canton365, n.d.). Service: Trust-Mart has improved distribution network which initiates the company to provide right product to the people. Trust-Mart has experienced employees who know the needs and preferences of customers and thus provide products according to their choice. Providing better service is a competitive strategy for Trust-Mart which helps the company to make available the desired products to the customers. Michael Porter’s Generic Strategy Michael Porter had established generic strategy to identify a company’s competitive advantage. According to him a company can take three types of competitive strategies which are cost leadership, differentiation and focus. Fig 1: Porter’s Generic Strategy Diagram Source: (Provenmodels, 2011). Trust-Mart does not follow the focus strategy because the resources and assets of Trust-Mart allow it to compete on broader factors. Trust-Mart follows the differentiation strategy by making their products under their own brand name. Trust-Ma rt also follows the cost leadership strategy by providing inexpensive products to customers. Trust-Mart’s strong sales distribution makes it possible to gain cost advantage over other competitors. Critical Success Factors Core Competences For any company, the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The using Okuns law to track and analyze the changes in the Research Paper
The using Okuns law to track and analyze the changes in the unemployment rates over the last decade - Research Paper Example Output and employment have a tendency to more simultaneously. In 1962, Arthur Okun conducted an empirical research over the relation between changes in unemployment to the changes in gross national product in US economy.The Using Okun’s law to track and analyze the changes in the unemployment rates over the last decade.He found that for every 3 percent increase in real output of the country, unemployment decreased by 1 percent. The observers of this result started to dub it as â€Å"Okun’s Law†. Thus for the United States, Okun coefficient is 3. It can logically be expected the output of a country to approximately move one for one with the level of employment. Okun, however, argued that Measures unemployment is less volatile to any economic change than output. This is for, according to him, fluctuations in working hours and labor force participation generally hide underemployment to some extent. (Okun, 1962). Okun coefficients are not same for all countries. It h as been found by the economists that most of the developed or industrialized nations of the world have higher Okun coefficients than United States. It simply implies that, in most of the other industrialized nations of the world the rates of unemployment have a tendency to vary less for a given fluctuation in gross domestic product than in case of the United States. A reason for this could be that in United States labor market is less regulated than in other countries and hence companies can more easily lay off their workers during economic slowdowns. In most of the industrialized countries, there are stronger implicit job protections by the societies, stronger unions, and higher governmental restrictions on laying off workers than in United States. (Kaufman, 1988; Moosa, I. A.(1997) However, over the years, many industrialized countries have undertaken various reform measures to reduce restrictions on labor market so that companies can exercise more freedom in laying off workers at the time of economic downfall. Thus, Okun coefficients of many industrialized countries like UK, Canada, Germany, Japan, France and so on have been lowered in recent time than before. However, USA still has the largest Okun coefficient. (Kaufman, 1988; Moosa, I. A.(1997) One interesting thing about Okun coefficient is that it can change over time as the relationship between output growth and change in unemployment depends to a large extent on a number of other factors like technology, social regulations, demographics, laws, etc. As these factors change, Okun coefficient might also change. (Lee, 2000). Here this Okun’s law will be used to analyze the movement in the rate of unemployment in US over the last decade. Here an attempt will be made to find out whether Okun coefficient is still the same in US as documented by Arthur Okun. The last decade has experienced huge economic fluctuation, and hence it would be quite interesting to find out the value of Okun coefficient under such economic slow down in US. At present, most of the economies throughout the world are going through a critical phase of recession and among all the economies. The situation has been so critical that the most power economies in the world also have not been able to escape this economic crisis. Economies of U.S., Japan, China, U.K. etc are all suffering from severe demand crunch and consequently fall in production and employment. U.S. is the Worst hit country by the current recession. The ongoing economic crisis through out the whole world owes it origin in U.S. following a huge credit crisis in the home loan market. Since early 2008, the U.S. economy has been looming under recession. Many economists are even of the opinion that this recession has started during the last quarter of 2007 itself. The effect of recession has not been confined to U.S. economy only. In late 2007 and even early 2008, most of the stock market indices across the world were touching the sky. Under such sce nario, corporate houses were showing over enthusiasm and in several of countries money was flowing in huge
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Persuasive Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Persuasive Communication - Essay Example The same author mentions some which could really be interesting for high school and college students to consider. Becoming a lecturer does not only appeal to those who are interested in sharing their knowledge and expertise to others but also can make them a really good career. Once a teacher becomes experiences, he could be promoted as a senior lecturer then assistant professor up to being a university professor. Others may take another trail in research which could make one famous. Aside from being a lecturer, one can contribute more in the education industry as a quality assurance health manager. This job allows an individual to actively spread awareness among the people about AIDS and the preventive measures to be taken. In addition, he also plays an important role in the development of clinical health plans, investigate adverse medication events and suggest preventive measure. As expected after taking the course, one can always become a pharmacist either as a health system, hosp ital or community pharmacist. Other jobs like medical transcriptionist, analytical chemist of quality control manager, sales and marketing, clinical research, data manager, regulatory manager and career in regulatory bodies (Hadkar) are jobs a pharmacy student could consider delving into. They are equally challenging and satisfying. Pharmacy actually offers a wide variety of jobs to cater to the different interests of students so start a fulfilling job by enrolling in a pharmacy
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Illustrations for Children-The Visual Perceptual development at an Research Paper
Illustrations for Children-The Visual Perceptual development at an early age - Research Paper Example The objectives of teaching in the visual literacy field include enhancing the visual perception development of children. Basically, identification of differences in visual aspects would be carried out. These aspects consist of color, shape, lime, movement, texture, and other characteristics. The field of visual literacy particularly concerns a child’s worldview; how s/he responds to the things s/he sees; how s/he views, senses, and understands feelings induced; and how s/he makes opinions about visual media. This essay discusses the impact of illustrations and pictures on children’s visual perceptual development, as well as on the reading and comprehension learning processes of emergent readers. Development of visual perception is thought to be helpful in enhancing children’s creative, writing, reading, and cognitive abilities. Stieglitz (2008) emphasizes that seeing is the most essential and fundamental source of information about the world (as cited in Machado, 2012, 154). Seeing does not only include the eyes, but the brain as well. Components of the process of visual perception are eye receptors, the visual stimulus, light, the person’s previous experiences, past belief and knowledge, and the person’s emotions and motives at a given time. Some experts propose that the visual literacy domain must be incorporated with speaking, listening, reading, and writing. They also propose teaching that is genuine, is natural, and engages children in brainstorming or problem-solving activities. Teaching, they argue, should be orderly, clear, and direct. Storytelling activities using illustrations or photos, stimulating the children’s interpretation of what the story is all about after seeing a cover of a children’s book, and talking about children’s creative work and the specifics within or their feelings provide teachers ideas into the children’s thoughts. Such exercises also expose children’s capacity to read and interpret visual
Monday, September 23, 2019
Wo'men and society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Wo'men and society - Assignment Example Women working in chicken processing, computer manufacturing, and housecleaning and manicuring have the tendency of poor health and giving birth to unhealthy children. The debate arises on why contamination affects women more. The simple answer to this women and children has low birth weight and weak immunity due to which they suffer more. One protective mechanism for infants is access to breastfeeding. Environmentalists argue that the current civil rights are not protective of people’s health because they ask for evidence against environmental hazards. Women have always had the upper hand in the food department either in the households or the in the kitchens of restaurants. Studies also show that low income neighborhoods have more fast food joints and supermarkets which do not sell healthy food. The increasing population of the world calls for more food production. The number of farming systems that are biodiverse, enhance pest control, increase pollination and reduce risks of global warming should be increased. Women play a vital role in the establishment of such farms. There is no decreased amount of food in the world, but the political instability has caused the pseudo shortage of food. Increment in population is also an issue the world faces. Population changes are directly proportional to climate changes, immigration issues and issues of security. Population issues can be assessed by ecological foot printing, which shows the amount of energy, land, water and resources is consumed by country. This is a productive tool which assesses consumption changes. Current studies show that there is an increase in the access to uncontaminated water. Clean water serves as source of strength among countries. The surface of earth is covered with water but in the form of glaciers and salt-water. Americans have favored bottled water over tap water, but the making of bottled water consumes large quantities of oil and plastic. Companies such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola have been
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Is There Life Off Earth Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Is There Life Off Earth - Term Paper Example But even it is taken for granted that on some planets in this universe, there prevails an environment like the one on the earth, one cannot be sure of the existence of life on those planet. This paper will devise an experiment to test whether any form of life as defined on Earth could prosper on Mars. This experiment will be conveyed mainly by the theoretical assessment of the possibility of life on Mars. Traditional search for life on Mars as well as in the universe is centered on the quest whether Mars can provide essential conditions of life. These conditions are to be the same as they are required for the survival of life on Earth. In order to life to exist on Mars, scientists suggest that the planet must have water. But the temperature of the planet must not be high enough to evaporate the water. Therefore, liquidity of water must be preserved in order to initiate the existence of life (Stewart 39). This opinion of the scientists is greatly influenced by the hydro-evolutionary theory that asserts that life on Earth has been initiated from the movement of water in the ocean. Also in order to sustain life, Mars must have the availability of elements like carbon and nitrogen, so that the unary organic system like cells can grow easily. At the same time, the planet should have an apparently congenial environment that can sustain life as well as preserve each its evolutionary steps. The question whether Mars can provide the conditions of life is totally based on empirical science. With a highest -600 C temperature that is slightly higher that the lowest -800 C temperature of the Antarctic region, the environment of Mars is supposed to be hostile for most of the microorganism organisms as well as other forms of earthly life. Also having a gravitational force, 38 percent of that of Earth, it has a thin layer atmosphere, .7% of Earth’s atmosphere. Even though there are other dissimilarities,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Becoming Influential Essay Example for Free
Becoming Influential Essay The public view of nurses as subordinates to physicians, simply â€Å"trained†to follow doctors’ orders, an overall lack of understanding as to the level of education and the kind of work nurses actually do (Sullivan, 2004) has lent to this perception. Sullivan (2004) writes about telling nursing’s story as an avenue to turn opinions around; empower nurses at an individual level, and ultimately raise the bar to a degree where nursing as a whole takes a stance to being viewed and treated as experts in the health care arena alongside other disciplines. Nurses outnumber all other health care providers (Kelly Crawford, 2008, p. ) in both acute care and community care settings; are the most diverse clinicians having knowledge and experience that intertwines with all other health professionals, the public and now the business world. Nurses collectively have a deeper understanding of the everyday goings-on within all areas of healthcare. The challenge is to convince those who do not recognize this attribute to tap into an invaluable resource. The message I have chosen to include in this paper will attempt to encourage and support the utilization of nurses in the area of clinical informatics, as this is an up-and-coming opportunity to recruit the experts. Deciding on My Message I have always had an interest in computers long before I went into nursing. As a new graduate nurse in the early 1990’s I went straight to San Antonio, Texas where at one of the hospitals I worked implemented a cutting-edge clinical documentation application in the intensive care units. I quickly became a champion user as I was quite comfortable with the whole concept. That, blended with my diverse clinical experience in nursing to include using many other applications in various areas set the stage for my area of expertise; clinical informatics. As a practitioner, I felt unfulfilled at the bedside, frustrated with the lack of positive recognition toward the profession, regardless of the root cause. Being able to move away from direct patient care to a role that required a strong clinical background, informatics became my passion. My concern has intensified over the lack of clinicians called upon to do what nurses do best: clinical workflow analysis, agents of clinical change management and clinical adoption, and most important ensuring the application is robust enough for that program, clinic or unit based on expertise in that area. The further I observe resistance to change and poor adoption by nursing the more incensed I become with the lack of expert utilization. The motives for the resistance are significant: the omission of the nursing process, the inability to enter orders (physician and nursing), track medication and document medication administration is to list a few. These gaps could have been identified and possibly avoided had nurses been involved in the initial requirements gathering. Nurses understand process and know what questions to ask, as opposed to non-clinical analysts, who could not know what they do not know; who better to understand specific practice methodology and process than those who live it? Furthermore, physicians are viewed as the key holders to patient care while nursing and other allied health groups are seen as simply assisting the physician, not as part of an integrated multidisciplinary team. Nurses understand and embrace this model far more than other disciplines and are the best choice in this domain. Deciding on How to Share My Message The conduit for my message is through networking with individuals I have met and worked with over the years with influence and power; those at the executive level in the health region, university and college leaders, business leaders and clients, in person, via letters, and public speaking. Another channel I will utilize is the Canadian Nursing Association Journal with a letter to the editor or submission of an article to be published within the magazine. The target audience at this time is business and other health care professionals as the need to have nurses recognized as assets to the fast moving execution of electronic systems in health care, soon to replace paper, is urgent. If more nurses are not involved in this process as expert consultants, there is a high risk of failure and inevitably patient safety. I will not directly target the public but indirectly as I believe once health care and business professionals view nurses as experts in our profession overall, then their perceptions and opinions will reach the public. The obstacle will be persuading those with little health care understanding just how nursing can be affective. Business leaders are all about deliverables, making sure they are provided. How the product is packaged is not of great concern; patient safety is not a term truly understood by non-clinical analysts and project managers. Within eHealth in general, the organizational structure from top down holds minimal if any clinical knowledge beyond the high level business of healthcare. The best way to convey the message in this arena is by example of competency and the successes when nurses are part of the team. Unfortunately, failed deliverables due to lack of clinical analysis and input is the other method of getting the message across in this instance. However, that would require a clear understanding of why the project failed, which has slowly been coming to light within the eHealth community. Therefore, the target for this message would be the CIO and the medical officer of eHealth, however, the argument must be well supported to ensure being heard. As Kelly Crawford (2008) discuss, the lack of awareness noted by the reluctance of nurses to be identified as experts creates an obstacle. Opportunities to speak at various forums that involve nursing directly or indirectly is the best way to share the message with nurses. I was recently asked to speak to an audience from the informatics graduate program at a university in order to encourage and promote more nurses into the program. As one individual stated, â€Å"we recognize the unique expertise nurses bring to informatics and have identified the gap in this program. †My Message In preparation for this assignment I learned that there are others in the profession that have identified similar trepidations around the lack of positive recognition toward nursing, however, a solid foundation to build on has been laid. As discussed in Sullivan (2004) nurses rarely take the opportunity to promote the profession through the media, citing shortage of time, or fear of repercussions as a motive to decline. In order to be valued in positive locus those in the profession must promote their own successes without fear of appearing egocentric or as a braggart; taking pride in undertakings that might seem unremarkable but are more than that. While other professionals present their individual accomplishments regularly, gracefully accepting the prestige and standing that comes with their show, nurses must embrace this characteristic in order to continue paving the road to professional recognition. I am inspired to carry on promoting nursing as I have- by example, through networking.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Analysis On Indian International Business Scenarios
Analysis On Indian International Business Scenarios The world that we live in today has progressed dramatically in almost all aspects. Considering these changes and trends in the course of time, we can relate from our observation that international business and its activities also have rather gone in for a change. When we reflect back to certain course of progression, especially international business scenario we can see and subsequently observes the many notable changes in and around us. Important feature to be noted initially can also be surmised towards Globalization and its impact today that have taken its course since the late 80s. In that context, the role and impact of globalization also have tremendously given a new dimension for international business and meaning in all matter thereof. Above all, international business today also designate and defines a hyper activity that have gone for a change altogether. A change for all the good reason though. But what defines international business or the meaning of its concepts? To be p recise in that regard, international business can be understood as to involve the exchange of goods and services across or within international and national boundaries for the sole purpose of commercial reasons. In addition, international business is also understood as an exchange process involving relationships, input and outputs, between social actions located in different countries. And there is every reason to relate that international business can be influenced by certain factors that are noncommercial as well such as social and political scenario, which together is in consideration. (Mohammad Reza Vaghefi, 1991, p. 4) Assimilating the meaning of international business from the aforementioned definition, we should acknowledge the fact that international business today provides abundant avenues. To top it all, the course of international business in the current state of affairs have advanced to a crucial and critical stage in all matters. What we can relate to the course of inte rnational business in the current state of affairs is the notion that understanding its features and the many interrelated factor is also very essentials, so as to drive home the idea. In doing so, we feel it would be pertinent that should be reflected constructively. In that essence, it is pertinent that issues and factor in consideration for the discourse of this work also is clarified. The following paragraph thus relates the issue in consideration. Identification of Issue and Objective: An Overview As we have surmised above to the notion of international business, analyzing its pertinent factors is crucial. In the discourse of this work and its analysis we can relate that international business as a subject study is a hot topic of discussion. Debate, discussion and arguments thus pertaining in favor and against international business also is constantly a matter of attention grabber, given the huge stakes in it. Hence, herein we can relate as to where the significant feature of the subject matter probable arguments stem from. Considering these factors, it should be clarified that the purpose and objective of this work in parts is to trace the relevancy of international and its role today. Comparative analysis thus is one domain that is central to the issue in consideration. To be precise, we are of the opinion that international business scenario today extrapolates an avenues for theories to be implied practically. Thus, the purpose of this work overall is to reflect upon features of international business scenario, its role and impact. In that sense, India as an international Business destination comes as a preferred country to reflect our analysis. The following questions also stems out:- What are the relation of relation of India and its participation in international trade and FDI intercalation? How the stocks, direction, volume and composition on international business scenario take shapes in India? Who constitutes major trading partner with India? That is to say, the Who whos on the list of India trade partners. How treaties, bilateral ties and all in between are integrated and streamlines in matter of internal business discourse? Subject to these questions, we feel the salient features in it also cannot just be viewed in general. There is reason enough that relating about international business should be based on certain background. In recent times India participation in international business reflects to the course of India emerging role in international business. Add to it, experts are of the opinion that international business in India today is lucrative enough and provides greater avenues and opportunities platforms. Yet the scope for improvement is also there. (Anonymous) In conjunction with the above concise historical sketch, we can augment that India today is in a progressive stage of dramatic developments. There is no denying the fact. India and its discussion in international scenario also readily grab attention for the sheer element attached to it. As a developing nations, India today have done exceedingly well enough in maintaining its economic and social growth constantly; subsequently attracting international investments, and extending its socio-cultural and economic relations across international borders. To top it all, the driving force in context of India dramatic rise in international business scenario also can be related to its political environment that have been stable to facilitate ties, trade and bilateral relation, which are crucial to international business to take roots. In the global stage, India today is viewed upon as the rising economic power in the making, and most importantly preferred investment destinations. Considering these aspects, we feel it would be prudent that theories of Trade and FDI should be taken as a first course of the structural process in order to assimilate the salient feature of international business and its activity in India, which is as follows. Theories of Trade and FDI International business and its discussion is rather complex in a sense. Thus, it is crucial that to understand the meaning of international theory and trend should form a part of this discussion. What we can assume from our observation of international business scenario is the fact that macro and micro-economics play a significant role in international business and its discourse. In that capacity, macroeconomic theories on internationalization reflect the salient features towards traditional approach to trade and FDI (Foreign Domestic Investment), as well as an interrelated theory on fragmentation. In that essence, it should be understood that macroeconomic theory provides an insight on the basic driving force of economies and its activities, which is thus based upon internationalization and its processes and procedures. (Vogelsang, 2010, p. 84) Theoretically, the subject relation and pattern of internationalization and its discussion at most instances reflect or combine traditional macroeconomic theories that lay emphasis upon trade and FDI. We cant deny this fact considering that without relevant trade agreements, ties and FDI the very object of international business doesnt make sense at all. Moreover, approaches towards international business also verily take a starting discourse from within the domains of trade and FDI. Thus, trade and FDI in context of international business and macroscopic theory forms an important part and foundation of internationalization and its processes. Hence, understanding trade in one part and common approaches towards FDI is also crucial to drive home the idea. The question that arises thus is what constitutes the features of trade in international business? Laying emphasis on this notion, we are of the opinion that trade in international business is one important approach. Trade in context of international business and macroeconomic theory defines the notion of purchasing in spot markets without any barrier. That is to say international business approach at the core undertakes and shape trading scenario with other countries within and across international borders. Ricardo model thus is considered to be the best explanation to international trade approach. (Vogelsang, 2010, p. 84) What is significant to Ricardo model can be reflected towards comparative advantage due to trade. Given thus, different partner are required to carry out trade for comparative advantage and to streamline the process of internationalization. To derive th e meaning of it, we feel it should be exemplified to certain cases related to India today. As we are aware, today India plays a crucial emerging role in export and import for different commodities to sustain and facilitate the economic process. Internationalization has opened up large avenues for India to trade with likeminded parties in the international market. Take for instance US, UK, China, etc. Latest news highlight in regard to trade concerning India reflects that India is more likely to open up dialogue towards bilateral trade and ties with trading partners, which is one central factor of international trade and its policy. Such highlights also reflects India emerging role in internationalization. (EconomicTimes, 2010) Apart from trade, considering the salient features of FDI at best can be drawn to the meaning of it in simple form. Foreign Domestic Investment when approached to international business defines the changing structure of property owners in the country invested in. That is to say, ownership of the course of investment takes a different shape. FDI thus can be differentiated between the following:- Greenfield investment: It relate to factor such as when a new plant is established in a foreign country. Vertical integration: Vertical integration to FDI approaches relate to factor of acquisition of supplier along the value chains Horizontal Integration: Concerning horizontal integration, the meaning of it concerns the mergers of companies from a position of the value chains. In that capacity, the best example that we can cite is the emergence of MNC (Multinational Companies). (Vogelsang, 2010, p. 84) Assimilating these theoretical meaning, we are of the opinion that its approaches is also very crucial. Take for example case scenario in India today. What we can relate to Indian Economic process is the mushrooming number of MNC in most sectors and industry. Such a development is good and perfect to facilitate growth, internationalization and to derive the meaning of international business concepts. What we can speculate is that FDI in India was initiated way back in 1992. In two decade from then, today FDI has played a crucial role in the development of the economy, and to a certain degree enabling India to maintain progressive growth, financial stability and raising the standards of living. (EconomyWatch) Considering these aspects as detailed above in context of theories of trade and FDI, we feel India have tremendously had a share of its practical implication in all matter thereof, which we can conclude that FDI and Trade have had a major impact on India Economic process since the late eighties due to the direct impact of internationalization and its process. Social Cultural Forces: Its aspects and Impacts in India Culturally, India displays a unique substance and essence when benched marked on the cultural fronts. But it should also be understood that India of the yesteryears and today are two different cultural identities. Speaking, it doesnt mean to relate the features that India has lost its sheen of traditional aspects, but the change in the cultural domains that have been witnessed all these years that have reshaped the image ion India in international context. In the 21st century today, the cultural face of India displays a sheer combination of improvements in all aspects. Let consider herein the features that can be related towards work ethics and its culture. In that aspect, we are of the notion that the emergence of India and its transgression into international scenario have redefined the scope of its work ethics overall. India today displays a sheer combination of progression all domains of the economy and its processes. As we have related earlier, FDI, foreign Trade, and stocks hav e progressed dramatically in the current state of affairs that is often credited to the rise of India middle class society. India today is viewed upon as a nation that offers tremendous growth factor when it concern works, given the work ethics that reflects international trends. This is also one attracting features. To top it all, such a progression in recent times has opened up avenues of possibilities for India to transform its work culture by benefitting directly from international business and comparative management and practices. Above all, skilled manpower and the emergence of powerful middle class in the society today also have given a new dimension to India work ethics that is diverse in its scope and reach. (Anonymous) Put it to India growth rate today that is calculated to be at 9%, the very essence of it also mirrors the specific fact of India better work culture (RAGHAVAN) to have taken shape. In the second instance relating to India cultural domains in areas such as family, kingship, religion and traditional cultural aspects, its course have also undergone dramatic changes. Yet it should be understood that despite the changes all around, India havent part with its traditional cultural identity. India as a nation today displays a sheer combination of modernity with a dash and perfect blend of traditions. That also perfectly defines India social cultural essence, which we can conclude is due to the outcome of direct impact of the internationalization process. Moreover, the economic process in India today can be subjected towards social cultural impact is significant in the effort of sustain growth and maintain constraint development in all aspects of its economic, social and political processes. However, we feel that without relating to the aspects encompassing India Education, health, gender equality and most important people attitudes, the very object of social cultural d iscussion also cannot be complete. Considering these features, we feel that in the health sector accelerating growth defines the same in India. Justifying the same, we can augment our point by relating towards India role in upgrading its health sector to facilitate better facilities and to derive the direct effect of it in context of international business environment. Entry of private sector is one important step towards upgrading service quality in Indian health industry. Moreover, the impact of corporatization and comparative trends also has significantly brought about new norms to be followed. Thus, improvements in health related scenario have dramatically improved, wherein the direct impact of internationalization also can be reflected with strata such as the emerging trend of integrating technology, telemedicine and medical tourism. (TradeChakra) As per available report with CBC news dated way back to 2004, there is a highlight in which it relates that India is preferred desti nation for medical activities, be it for individuals form US, Canada or elsewhere. The simple fact to such a change in trends can be looked upon the scenario of Indian Medical industry that has progressed dramatically. To top it all, the cost factor also plays a significant role towards Indian medical industry trends that is fast catching up worldwide and considered to be a multi-billion industry in the making. (CBCNews, 2004) As for educational sectors, literary rate among Indian inhabitants today should directly relate to the impact of international process within the socio-cultural environment and its impact. When compared to wards the current state and two decades down the line, India Education sector also improved dramatically in recent times. Compulsory Education Act passed by the parliament in 2009 signify a serious efforts made by India policy makers to reaps the benefits of Education today. The landmark Education Acts and free Education Policy is with an outlook to facilitate the increasing needs for education among citizens. (IndiaEduNews, 2009) In addition, as per India literacy census commencing 2001 there is indication that literary rate have notch an overall 65%, in which male literacy rate is calculated at 75%, whereas for females the literacy rate is 53%. Benchmarking with 1991 census, there is a dramatic improvement in the educational front as well, (IndiaGovermentReport, 2005) which indic ates the rise of India in the global stage. (India Literacy Graph Annexure I attached at the End) Assimilating these facts, we feel that there is a great scope for investment within the Education or Health sector in India. Above all, the changing demographic also signify India emergence in the international scenario. Hence, considering these aspects, we feel that their role towards international business environment is also very significant. Surprisingly from socio-cultural perspectives, gender equality in India also has gone for a change. Societal attitudes towards women, their role, status and equity have been redefined. India constitutional impact in that regard also professes gender equality as fundamental rights, which barred the subjugation, disparity and discrimination of women folks in the society. Empowering women and the role played by India policy makers also signifies an emergence of India in the international platform. (AzadIndiaFoundation, 2010) Thus, what we see today in and around are the rise of women power within the corporate sectors, where their role is being recognized as befitting towards socio-cultural developments. Thus, accumulating together the analysis as stated above, we are of the opinion that India social and cultural forces, its impact and aspects have given a new dimension in context of international business environment. Natural Environment and Sustainability In international management and its study, understanding the relationship of natural environment and sustainability is also one important attribute. Hyper international activities today rings back the crucial element and question of natural environment and sustainability. Likewise, it should also be acknowledged that natural environment is often a critical factor, given that it is the source of support for everything used in business, such as sources of energy, life sustaining factors and other elements. Hence, the natural environment in all instances determines what can be done in the society and how institutions can functions. Above all, resource availability is the most fundamental factor in the development of business in societies (Cherunilam, 2007, p. 112) We feel the natural environment in contemporary India have rather gone for a drastic change in all aspects. Aas per available reports, India land area is a vast coverage of approximately 1,229,737 sq. mi. That is to say, land area coverage in India is about 3,287,590 sq. km approx. The climatic condition in India varies from tropical to temperate in parts of India geographical locations. The topography of India is surrounded by the Deccan plateau in the southern region, deserts in the western region and the Himalayas in the northern region. (IndianChild) To top it all, natural environment infrastructure is India is also in a developing stage, with much scope for further development. The infrastructure for water supply, ground water management is in tune with the current need and requirement of the contemporary trend. However, the sad state of affairs is that sustainable features are yet to derive it course. Although green revolution in India has started way back since the late 80s, b ut most of its impact is within the agricultural domain, considering that India is an agricultural country. (Chandra, 2004, pp. 127-130) But what is not surprising to note is the fact that since independence industrialization has transformed the natural development course of India. In all instance, the combining discourse towards natural environment and sustainability is a major things that gets policy makers a hard time. What we can relate to the point of natural environment and sustainability in India is the fact that increasing urbanization has brought in it the baggage of many harmful effects. Yet we can be sure to speculate that Indian natural environment that influence international business is well balanced. However, much grounds work need to be initiated to propagate a sustainable development course that can further rings in the benefits for the society. The important aspects of natural environment in maintaining sustainable growth in facilitating the process of internationalization cannot be brushed aside. To top it all, Scholars also have asserted that at the course of any social system is the natural environment and the available technology. In that aspect, these factors also define the possibility of human actions in the society. (Cherunilam, 2007, p. 112) The good news is that Indian policy makers are realizing the impact of globalization; both negative and positive features, to have subsequently initiated certain grounds rules to asses the natural environment constructively and to propagate sustainable development course as a measure. In the context, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in India defines the purpose and scope of it through its process that translate into impact assessment that is officially recognized towards an essential exercise in the course of implementing development projects. The formation of Department o f Environment in India in 1980 is also with the sole aim to access factor that can harness sustainable development in tune with internationalization. (Ghosh, 2003, p. 247) We can further comment that, India is fortunate enough to have the richness of its natural resources and abundant diversity of living resources. Thus the need of the time is to adequately manage such aspect of natural environment, in order to harness the development course for all time. The salient feature in that essence also can be laid emphasis to the degree that a nation can prosper only when resource of the environment is utilized efficiently to satisfy human needs and expectation. (Ghosh, 2003, p. 313) Assimilating the abovementioned discussion, what we drive home from the idea on natural environment and sustainability in context of international business can be related towards the trends that have shifted towards ethics in discourse, and factor the determines the course of business to flourish and take course. We are aware that increasing internationalization has also added up a bundle of ethical issues to crop up. One example in that regard is the diminishing factor of natural resources and its reserves. Due to internationalization, environmental concerns also have increasingly grown. Cases as such can be reflected towards global warming and its effects due to direct impact of international business and its increasing activity. Moreover, increasing dependent of the modern society and nations upon natural resources also have threaten to change the very face of the natural environment, such as natural reserves of fossil fuels; impacting the ecological process and physical phenomeno n in due course. Finally what we can conclude is that policy makers in India are facilitating the right course of action to harness the impact of globalization, which posits the point of natural environment and sustainability. Economic and Socio-Economic Factors In international business, economic and socio-economic factor also plays a significant influential role. To be precise, we are of the opinion that the economic process today is governed and influenced by social forces. There is no denying this fact. What is relevant to the study of socio-economic forces can be laid emphasis to the notion that social trends and its impact directly have a role to play in socioeconomic process. But what are those social forces that directly shapes the determine norms to the economic process? To top it all, do social institutions also constitutes a part of the process? To this notion, the answer is yes, given that social institution today has a major and central role to contribute towards socioeconomic integration and its processes. To identify social forces, we should understand that much of it is related to posit a factor or force that has a direct relation with social phenomena with the capability to cause change in all forms of its interaction proces ses. Assimilating this notion we bring to the subject discussion that social forces can either be identified with the cultural, institutional and other aspects. Speaking of institutions, we are aware that their presence and role in the society today is central. In India for instance, institution to a large extent influence the socio-economic process. We are aware that India is a democratic nation. Hence, impact and direct interaction of social institutions almost make a mark in all aspects concerning economic process. Take for instance a bank, as an institution play a major part in facilitating economic process, and yet bridge a way to internationalization processes. Without financial institution, the unsanitary economic discourse would not have been possible. To top it all, the role media plays in India and elsewhere also directly influences the social phenomena in one form or the other. As we are aware, in international business Public relation is a major part of the overall consideration. Through media forms awareness can be facilitated concerning many crucial facts and significant discourse. Thus, what we see is that advancement in technology also often rings in the social change process, and trends to take shape. In that regard, socio-economic process finds its consideration to the change in patterns and attitude of people to certain phenomena. In that regard, policy makers also find a hard time to bridge the gap that arises due to socio-economic aspects. In India the same phenomena is also being observed, especially relating to technology and its impact. What we can reflect to this notion is the fact that technology advancement is often known to further extend the gap between rural and urban development. For example, the case can be traced to the extensive use of internet in urban households. However, benchmarking it with rural households there is a large gap, which often worries policy makers today. (Wal J. Taylor, 2003.) In that essence, we can trace as to how the socio-economic factor determines the course of actions and likewise. We are aware that contemporary Indi a and the emergence of institutional role have facilitated and assist the country to harness the opportunities of globalization. What the social institution have played in India can be reflected towards the governmental agencies and their policies. It is through the interaction of the social institution that policies such as economic linearization have seen the face of daylight in India. To top it all, policies related to foreign trade, investment and political participations also have been possible due to the simple facts of institutional role in all instance. Thus what we can drive home the point in that regard is that through social-economic interaction, India today have been able to harness the befitting force in facilitating economic, social, and political growth and development. Fact sheets available with CIA fact book also trace the important element attached to the discussion in this regard. (CIAWorldFActBook, 2010) Assimilating the above discussion, we feel that social institutions be it government agencies and the likes have played a significant role to influence the process of economic activities in India. To cite an example again, we feel that governmental body and their agencies through the formulation of policies and other agenda facilitates economic integration directly. It is through policies that bilateral ties trade and other aspects in the list of economic and social agenda are being realized through the actions of policy makers and larders. The role that government bodies plays today in a democratic nation is also one of the many course that defines the socio-economic factors. Institution itself can be in many forms that define the aspects comprising organizations; the interaction between people and the likes. Moreover, as we are aware political process also take its course and actions in all aspects of the social and economic process. In current state of affairs in India the same phenomena also can be witnessed. That is why we see a heightened sense of political origination concerning international business and its discussion. The role that Indian leaders play in facilitating ties, bilateral trade and other features of agreements in the international body also can be laid emphasis in context of the social-economic process. As we have detailed in the earlier discussion, political bodies and government agencies also helps to streamline the economic process through their activities in all instances. The point that we want to argue can be laid emphasis towards situation being undertaken in discourse, and subsequently policies being reached out to carry out actions in practical terms. Thus, what we can conclude to the features of this part of the discussion is the fact that social institutions, be it public, private, governmental or NGOs in all instances influence the economic process of a nation. Hence, understanding the socio-economic forces that play a significant role in contemporary India in integral to derive the meaning of it in one form, and to drive home the idea that economic and social factors often determines the course of international business, its interaction. Political and Legal Environment What is political and what is legal are two different features of the meaning and their term. By political we can simply lay emphasis to the aspects encompassing political institution as such. Hence to ring back the meaning of political forces, we feel the best example can be laid emphasis towards governmental bodies, political leadership and the form of democracy in that regard. Often than not, we found ourselves speculating why political forces decides the course of economic process in the global economy today? Would not we have been well off if there have been no interference for political force? To reach our point in that regard we feel it can be the greatest misrepresentation and misunderstanding. There is no question that society today can flourish without any interference from political forces. That world that we live in today also makes it more relevant for political forces to form a part of the process. Without political forces and their interference, the world would have be en in shambles. Thus, the important features of political forces can be traced. India as a democratic nation has come a long way since the first act of parliament was established. Above all, in context of international business, political force and their influence is one important feature. For a foreign investor or businessman, understanding the role of political force in India can help dramatically in facilitating a course that is legit and in the right earnest. What is crucial to the notion of political force in India in context of international business, or likewise can be looked with the aspects encompassing political interaction. As we can relate toward Indian political business discussion, we should initially understand that the discourse of it is complex. Evolving political and business landscape in India in recent time can be traced to the role political leaders and their leadership have played, nationally and internationally to influence the process. In that regard, we are of the opinion that without any political forces, landscape to facilitate and tap ped the impact of globalization also would not have been possible. Crucial point in that regard can be traced back to the
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Apocalypse of Adam Essay -- Philosophy Religion Essays
    "He received glory and power there. / And thus he came upon the water." This refrain is a common motif throughout the most analyzed section of The Apocalypse of Adam. This section is that of the 13 kingdoms, in which each kingdom explains where the illuminator came from. Each ends with a common form of the refrain above. The meaning of these 13 kingdoms will be discussed later. In this paper, many different aspects of The Apocalypse of Adam will be looked at in an attempt to better understand the implications this text has for its readers. This text is the fifth and last tractate in Nag Hammadi Codex V. The Nag Hammadi library was found in August 1945 in Egypt. When looked at in comparison with other texts found, The Apocalypse of Adam more closely follows the traditions of Jewish apocalyptic literature (Parrott, 67). There has been much debate about the effect of redactors on this text, so there has been a claim that the 13 kingdoms section was added in later by an editor (ibid). The text recovered is in Coptic, the common language around Nag Hammadi, Egypt at that time. However, much of the text is not readable, with tops or bottoms of pages missing. Therefore, there has been a lot of reconstruction of the text, but there are still places in which lacunae have been inserted because it is not clear what the author intended to say. The text can be broken down into three sections that are identifiable by a change in topic. The first section ([67],22-[76],7) talks about a special race of men that come "from the knowledge of the great eons and the angels" (Hedrick, 29). This part also discusses their "conflict" with god. God then tries to wipe them out, and their survival is ensured by "divine intervention" (ibid). The second... ...ebates about its intended audience, it's intended purpose, and the significance of the hymnic or 13 Kingdom section. The Apocalypse of Adam is a most interesting piece of literature that leaves itself open to many different interpretations.  Works Cited Carroll, Scott T. "The Apocalypse of Adam and pre-Christian Gnosticism [dating of tractate by analysis of Solomonic legend]." Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language 44 (1990): 263-279. Hedrick, Charles W. The Apocalypse of Adam: a literary and source analy[s]is. Chico, Calif: Scholars Press, 1980. Linder, Per-Arne. The Apocalypse of Adam: Nag Hammadi Codex V,5 considered from its Egyptian background. Loberod: Plus Ultra, 1991. Parrott, Douglas. "The 13 Kingdoms of the Apocalypse of Adam: origin, meaning and significance." Novum Testament 31 (Jan 1989): 67-87.  The Apocalypse of Adam Essay -- Philosophy Religion Essays     "He received glory and power there. / And thus he came upon the water." This refrain is a common motif throughout the most analyzed section of The Apocalypse of Adam. This section is that of the 13 kingdoms, in which each kingdom explains where the illuminator came from. Each ends with a common form of the refrain above. The meaning of these 13 kingdoms will be discussed later. In this paper, many different aspects of The Apocalypse of Adam will be looked at in an attempt to better understand the implications this text has for its readers. This text is the fifth and last tractate in Nag Hammadi Codex V. The Nag Hammadi library was found in August 1945 in Egypt. When looked at in comparison with other texts found, The Apocalypse of Adam more closely follows the traditions of Jewish apocalyptic literature (Parrott, 67). There has been much debate about the effect of redactors on this text, so there has been a claim that the 13 kingdoms section was added in later by an editor (ibid). The text recovered is in Coptic, the common language around Nag Hammadi, Egypt at that time. However, much of the text is not readable, with tops or bottoms of pages missing. Therefore, there has been a lot of reconstruction of the text, but there are still places in which lacunae have been inserted because it is not clear what the author intended to say. The text can be broken down into three sections that are identifiable by a change in topic. The first section ([67],22-[76],7) talks about a special race of men that come "from the knowledge of the great eons and the angels" (Hedrick, 29). This part also discusses their "conflict" with god. God then tries to wipe them out, and their survival is ensured by "divine intervention" (ibid). The second... ...ebates about its intended audience, it's intended purpose, and the significance of the hymnic or 13 Kingdom section. The Apocalypse of Adam is a most interesting piece of literature that leaves itself open to many different interpretations.  Works Cited Carroll, Scott T. "The Apocalypse of Adam and pre-Christian Gnosticism [dating of tractate by analysis of Solomonic legend]." Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language 44 (1990): 263-279. Hedrick, Charles W. The Apocalypse of Adam: a literary and source analy[s]is. Chico, Calif: Scholars Press, 1980. Linder, Per-Arne. The Apocalypse of Adam: Nag Hammadi Codex V,5 considered from its Egyptian background. Loberod: Plus Ultra, 1991. Parrott, Douglas. "The 13 Kingdoms of the Apocalypse of Adam: origin, meaning and significance." Novum Testament 31 (Jan 1989): 67-87. Â
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Dramatic Irony in Sophocles Oedipus the King Essay -- Oedipus King Oe
Dramatic Irony in Sophocles' Oedipus the King Oedipus the King is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles. Sophocles knowing that his audience is aware of the outcome of the play utilizes that knowledge to create various situations in which dramatic irony play key roles. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows the tragic truth before the characters do. Through his use of irony Sophocles manages to avoid retelling an old tale, though the audience is cognizant of the story's end they are intrigued by the irony present in the story. Sophocles made liberal use of irony. By doing this he tantalized the viewer into wanting to see how the events that occurred later would mentally affect the main character, in this case Oedipus.            Oedipus is self-confident, intelligent, and strong willed. Ironically these are the very traits which bring about his tragic discovery. Because of these traits Oedipus was able to solve the riddle given... ... attempted to show examples of dramatic irony and how they apply to the story line in the play. I thoroughly enjoyed "Oedipus the King" due to the style Sophocles used and because I normally enjoy tragedies such as this. I believe tragedies cause one to question every aspect of life which would explain why many of the plays were written in this time frame. This play held up to it's expectations and I look forward to seeing more dramatic irony in this form in the future.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Transformation of Henry Fleming in The Red Badge of Courage Essay
The Transformation of Henry Fleming in The Red Badge of Courage      Stephen Crane's purpose in writing The Red Badge of Courage was to dictate the pressures faced by the prototypical American soldier in the Civil War. His intent was accomplished by making known the horrors and atrocities seen by Unionist Henry Fleming during the Battle of Chancellorsville, and the conflicts within himself.  Among the death and repulsion of war, there exists a single refuge for the warrior--his brethren. The success of combat is directly related to the morale of the soldiers, as it is the relationship with the neighboring soldier that demonstrates the motive for fighting. This association between men creates an abundance of compulsion from one man to the next. Similarly, as Henry Fleming developed a rapport with men throughout the 304th Regiment, he began to be subjected to the pressures of war and his companions, which greatly influenced his maturation during the Civil War.  Having read of marches, sieges, conflicts, and the exploits of Greek warriors, and, as well, longing to see such, Henry enlisted into the Union army, against the wishes of his mother. Before his departure, Mrs. Fleming warned Henry, " must never do no shirking, child, on my account. If so be a time comes when yeh have to be kilt or do a mean thing, why, Henry, don't think of anything `cept what's right..." Henry carried with himself this counsel throughout his enlistment, resulting in his questioning himself on his bravery. As a sign of Henry's maturation, he began to analyze his character whilst marching, while receiving comments from his brethren of courage in the face of all adversity, as well as their fears ... ...urth kept to himself, fearing for his safety, and ashamed of being captured. Henry's final step in maturation was finally made through the sacrifice of his companions, and their pressuring him to lead the charge.     The reaction of one soldier to another is the basis of war, as camaraderie is the methodology by which wars are won. Henry gave witness to the horrors of war, the atrocities of battle, the deaths of his friends, and later a life of victory. The ultimate transformation in Henry's character leading to a mature temperament was found by finding himself in the confusion of war and companionship.  Works Cited and Consulted:  Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Canada; 1976.  Gibson, Donald B. The Red Badge of Courage: Redefining the Hero. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Environmental Depletion Essay
1. Individuals are affected by the environment in different ways. The environment is an essential element in man’s daily sustenance. The environment is the source of fresh air which humans breath in order to live, the source of fruits and vegetables that are necessary for the better functioning of the body, and the care taker of nature which provides man with a serene view of the world. The environment is also the source of trees and other raw materials that are used in the production of the basic needs of the modern world. The environment aids man in so many ways that living without it is totally indispensable for the survival of man. However, the many blessings and benefits which man derives from the environment have caused greed and abuse. The environment, as many theorize is very sick because of man’s lack of concern for it. Instead of striving to preserve and/ or cultivate all that the environment has to offer, man continues to abuse and show lack of care for the environment. Thus, the world now is experiencing too many nature related tragedies. The tragedies that are happening and the climate changes as well as global warming are all the result of man’s depletion of the earth’s natural resource. Everything which the environment has to offer has been continually abused by man and utilized commercially to satisfy their greed for profit. What man forgets is that whatever he does with the environment will be done to him two fold. Aside from the physical effects, changes in the environment can also have physiologic and psychological effects to man. If the temperature is hot and dry, man tends to be sweaty and thirsty while if the temperature is cold, the body of man tends to cling on to something that will provide him warmth. Psychologically, a hot temperature will most likely cause man to be easily irritated and annoyed. More often than not, the patience is man is shorter when it is hot as compared when the temperature is cold. In addition, if the environment to which man lives in is rowdy or in chaos or there is too much pollution, the tendency of man is also to feel and act in chaos whereas if the environment is serene, man, most often than not, will feel relaxed and relieved. A busy and crowded environment may lead to stress but a lax setting may temper the mind and feelings of man. Individuals, generally, act in accordance with what they see and feel from the environment. There are only a few people who do not feel affected with what is happening in their environment, these are the people who have high tolerance and have a high sense of discipline to detach themselves from the environment where they are. 2. In the past five years, there has been an increased awareness in the environment because man has been feeling the wrath of nature. The effects of the pollution of the water, the seas and rivers, the air and the noise pollution that are felt world wide are starting to cause serious trouble to man’s daily existence. There has been too much pollution around that man can hardly enjoy the benefits which nature used to offer. The climate changes, global warming, extinction of plants, animals and fishes, melting of glaciers and scarcity of natural resources such as water, trees and animals have caused man difficulties. In some parts of the world, such as Africa, water scarcity is very prevalent (Arriens, 2007). The people there hardly have any water to drink, cook and bath. In the years to come, it has been predicted by several scientists and researchers that water scarcity will be felt in a greater degree. If there is water scarcity, almost all resources will be affected. Lack of water will also deprive man to cultivate the soil and plant fruits, vegetables and rich thus there will be food shortage. Cost of products bought in the market will also rise. The lesser products there are available, the higher is the cost. The fear of man to experience all of these adverse effects is the reason why there has been an increased awareness of the environment, which I believe is just right. Man needs to protect and preserve the blessings of nature in order to live longer and enjoy life better.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Black Rock Essay
Steven vidler, director of Blackrock use a number of cinematic techniques to the theme of risk. Teenagers are notorious for risk tasking behaviour which can have devastating consequence for the future. Blackrock is a 1997 film tells the story of Jared, a teenage boy who witness a rape and murder at a teen party, and must risk his social status (and safety) by coming forward. Vidler explores the theme of risk using film techhiguc such as montage, costuming, dialog, Montage: A montage in the film’s opening credits shows teenagers surfing and having fun on the beach. Shots of teens surfing successfully are mixed in with scenes of people falling off their boards and ‘wiping out’. Part of the appeal of surfing may be the risk involved; the teenagers are rejecting the safe, over-protective world established for them by their parents. Costuming: Jade arrives to meet her friends dressed in baggy, conservative clothes, but takes them off to reveal her party, clothes underneath. Jade is defying her mother’s orders, instead choosing to go to the party and have fun with her friends. By ignoring the wishes of her mothers, jade is taking great risk-teenagers often takes risks to be accepted by their peers, at the risk of upsetting their loved ones. Dialogue: Rachael’s father tells her â€Å"you’re not allowed to go (to the party†). Rachel’s father insists that she stay at work, and so she respects his decision (reluctantly). Risks often involve teens ignoring their responsibilities; by doing what she is obliged to do, Rachael avoids risk. Tracking shot: A series of tracking shots show Ricko ‘surfing’ on the bonnet of a fast car, as a crowed watch on. Ricko is loved by his friends for his willingness to take wild risks like this; being ‘wild’ makes him popular. The greatest the risk a teenagers is willing to take the greater the respect that they often get in return. Contrast: While the teenagers are seen drinking and partying, the adults including Jared’s mother; are shown at a local pub. The risks taken by Jared and his friends, including violent and sexual behaviour, are contrasted with the financial risk taken by the adults as they gamble their money. While adults discourage teens from risk-taking they too are guilty of taking similarly large risks, only in different ways. Silence/slow-motion: As Jared watches Tracey being raped, the scene plays in slow motion and the sound fades into the background. This helps the viewer feel Jared’s shock and confusing, as he feels helpless and unsure of what to do. This is the first scene in the film to show that risk-taking behaviour can have severe consequences Characterization: Jared’s father, Len, abandoned his family and is confronted by Jared’s mother at the gym where he works. Len is an older example of the same kinds of reckless and irresponsible behaviour that can be seen in the film’s teenaged characters. Parent’ attitudes to risk-taking and responsibility can be passed down to subsequent generations. Alliteration: Jared sees â€Å"dobbers die†spray-patting in large capital letters at his school. Obviously, the boys who murder Tracey are threatening anyone who knows about it to stay quiet and not informal the police. Jared now must take another, less enjoyable risk this time to his personal safety if he decides to come forward. Montage: A later montage shows Jared surfing alone; the scene is slower, quieter and darker than the previous surfing scenes. This reflects Jared’s changing emotional stat, as the rape and murder has changed his feeling about his friends and himself. The negative outcomes of risk-taking are not limited to physical danger, but can also include guilt, stress and regret Repetition: Talking to his girlfriend, Jared repeats, â€Å"I didn’t do anything†. Jared feels guilty about the fact that he did not step in to save Tracey as she was being attacked. The negative outcomes of risk-taking are not limited to physical danger, but can also include guilt, stress and regret. Flashbacks: Jared has a series of flashbacks to the night of the murder throughout the movie. This shows that Jared continues to feel guilty and conflicted about his role in Tracey’s death. Negative consequences of risks are a main deterrent from fisk taking behaviour.
Freud and Erikson
This first paper is going to be about a case study on a 7 year old kid named Gary. Gary is wheelchair bound and has Muscular Dystrophy and has been home-schooled until now. He seemed to be doing fine in school, but he has been crying after school and not wanting to go monday mornings. We have to try and figure out why Gary is feeling this way. I will be using and comparing Erikson’s Psychological Theory and Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to analyze why the case study subject might be acting this way. Erikson’s Psychological Theory is based around Freuds’s Stages of Development, but with further stages and not always based around sex and aggression like Freud uses. Erikson’s Theory contains eight stages: Trust v. mistrust (birth to two years of age), autonomy v. shame/ doubt (two to four years), initiative v. guilt (four to six years), industry v. inferiority/ diffusion (six to twelve years), identity v. identity confusion (adolescence), intimacy v. isolation (young adulthood), generatively v. tagnation (middle adulthood), and ego integrity v. despair (late adulthood to death). The first four stages match up pretty well with Freud’s Theory’s stages, with an additional four stages about adulthood at the end. Two big things about Erikson’s Theory is that success builds on previous stages and that failure is cumulative (Morrison, lecture, 2011). I can apply Erikson’s Theory to the case study with Gary in a couple of ways. The first observation I can make is that Gary is his wetting the bed problem. If he hasn’t done it in years, why is he doing it now? Gary has probably failed to succeed in the autonomy v. shame stage of development. It doesn’t say how long Gary has been in a wheelchair, but my guess is quite awhile. Even if it was after his toilet training years, he had to re-learn how to go by himself when he was given a wheelchair. This might have gone smoothly when he was at home with the help of his loving and supportive parents, but he probably doesn’t trust in teachers or aids to help him if he needs it. He feels ashamed of himself for not being able to go flawlessly like at home, and these feelings of shame are causing other problems in school also. This GREATLY affects his self esteem levels and disturbs the rest of his school life. Another angle of looking at Gary’s problems is he isn’t succeeding in the industry v. inferiority stage. This stage is about learning in school and communicating and is a very social stage (Morrison, lecture, 2011). SInce Gary is in a wheelchair, he can’t participate in regular activities in P. E. classes. He has to have adaptive P. E. based on him not being able to walk. Watching the other kids playing on the basketball courts and playing football and stuff leaves him feeling left out. He isn’t building skills for a teamwork mentality like everybody else. He feels left out of the fun and probably puts himself lower than the rest of his peers. This would greatly hurt his self-esteem and competence. This could be an explanation for him crying after school and just not wanting to go Sunday nights. Although Erikson’s Psychological Theory can explain Gary’s problems in terms of missed of problems in developmental stages, Maslow can explain them more generically with his Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs has five stages, starting with the most primitive working towards more finite: biological and physiological needs (food, water, shelter, warmth), safety needs (protection and security), belonging and love needs (family, affection, relationships), esteem needs (achievement, status, responsibility), and self- actualization (personal growth) (Morrison, lecture, 2011). Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, I can analyze Gary and determine that it seems as if Gary isn’t fulfilling his esteem needs. He seems to have a low self esteem and a low sense of accomplishment. This is probably because he can’t do the same P. E. activities as the rest of the kids. Just being around a lot of kids that can walk and do things he can’t is probably the main reason for his sadness and not wanting to go to school. When he was at home all day, he had his parents to comfort him if he ever had questions about other kids. His parents might have actually over protected him, as in Gary wasn’t prepared to go to public school because his parents sheltered him from the truth of the real world and wasn’t ready for it. Since Gary is having trouble with his esteem needs, he cannot feel accomplished and move on to his self- actualization needs. He can’t grow as a person until the lower level needs are met. There are a lot of theories that people can use when analyzing peoples’ problems. But looking at Gary’s problems, Erikson’s Psychological Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were the ones I felt like could explain why Gary is having problems the best. Not every theory is applicable to every situation. These two theories made sense to me and I believe explained his problems the best out of all of the theories we have looked at in class. Between the two I used, I believe Erikson’s Psychological Theory explains it better than Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but they both have some good points in this case study.
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