Saturday, August 31, 2019
Latin American Art Essay
Art is a form of expression. Paintings are a form of visual art. Artists are the creators of visual forms of communication and their art works speak out what is in their hearts and minds. Art in any form, music, sculpture or dance is nonetheless a language of the soul of the artist. Art of a period is a depiction and impact of the social, political, religious, cultural, traditional, geographical and social system prevalent at the time. Like the transformation of a person through circumstances and experience, paintings too exhibit change in their character in form, subject, and choice of colors, technique and style. Latin American art grew through the age of ancient folklore, to a combination of modernism; to rebel against imperialism, colonialism, terrorism and dominance of the western world ; surpassing the turbulence played by history with the Latin American countries. They were plundered and conquered innumerable times and till today they fight for their identity which is dissolving into the global world. The name of Mexican Artist Diego Rivera is famous as the master of cubism of the early 20 century. His works have gained immense popularity for their modernism and retention of originality. â€Å"Diego was fascinated by the new style of painting led by celebrated Spaniard Pablo Picasso†in the cubist paintings by Diego†¦ so he mastered that style from 1913 and developed it in his later works. The Zapatista Landscape is a painting in the same style. It is a landscape of the city of Zapatista. Juxtaposed with the geographical terrain of Zapatista, are the bold and beautiful pictures of guns, fragments of human features in the backdrop of nature. Bold lines are absent but the distinction of shapes is vivid in the painting. There is an indication of texture but the strokes of the brush are smooth. The landscape showers a powerful beam of bright light from above in the painting. Colors are not representational but expressive. Apt to its time, the landscape breaks rapidly just like the destruction and damage of the culture and traditions at the mercy of those who ruled over them then. The Zapatista landscape, by Diego Rivera, the master of cubism, is my choice because it has a tremendous visual impact and bursts with vibrant colors. The second image of another artist of the period is that of Joaquin Torres Garcia. His abstract metaphysical work captivates the viewer because of its grid shapes and different style. His paintings look like murals on a wall, where geometrical shapes are made to look unique by the effect of metallic colors. Numbers, dimensions and shapes comprise his visual portrayal. Torres Garcia developed his own style called the constructivist Art in the early 20 century. He returned to his roots after several years in Europe and America. A man without any family ties, Joaquin was brave and confident to try out new styles of his own but wanted to preserve the tribal art and geometrical organization of expressions just like the Inca Civilization and Peruvian art. He used the golden mean to express his art. The distinct feature of his paintings is their irregular grid base and the signs embedded into each. His paintings look as though they have been made on walls and not on canvas. The play of light and shade is subtle. His colors are representational but they capture the eye by their abstract subjects. His paintings are very fascinating as we do not understand their theme at first instance. They make you look at them for hours and to penetrate into every detail to understand the interesting message from the mind of Garcia. There is a three dimensional effect but there is no perspective to his paintings. They look flat but the grid looks as though each piece is an embossed metal sheet with figures and forms on it. There is a balance of spatial relationship but no attempt at creating illusions. The luster of metals is an unusual method of Garcia’s works. His creations speak about spirituality, religion, meditation and universality. His deep belief in traditions of ancient civilizations like the Inca, surfaces clearly in his works. They signify the resistance he felt towards the dominance of European art. His works reverberate feelings of identity crisis of the Latin American people and rebellion against the degradation of their culture. His subject is not human forms but a connection to the universe and the eternity of the soul. The marvel of the two different paintings is their diverse subject, theme, style, color schemes and effects. But the message is unmistakably the same. Search of identities! Unity amidst diversity! How do they stand out alone and yet combine to form such a strong pair? The Zapatista by Diego Rivera is like a bright flower struggling for survival and fighting its rough terrain. It evokes a feeling of admiration for an individual’s self esteem. The painting by Joaquin Torres Garcia, with its grid base and earthy metallic colors evokes a respect for some one who is trying to make a place for himself in a world that refuses him the identity and dignity he deserves. Disparity, unrest, between classes of society, in the third world and western countries, the message of rebellion, liberty from suppression by power of education, wealth, industry and might, is the loud and clear evocation of both the works. The Zapatista, Diego’s work promotes a message of patriotism through his painting, while Joaquin achieves it by his systematic grid base in his work. The grid base gives a rational approach to art while the abstract forms connect creativity to the ultimate unknown realms of the Universe. Beautiful landscape of Zapatista projects peace and harmony with its blue sky, brown mountains and green trees but is superimposed by brightly colored pictures of guns and dark suspicious eyes of the innocent citizens, of the revolutionaries who were desperate to break free from the ramshackle of their present. Garcia vividly demarcates visual matter by geometrical grids, blended into abstract forms and Diego uses cubism to arouse feelings in his work. But there is a harmony of thought which binds both these paintings into a single message. That of an uprising surging in the hearts of sensitive people of Latin America and their struggle to retain their identity in the emerging new world. Together they resonate the same ultimate yearning of mankind. To rise up above time and to live up to eternity. Stare at them and they speak out to you. Call you towards them and throw you back if you do not understand the message they are giving. Zapatista landscape beckons all those who have migrated to affluent countries in quest of their unfulfilled dreams. It brings out sighs of nostalgia and tears of rage, betrayal and fear when you look at it. Garcia’s work attracts you like a magnet to metal. The lustrous metallic shine with abstract intriguing signs, get embossed on your mind. They lead you to believe that art and creativity are a science and can be portrayed through numbers. See each one in a different light and when together they tell the same story. Like a newly married couple, coming from two different corners of the world. With two different upbringings but united for life to seek the same purpose. That of procreation. Of giving birth to a new world, full of hope, happiness and universal bliss. Not just for themselves but for the Universe as a whole. Works Cited Diego Rivera (Mexico), Zapatista Landscape, 1915, 29 November 2008. Joaquin Torres-Garcia (Uruguay), Abstract Metaphysical Forms, 1930, 29 November 2008
Friday, August 30, 2019
Pros and Cons of Television Essay
Television is one invention that serves as a type of role model for Americans everywhere. This mechanism is in almost every room in our home and people can’t help but turn on the switch to see what is showing. Some only rely on a television as their only source of entertainment and some view it as a way to get the family together. But one thing for certain is that television has some characteristic that draws humans to the screen and most people reflect what they watch. The television is an unavoidable technology that shapes people’s lives, on that can both benefit and harm its viewers. Although television is unavoidable, it does have its benefits. Almost every American has one TV in one room of their home. The news channel is one of the most widely watched program in the world. People watch news as a source of what is happening during the day. Before work, a woman would turn on the news, to check how the weather is so she can pick out the right outfit. Or some may check the news just to take a glance at traffic to see which roads to avoid in order to make it to work on time. The news also benefits children. It helps them understand what is going on in the world. “News, current events and historical programming can help make young people more aware of other cultures and people.†( Media Education Resources, 18 Oct 2006. Some news casts help by showing the latest threats in places or even in food reports, which are good things to be aware of. Some people also find the joy in knowing about the latest product on the market or a br and new diet test. However, the news might not show decent programming for all audiences all the time. The potential harm in television is the violence that is shown on almost every channel, but particularly in the news. The news is the place where most of the violence is shown and worse, the violence is real. The news reaches all audiences which means children are exposed to this violence. But the violence show is harmful to all its viewers. “Some local news shows go out of their way in search of violence.†(Online News Hour, 18 Oct 2006. When kids witness violence on the news, it gives them ideas and it shapes their view on the world. The same goes for young adults. Most of the violence on the news are by young adults who are in gangs or a student at school. Worse is that the violence is shown in detail and shows every act from explosions to gun shots, to fist fights. These kinds of scenes are not ones that should be exposed to young children and adults. “As more violence is reported in the news and as young children spend more time involved with media, they are more likely to hear disturbing news.†(National Association for the Education of Young Children, 18 Oct 2006. The news is a helpful program to have, but not when disturbing images are shown. Most Americans who own a TV watch it for an excessive amount of hours, mainly children, so they are bound to see some amount of violence while watching. Some may stumble upon it on accident so they have those frightening images in their mind. Parents are concerned that their kids watch the violence because they are entertained by it. Some kids might have to watch news casts for homework assignments and find helpful information about the country they live in, but they also might see some of the dangers that are here as well. The fact is that the news has the habit of showing clips of “disturbance†during their supposed innocent broadcasts. Overall the news does have its advantages and its disadvantages just like television. The television is an unavoidable technology that shapes people’s lives, one that can both benefit and harm its viewers.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Federal Government’s Response to Economic Issues of Tariff Essay
One outstanding feature of the railway transport during the 1880’s was reduction of freight charges to large shippers, a fact that was disadvantageous to small shippers. Railway transport was also infamous for excessive charges between destinations that were served by one railway line. Moreover, some railroads  demanded more payment from some shippers than from others, for the same distance covered (Brinkley 1995). When Cleverland assumed office for the first time, his administration passed the first Interstate Commercial Act that primarily regulated transportation by railway line, in addition to creating an Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) that protected against any violations of the Act. The Act also prevented levying of extra charges, and discrimination in rates and rebates. Cleverland played an active role in effecting reduction of the high Tariffs. (Brinkley 1995) He believed that high tariffs were the reason behind the high cost of living and for the rapid manner in which trusts were developing.  In 1887 and 1888, he made attempts to lower rates of protective tariff. These attempts were however, unsuccessful (Farmer, 2005). His   second term in office as the president was characterized by severe economic and financial crisis brought by collapse in the stock market. However, despite the crisis, Cleverland’s administration also saw the passing of The Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894. This law had important concessions to protectionism, in addition to reducing the rates of Tariff. (Brinkley 1995) When Harrison became the president in 1889, his Government, in order to fulfill election promises, passed the McKinley tariff Act, This Act sought to protect established industries and to encourage growth of emerging industries (Farmer, 2005). The McKinley Tariff however became unpopular especially with farmers and consumers since it occasioned a rise in retail prices and led to increase in the import rates in industrial goods. However, during Harrison’s term in office, eight treaties that led to reduction in tariff rates were negotiated. Harrison’s tenure also saw the passing of the famous Sherman Anti-Trust Act, which vested the government with powers of filing lawsuits against business organizers whose actions restrained competition. This law was however, not enforced and the concentration of trusts went on as before (Brinkley 1995). Reference 1.     Brinkley, A., Freidel, F., Williams, H. T. (1995). American History: A Survey. (9th ed). New York. McGraw Hill. 2.     Farmer, B.R. (2005). American Conservatism: History Theory and Practice. England. Cambridge Scholars Press.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Economic Policy of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Economic Policy of China - Essay Example The two way trade in China has grown faster than it's GDP for the last quarter of the century. (Ken Davies, 2000) After 1979 the Central - Local Relationship was made flexible: This initiated a loose and decentralized management controls over policy making, resource allocation, production issues (Ravi, 2005). The authority of local government people as well as plant supervisors in the industries were increased through the increment in the autonomy of public enterprises. This encouraged the private sector in the services as well as the light manufacturing industry. Foreign trade and investment was increased through a diversification in the banking systems, development of stock markets, and encouragement of the private enterprises (Baizhu & Feng, 2000). An example of localism is that the central government is subjected to severe budget deficits while revenue generation of local is increasing. The budget stood around -7.0% of GDP in 2006. There has been a trend of changing role of institutions. Structural downsizing of State organs, streamlining departments, and creating institutions like the 'the National Development Planning Commission', 'The State Economic and Trade Commission' and 'Ministry of Commerce' to manage the macroeconomic competitiveness that China is striving to achieve. According to the purchasing parity as it accounted for 12 per cent of global GDP. Ever since the 1980s the real income has grown approximately 400 per cent per head, and the export import has increased 11 to 13 per cent per year. The manufactured goods constitute 90 per cent of the total exports while the ratio of trade-in-goods to GDP today is around 50 per cent. (Sally, 2004) Today not only are the Chinese commodities exported to the world a large amount of foreign commodities pouring into China. During the period 1990 to 2001, the world's exports were growing at the rate of 6.3% while in China the exports experienced at 14.9% growth. The import growth rate was 6.5% on average while China had 15.5%. The Chinese products not only prove to be cheap and efficient but also the foreign companies become price competitive by producing in China. (People's Daily Online, 2003) China's trade liberalism is directly linked to the open investment policies. In 2002 the Foreign Direct Investment was $450 million from $90 million in 1990. It represented 36% GDP of China whereas 6% of the world's total. Most of the FDI stock comes from the manufacturing sector which constitutes about 7% of the world's overall manufacturing. (Sally, 2004) Despite all the good things about the openness of trade there have been some major macro economic issues that the country is currently facing today. The first is the external debt issue. In 2005 the three main indicators of external debt were way below the internationally accepted line; this is an alarming situation for a country like China. The external debt as compared to the GDP was 12.63%. Another issue is the public debt. China's public debt was 22.1% of total GDP (2006). In 2005 Standard and Poor's revised China's credit ratings saying that China had come out of the instability and made progressive reforms and successfully implemented them. The rating increased to A- from BBB+ for levels above the 'non-investment' status that shows S and P's has a more positive of China. Moody's Investors Service has rated China favorably five notches above the non investment status.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Personal Reflection Paper on The Self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Personal Reflection Paper on The Self - Essay Example My self-concept derives from a whole host of such factors, not the least of which is what others think about me. I have always had a great interest in music and I have a very good singing voice, which has made me popular with my friends: so I consider music and the capability of rendering it is an integral part of my self. The awareness of my gender has led me to see what women the world over go through in terms of greater struggles for freedom and rights. My self-concept thus wraps around my identity as a woman as someone who has to struggle with the everyday realities of being a woman, and also involves an acceptance of the fact that I have an average appearance. Add to that my identity as an African-American, and the picture is complete in a social context. People around me see me as a normal, well-adjusted, average-looking African-American woman and also as a student who sings well, and so it becomes an important definition of my self-concept in the social context. My concept of self contributes to my self-esteem, my idea of what I am worth, of what I am capable of contributing to the society, and the respect of choices and rights that I feel I deserve. My singing abilities and my accomplishments as a student provide a boost to my self-esteem, because they bring me recognition and applause in my community, especially in my church where I lead the choir. My self-esteem lets me perform well and gives me the confidence to move about in a social context, comfortable in the knowledge that I am likeable and welcome. I feel that my accomplishments more than make up for my lack of physical attractiveness, and it does not significantly detract from my sense of self-esteem. My self-esteem leads me to believe that I can make informed choices about my own life, and indeed have all rights to do so. In the social arena, my self-esteem helps me perform at a high level of self-efficacy. Based on my concept of self and self-esteem, I am able to form an estimate of how effective I am as a person. There is no hesitation in attempting a new challenge, because my sense of self-efficacy tells me that I am more than likely to succeed. In my point of view, my sense of self-efficacy increases if the challenges belong to my comfort zones, namely singing or academics, because it is very well accepted by those around me and myself that these are the areas I am easily able to excel in. This is the reason why I am comfortable taking part in community events which involve singing. One of my earliest and most significant memories is of being sent on stage by my mother to sing a small hymn at a church event. After my singing ended, there was loud and continued applause, and I could see the smiles of approval on the faces of all the people in the audience which included my parents, relatives, friends and neighbors. This gave my sense of self-esteem a major boost, and whenever I now feel nervous about going on stage, I recall that moment in my childhood when I first heard the applause of the people around me. It gives me a feeling of rise in self-confidence, and my concept of self-efficacy is restored: I do not feel nervous or panicky any more and am able to get on the stage and
NASA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
NASA - Essay Example These are all good things but they do not necessarily bring about good results. The case study shows that the administrators and the systems need to be geared to solving real problems, and not just sustaining the system itself. There is no point in having an excellent health and safety system, for example, if it the accidents still happen and people still lose their lives. Another key role of public administration is to decide what needs to be done, and plan for that. Wilson’s comparison of the French and German armies at the start of World War 2 shows that it is possible to have excellent organizational systems, with everything working to plan, and yet, in the case of the French, have a plan that is not suited to the particular problems facing the organization. This means that public administration which is strong is not enough. It has to be facing the right direction and aiming for the right goals so that it can be effective at bringing about the desired outcomes. In some pu blic organizations there are very large resources devoted to the operation and so it is crucial that the senior teams think through very carefully what the priorities are, and what kind of change needs to be faced in the future. Simply maintaining the procedures that have always worked in the past is not enough. This may have been enough before, but because there are many variables in society, and because things change unexpectedly, an effective public administration needs to be flexible and able to take on board new ideas all the time. The example of the German army, and of some school head teachers, shows that highly committed individuals who can manage teams are an essential part of an effective administration. There has to be an ability to keep to an overall plan, but at the same time some small group independent thinking and action is absolutely vital. Public administration is often criticized because it is too slow moving, and over cautious. Society needs an administration tha t can respond quickly to crisis, and can break through all the red tape to take decisive action when there is a real threat. In the Centralia case study it is clear that the administrators all kept within their own narrow boundaries, and no-one stepped out to demand immediate and decisive action. Society needs this kind of leadership in public administration to identify crisis areas and respond immediately. Public administration has a very important role in society because it adds a professional dimension to community activities. Someone has to have a view of the big picture, and someone has to ensure that all the different branches of activity in society meet together for the good of all. I think Wilson’s description of the German army is a good one, because it shows that discipline and order can be matched with innovation and independent thinking. If everything was left to private individuals and companies, then there would soon be chaos and exploitation of the weakest memb ers of society. Public administration sets the standard for fairness and consistency, and it is the job of public administration managers to keep a good balance between following the rules and driving through change where it is needed. Question 2. On the basis of Long’s essay on administrative power and your analysis of â€Å"The Columbia Accident†what specific factors can you identify that can strengthen or detract from an organization’
Monday, August 26, 2019
Ecological crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ecological crisis - Research Paper Example countries have on the other hand been transferring multinational companies to these countries because of the availability of cheap labor and resources (Dean 2005). This paper therefore will discuss the environmental crisis of Capital vs. Nature appropriation facing Latin America. This will be important in coming up with the possible solutions to the crisis. The history of environmental crisis facing Latin America dates back to the days that economy of United States became developed. United States enacted different laws that were aimed at guarding its natural resources from exploitation by multinational companies. As a result, multinational companies were forced to look for countries where laws were friendly to their activities. At that time, Latin America was facing political upheavals therefore; the countries had no stable laws. This saw mass investment being taken to these countries (Catro 1997). With economies of countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Columbia growing tremendously the previous companies and other mushrooming companies have put a strain on natural resources while at the same time the these countries are in need of capital and labor to sustain the growing population (Roberts 2003) Currently, little has been done to reverse the condition with the impact of degradation of the environment in these countries affecting the whole world. Different summits have been held in these countries with the latest being the UN summit on environmental protection (Rio+20) which was held in Brazil. I believe that the solution to this crisis can be achieved by these countries themselves. These countries need to enforce laws that will force the companies to comply with the set measures aimed at improving the environment. In addition, more campaigns need to be conducted in order to sensitize the general public on the importance of taking the appropriate measures in protecting the environment (Dià ¡z 2005). In addition, this region needs to set up a specific
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Management Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Management Communication - Essay Example Fourthly, students from foreign countries have issues getting used to the food being served in the school dining halls. In conclusion, students face numerous cultural problems in the new learning environment. My Buddhist religion values have taught me to embrace students from different cultures and faiths. The school environment has set up a program to deal with cultural diversity sensitively and effectively. An orientation program has been in place to welcome all students and familiarize them with the school environments and all important aspects in the school’s culture (Jones and Brown 103). The program also gives foreign students special attention to ensure that they have an easier time while adjusting to the learning environment. Students are encouraged to welcome foreign students and offer them any help that they may need. The program should seek to improve the foreign students’ communication by offering them a student to guide them through the first weeks of campus. The program should be improved to cater for the needs of foreign students from all over the world and teach students the importance of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
VIS 152FACT AND FICTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
VIS 152FACT AND FICTION - Essay Example To this end Abbas Kiarostami’s Close-up becomes an â€Å"unclassifiable hybrid.†(Rapfogel, 2001) The film’s central character, Hossain Sabzian and the film’s plot are not fictional creations, but rather real recreations. The fact is, a man with the name, Hossain Sabzian did in fact impersonate a film executive named Mohsen Makhmalbaf and the impersonator, Sabzian is played by himself. (Rapfogel, 2001) Kiarostami takes the concept of documentary film to a unique level so that the art of distinguishing the actor from the character he or she plays is impossible since the actors play themselves in the film. In this regard, each of the actors and the characters that they play are authentic representations of themselves. Since the actors are not caught unaware, they are role-playing nonetheless. (Naremore, 1988) Real life situations are therefore reconstructed so that the nuances of human existence are exposed. So while Close-up brings film closer to life, it simultaneously brings the reader closer to reality. So although Close-up is for all intents and purposes a staged portrayal of real characters and a real plot, it is very much an exercise in realism and authenticity. This is because it combines reality with â€Å"an hallucination that is also a fact.†(Bazin, 1967) The hallucination is manifested by the preparedness in filming and performing. Salesman like Close-up chronicles everyday life by depicting the role playing in vastly similar ways. Like Sabzian, who impersonates a film executive for disingenuous reasons, the salesmen in Salesman likewise resort to role playing. The four salesman follows the travels of four Irish Catholic Bible salesmen from Boston to New England and Florida where they attempt to sell fancy bibles to lower and middle class consumers who are obviously not interested in purchasing the bibles. Paul, one salesman is the ultimate performer. In trying to reach his sales’ quota he even lies to
Friday, August 23, 2019
Coporate social responsibility Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Coporate social responsibility - Article Example Srinivasan, in her article, emphases it is the responsibility of any business environment stakeholders to address the financial problems in the business environment of the developing economies, particularly in India. She notes that, in India, the key actors include the government, civil society, and the target businesses. However, Srinivasan notes that it is essential to examine distinct roles of each of these stakeholders. In understanding the roles of each stakeholder, Srinivasan cites the significance of evaluating social, ethical, and environment challenges that have significantly changed the tradition upon which business is understood in India especially the way it is taught in business schools (Srinivasan, 2012; pg. 104). Thus, this article examines how ethical and social factors have affected the Indian business environment and the ways it can be improved. The Indian corporations are indulging in fields including education and health with innovative and sustainability ideas towards delivering affordable and scalable products into the market. In other words, the incorporation of new techniques and ideas of addressing social and ethical issues will change the nature of the business activities from the traditional ways of handling business (Srinivasan, 2012; pg. 10). ... In conclusion, it is apparent that Srinivasan advocates for changes in numerous social and ethical issues in the Indian business environment in order to achieve the desired profitable business environment. However, these changes must be aimed at complying with the global understanding. Importantly, if India needs to improve it economy through international businesses, it must create friendly external business environment. The external investors will only be interested in some specific factors in order to invest in India. Most of the investors will be interested in the leadership, how the Indians understand business society inter- relationship, the contribution of the corporate government and other stakeholders. These changes can never be achieved over night; therefore, it is the dire responsibility of then stakeholders to initiate these changes within the Indian business environment. Corporate Social Responsibility Can Be Profitable This article is a contribution of Ruben Hernandez-M urillo and Christopher J. Martinek in an attempt to highlight the profitability of the Corporate Social Responsibility. Notably, businesses and organizations often peg their social expansions on their corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Hernandez-Murillo and Martinek, 2009; pg. 01). Hernandez-Murillo and Martinek highlights how the corporate social responsibility usually embraces a broader group of stakeholders including the employees, customers, and the entire business community. Moreover, CSR often depicts the financial responsibilities to the stakeholders. Therefore, the main role of the CSR is to maintain reputable relationship through giving back to the community (Hernandez-Murillo and Martinek, 2009; pg. 01). Through the article, Hernandez-Murillo and
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Difference Between Backing Up and Archiving of Data Essay Example for Free
Difference Between Backing Up and Archiving of Data Essay Explain the difference between backing up and archiving of data, state the process taken for both and give reasons why they are necessary. It is important to know the basic differences between backup and archiving information, in order to prevent loss of important files on a computer. There is a big difference between the two and it comes down to variables between short term and long term storage. Backing up important data files on a computer should be done often, sometimes once a day or more. Thinking of it like a short term insurance policy, backups can be done using USG keys, disks, even to tape. Sometimes this information is overwritten each time it is saved, as new tiles are being added. Backups are primarily used for operational recovery, to quickly recover an overwritten file or corrupted database. The focus is on speed, both to back up and recover, and on data integrity. Archives, on the other hand, typically store a version of a file that no longer changing, or should not be changing. For example, an accountant for a small business that uses QuickBooks will back up his files regularly in order to prevent a disastrous loss of inform. He will entrust that information to an online backup system that is updated at the end of each business day. This way, if a problem occurs with the individual computer or network, then there is a way to resurrect the book without having to enter a month of work. Archiving, on the other hand, is the equivalent of a long term insurance policy for files that are rarely accessed or never changed. This type of storage creates a history of the files in an authentic form that can be accessed weeks from now or years from now. The storage media for archiving requires that it have a long, stable life. If the owner of the company died tomorrow, where would you begin to look for important documents? Or what if an audit of 2003 came up? Creating an archive is essential to traching down vital information to a company or individual. Typically, archives have been stored on magnetic tapes in the past, but with cost of online data archiving solutions becoming more practical and inexpensive, you will see more use of them. Offsite data archiving is highly recommended in the even t of a disaster. Another way of looking at the differences is that backup contains multiple restore points, allowing you to go back in time in case of a virus, accidental deletion or accidentally saving over a file. Archived information will only store a singly version of a file and this is rarely changing, if ever at all. Often archived data will also span decades of files. Archiving may require certain policies or rules that approve who have access, how long the records need to be stored etc.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Example for Free
Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Plastic surgery is a medical field that deals with reshaping some body deformities that may have occurred due to birth defects or accidents. It is also used for other purposes such as treating diseases and beauty purposes. An example of a disease which can be treated through plastic surgery is melanoma. If plastic surgery is carried out for younger looks or beauty purposes, it is referred to as cosmetic surgery. This paper will directly address the issue of cosmetic surgery since it is what has caused plastic surgeries addiction all over the world. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay Cosmetic surgeries are never related to any medical condition and are normally done to enhance the physical appearance of an individual. Cosmetic surgery addicts are easily identifiable due to the numerous surgeries they undergo each time claiming that they are not happy with their looks. Many victims of cosmetic surgery suffer from a medical condition known as Body Dimorphic Disorder (BDD). This mental disorder has made people imagine that they look different from others and there is a need for surgery so that they can improve their looks. Discussion Cosmetic surgery is a major problem today as a number of people who are addicted to it are doing it repeatedly in order to achieve their imaginary beauty. This practice is becoming frequent and in many instances it is affecting women as they try to change and improve their physical appearances. The problem with such kind of people only exists in their mind because it is hard to view yourself as being ugly from others, it is only a perception. If you view yourself as being ugly from others, the problem will never end even if you undergo so many plastic surgeries. This perception will directly influence the level of your happiness and accepting yourself the way you are. The practices of undergoing plastic surgery repeatedly in order to feel happy and look like the ones you view as more beautiful than yourself is what doctors refer to as BDD. This condition normally affects both male and females under the age of 18 equally (Gorbis, 2003). People suffering from BDD use plastic surgery as a solution to their unending dissatisfaction with their body physical appearance (Gorbis, 2003). Almost all people who suffer from BDD seek solution to cosmetic surgery. As a surgeon, you should be able to discover someone suffering from this medical condition and recommend him/her to a psychologist. Any invention has both positive and negative sides but plastic surgery addiction would cause more harm to the body compared to the benefits associated with it. For instance, it can damage the skin and muscle tissue of an individual permanently. Another well-known harm caused by plastic surgery addiction is the permanent nerve damage. This may result to permanent loss of feeling and sensation in all the affected areas of an individual who have undergone plastic surgery repeatedly. Many individuals who undergo plastic surgery repeatedly to perfect their physical appearances in most cases end up with irreversible damage that make them look awful compared to their original appearances. Plastic surgery addiction cause more harm to the physical appearance of people with BDD instead of enhancing it. People suffering from BDD undergo plastic surgery so that they can attract attention from the public. They later regret when things go wrong. This is an indication that it should be discouraged and people suffering from BDD should be referred to a Psychiatrist or psychologist instead of a surgeon. Plastic surgery is not cost friendly at all. The operation is very expensive and its outcomes are sometimes not worth the price. What the addicted victims fail to understand is that, plastic surgery operation can only result to two things. That is, a great success or a failure. This means that, the more operations you undergo, the higher the risk of failure (Pruitt, 2009). Many individuals who are addicted to plastic surgery are attracted by what they see in the media. They watch successful surgeries of famous celebrities and think that it might as well work on. This is not usually the case and the individuals we watch on the media having successful surgeries sometimes develop problems at a later date. Plastic surgery addiction is very different from drugs and other things addiction in that it fulfills people physiological needs. Therefore, it is normally difficult for individuals who are not satisfied with their physical appearance to stop plastic surgery. This is something they are viewing in the mirror now and then. If they are not satisfied with what they see, they will definitely run to a surgeon so that the body part they feel is not well placed can be rectified. The problem with such an individual is that he/she is likely not to be satisfied with many body parts. Thus, resulting to a series of plastic surgeries so as to be satisfied with his/her physical appearance. In my opinion, I would only recommend plastic surgery to individuals who have a medical problem. I would never encourage cosmetic surgery because it is doing more harm than enhancing appearance of individuals who are undertaking it. Most people who are addicted to cosmetic surgeries perceive themselves in the wrong manner. They normally have their imaginary images on their minds which they think they can turn to after the operation. This normally does not happen and that is why they undergo so many operations before they realize they are destroying their images. Plastic surgery should only be carried out under medical conditions not for pleasure. Pictures are all over the internet showing how plastic surgery addiction has caused a number of celebrities to lose their good looks. Cosmetic surgery is not good at all because it has not worked well for people who have done it. They are suffering from negative impacts of plastic surgery addiction. It should be therefore be discouraged unless under medical conditions. Conclusion Plastic surgery is not bad if it is used for solving a medical condition. However, having a plastic surgery for beauty purposes or look young should be discouraged by all means. It should be discouraged because it might possibly lead to addiction. Physicians as well as public awareness concerning BDD should be increased to control the unnecessary plastic surgeries. Doctors should also try their best to identify troubled patients so that they can direct them to psychologist or psychiatrist who can advise them. There are other treatments other than surgeries which can help people who have problems with their physical appearance. Psychologist and psychiatrists can really assist individuals with plastic surgeries addiction. The only problem to the control of this addiction is that cosmetic and plastic surgery is so accessible and doctors have not provided a regulation on the number of surgeries an individual should undergo in a given period.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Innovation Management at Airlines Industry
Innovation Management at Airlines Industry Executive summary In a business context, innovation as a new idea means the creation of value proposition where customers needs are fulfilled through an integrated combination of goods, service, systems, process and technologies. This paper brought out an innovative idea for airlines industry, which could minimize the cost by reducing the cabin crew in order expand the market growth for the low cost budget airlines. The idea was the installation of vending machine in the aircraft. As a cross functional team, the idea would be implemented by the low cost budget airline: Easyjet, whose main objective is to be the best low-fare airline in the world. As a cross function team of Easyjet, quite few ideas were assessed before come to the final one. By analysing feasibility and justifying, the team found that if Easy jet installs the vending machine in their aircraft, they could cut one of their cabin crews in an operation. It would reduce their cost as well as bring flexibility of customer service. The minimisation of cost paves the way to competitive low-fare by reducing the ticket price. In this report, the team also sorted out the potential problem which could arise at start of the introduction of vending machine in aircraft as well as recommend how to overcome these situations. Setting up of vending machines requires a slight change of aircraft design as well as needs special version of vending machine, which is suitable for aircraft use. The teams design unit made a probable design of the aircraft, which is displayed in the report. Additionally, the maintenance unit provided solutions for the future maintenance of this product. Introduction Innovation is the commercialization of creativity. European Foundation for quality Management defined innovation more precisely, as innovation is the transformation of ideas into product, service, process and systems and social interaction. It creates new streams of value that satisfied stakeholders and drive sustainable growth (cited in Mele, 2009). This is the new emerging phenomenon in business philosophy. In fact, innovation could be continuous improvements and radical or even discontinuous idea of any product, process or it could be any service industry (Stamm, 2008). Innovation is crucial for present competitive and ever changing environment. As a mature industry, Airlines companies are encountering massive competition. As a result, innovation or creating a value for customer is the key in this business. However, continuous or regular changing is not quite possible for this highly expensive and risky industry. Although, the airlines industry which take an initiative to create a value for money, it can be a leader in this business arena. The selected company is Easyjet following the cost leadership strategy. Thus, the new proposed idea as well follows the cost leadership strategy. Before selecting this idea, a lot of ideas were generated. At the end, the installation of vending machine in aircraft is selected to create a new value for the Easy jet airlines. Why the innovation is crucial for Easyjet and viability of the proposed idea are explained in justification and reason for adopting innovative strategy section. Meanwhile, the proposed design of setting up vending machine in aircraft has been presented in this report. L ater, the predicted problem is identified and recommended the solution as well. At the end, learning process will show how this idea was developed. Preliminary investigation: This is the first step to develop any potential idea at which stage projects technical and marketplace merits are determined (Stamm, 2009). This project has centred the market of airlines industry. As a mature industry, airlines companies are generating and implementing different innovative projection in order to survive in a highly competitive market. One of them is the cost strategic innovation has been brought in the UK by the two airlines industry, namely: Ryan air and Easy jet. Easy jet is the proposed company in this project. Analysing its market share, market growth, consumer needs and priorities and core competencies, this project identified the cost effective innovative idea, which is installation of vending machine in the aircraft primarily for short haul distance. Logic behind this proposal is reducing the cabin crew in order to cutting the cost. On the other hand, it would bring the flexibility in customer service because customers need not to wait for food or drink. Furt hermore, there would be variety of food and drink in the vending machine. Considering technical side of setting up vending machine, aircraft will be redesigned to a small extent. Justification for the Innovation Easyjet is currently the second largest low budget airline in Europe. In 2009 passenger numbers increased by 3.4% to 45.2 million this is as a result of Easyjets unique selling proposition of offering the lowest prices to the most convenient airports. It currently flights to 114 destinations on over 400 routes. It compares favourably with the model of Ryanair (currently the largest airline in Europe) which offers the lowest fares but to secondary airports (EasyJet, 2010). Easyjets strategy and business model is based on four key indicators (Appendix-2) As suggested by Buckman (2007), the next big wave in automation, and travel technology overall, will focus less on the process and more on the people. Moving forward, it will be more about how technology can enhance and improve the travel experience from booking to baggage. Low price, a variety of destinations, value for money and efficiency are core competencies of Easyjet. Those core values should not change regardless of environmental turbulence (Collins and Porras, 1996). Its strategies require cost reduction and other profit sources are more important than travel fares as a source of revenue. The chart below shows an outline of how Easyjet compares to its nearest competitors in the airline industry in Europe. Easyjet RyanAir British Airways Quality of Service: The quality of Easyjets service compares favourably with that of Ryanair which is the leading brand in the low-cost Airline model. It however does not provide the same level of service as the network airline British Airways. Destinations: Easyjet goes to fewer destinations than Ryanair. However, it does favour primary airports over secondary airports which give it a marginal advantage to customers who prefer to arrive closer to the city centres. It goes to more destinations than British Airways in Europe. Price Advantage: Easyjet has a distinct price advantage over the network airlines due to its no-frills pricing model. Its prices are low but can be lower if it chooses more secondary airports like Ryanair. The analysis above shows that Easyjet is not the market leader in any of its key competencies. it is therefore necessary for Easyjet to improve its position. This can be done through innovative change in customer service. Reasons for Adopting Innovative Strategy With the opening of political boundaries across Europe, the airline industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years. More and more passengers are travelling across Europe for business and leisure. This has allowed for the emergence of low cost airlines right across Europe. There has also been increased competition from the high speed rail industry with companies like Eurostar increasing their market share in the transport industry. The airlines have also been affected by the recent fluctuations in fuel prices and economic downturn. In 2009 Easyjet was able to make modest profits of  £54.7million despite these challenges. Moreover, there was a higher increase in revenue from ancillary sources (Appendix-2). As the company model is based on reducing ticket price, it is preferable to maximise revenue from ancillary sources while reducing cost. In line with easyjets strategic priority of developing a winning customer proposition and its ability to use technology for innovative change it has been reviewed various possibilities for improving the customer experience to achieve growth. They include: Offering a standing service for short haul flights. (Appendix-2) Enhancing the EasyjetPlus card service (Appendix-2) In-flight vending machine, which is explained below. This product would allow customers a low-cost self service that is easily available once on the flight. It would also reduce the workload of the flight attendants. It opens avenues for direct sales of products from Easyjet and third parties. This option allows Easyjet the opportunity to increase revenue by providing advertising space for third party suppliers. This would help improve the brand and ancillary revenue. It would be innovative as it is a new product to the market and Easyjet could possibly gain additional revenue by licensing the product to other airlines once developed. It would however require investment in development of the concept and implementation. Design Easy machine (vending) are going to locate in some part of the Galley (kitchen) where not only food and beverages kept but also contain flight attendant jump seats, emergency equipment storage, and anything else that flight attendants may need during the flight. As below image indicate, normal aircraft like A319 has two galley areas which usable one for coffee machine and one for food and beverages. Easy machine in fact could be installed in galley area for more safety issue and as mention above just occupy some space and it produces from very light and strong plastic material. It is necessary to state that Easy machine totally redesigned and resized in order to fit and stick in galley. The colourful design of setup vending machine in aircraft and possible installation place is displayed below in two pictures: Potential problem and related solutions: In this part, the aim is to identify potential problems and threats, which could hinder the process of setting up the vending machine. At the same time, how to overcome these issues are explained here. In order to set up vending machine in an aircraft, Easy jet could ask some additional modification to their supplier for introducing compatible vending machines. However, setting up vending machine in an aircraft is not an easy task. It is estimated that, the following issues could be occurred when Easy jet will install the vending machine in the aircraft. These are broadly analysed as well as finding the problems with solution have been stated below. Safety Problem analysis: safety measure is considered to be the prime reason of concern while installing the vending machine. As there is a potential risk when plane taking off or landing and there is a possibility of vending machine to falling down on the floor. Furthermore, it could bring an enormous accident for the aircraft. It could also injured careless sort of passengers when they pass the vending machine. After analysing safety reason, two main issues are identified, which are potential threats for installing vending machine. The issues are:  · Stickiness of vending machine on the aircraft  · Indication of vending machine, where it would place Solution: the proposed installation of vending machine in the aircraft should be designed especially as it could viable for aircraft use. For the first issue of safety, vending machine should be attached on the floor as well as stick in the aircraft ceiling. As it should be unmoveable, even if when plane taking off and landing on the ground. Considering the second issue; a flashy sign can be tagged on the vending machine or around the vending machine. It would act as caution when anyone is passing by the vending machine. It would also remove traditional trolley as well as reduce congestion in the galley area, which has a potential benefit for in-fight staffs (Appendix-4). Weight Problem: The weight of the vending machine was discussed as one of the key issue and needed thorough analyses while setting up vending machine in the aircrafts. Since, many instances of plane accident indicate the underlying weight related problems; Easy Jet should consider it from plan to implementation. As a result, it should be viable for aircraft capacity. Also, the weight is related with carrying passengers as well as luggage. Thus, Easyjet should consider two issues for weight related problem. These are:  · The weight of the vending machine  · The weight capacity of aircraft Solution: the proposed vending machine should be specially built for aircraft. Meanwhile, Average vending machine weight is 310 kg with 360 can capacity (Cokevending, 2010). It is built with metal and as a result, it is heavy. However, using plastic can reduce the weight. Recently, plastic vending machines are available in the market. Thus, it is feasible to think for installing plastic vending machine in the aircraft. Legal Problem: this potential threat might come from government approval. This is because; it is related with aircraft safety. In the meantime, public pressure could be arising as a new innovation process. Since, it is related with aircraft reengineering. Another question would be aroused about the cutting down of staff as there is standard ratio of staff should available in service operation. As a result, the following issues should consider before launching the vending machine in the aircraft.  · Managing related governmental department for approval  · Increasing public trust  · Staff reduction issue Solution: for pursuing government approval, Easy jet could prove that this innovative changing is viable for aircraft. It is taken because of reduce cost. Since, it is not a radical innovation. Thus, it is not tough enough to make people believe that this change is feasible for aircraft carrying capacity. Consequently, easy jet can introduce advertisement campaign for bringing the trust on public. One of the main objectives of the fitting up vending machine in aircraft is reducing the staff. Thus, this low cost leadership airlines industry can be bringing down their operation cost. However, there is a legal issue about the standard ratio of cabin crew, which has to be considered before reducing the staff (Appendix-2). Space reduction Problem: installing vending machine in the aircraft means shrinking the space of the aircraft. Length of existing vending machine of coca cola is 102 cm. Though, vending for aircraft would be customized, but it will take some space. Thus, potential issues could be:  · Occupancy of space by installing vending machine  · Reducing the space from aircraft Solution: though vending machine will occupy some space, it has other potential benefits. Drink and food service will be self served. However, this space reduction could not impact hugely in aircraft. Meanwhile, it would be competitive trade off to be set up vending machine for aircraft, which would be customized only for aircraft. Finance Problem: Easy jet has to invest some money to restructure of its aircraft for setting up vending machine. Thus, following issues could be installing vending machine:  · Restructuring cost  · Set up cost Solution: moderately less amount of money is related for installing vending machine. The proposed vending machine in aircraft would be specially made for Easy jet aircraft. Thus, its production cost will be split in such as; material cost, setting cost and other related cost. Considering all this aspect, it could be assumed that setting up vending machine would not be an expensive venture. Consumer credibility Problem: restructuring and redesigning the aircraft is more risky than ground vehicle. Public intimidation would be high if the restructuring will not be proved to be safe. Thus, significant threats of safety should be measured. These could be accounted below:  · Inconvenience for passengers  · Possible queuing for food and drink Solution: Easyjet carries passengers for short haul distance. The installation of vending machine is primarily for short haul distance air travel. As a result, inconvenience of passenger would not be high. Rather, passengers do not need to wait for crew member as it is self service. Keeping attention of possible queuing, the member of staffs could check all over the flight as passengers could take food or drink without any hassle. Maintenance of vending machine innovation The Easyjet has to consider the following issues for the maintenance of vending machine: Customer use of vending machine Customer can buy any product by coin, paper note and debit or credit card (chip pin). It is big issue for customer which currency will accepted by this vending machine. For solving this problem machine have to set the program that it will accept most of the familiar currency. Vending machine supervising Before start the flight, supervisor (cabin crew) has to visits machines and dispenses soft drinks, candy and snacks, and other items. They collect money from the coin and cash-operated machines, restock merchandise, and change labels to indicate new selections. They also keep the machines clean and appealing. Supervisor should have enough training to supervise this machine and to manage the passengers to assist them to buy their food, drinks or other things. Break down and solution If machine break down, it would be advisable that most of the control functions can be managed by an integrated circuit board (Appendix-2). Managing vending machine food supply Easy jet already has contracted with some brand food and drinks company. In year 2009 they started contract with world famous coffee company Starbucks (EasyJet, 2009). These types of company can supply vending machine food. Reflection of learning process: The new big innovative idea was developed by the four members. As it has been known that innovative idea always needs brainstorming and lots of challenges have to overcome before evolving any viable idea. Since it has been instructed that this potential idea should increase the opportunities of market growth for the selected company, the four members have worked through generating ideas related with different business. Officially, as it is assigned by administration to compile the report in six week period. The task was organised weekly such that the first two weeks was developing different ideas and subsequent researching as well as collecting relevant materials based on the selected idea and company. Meanwhile the team has contacted with different vending machine companies for the suggestion to setting up vending machine in aircraft. Discussion of first meeting was basically organising the team members, structural format, assigning the role to the members, and deciding who would maintain the contact with all others members as a coordinator. The role of Coordinator implies by Crossman (2008) as this person will have a clear view of the team objectives and will be skilled at inviting the contribution of team members in achieving these objectives (p.198). The following meeting was to come in the point where the team decided to select an airlines company as topic to develop innovative idea. The session was garnished with quite a few exchanges of ideas, views, comments and critical discussion. Finally, the team has picked the idea of setting up vending machine in the aircraft. On the other hand, as a cross functional team, team members are viewed themselves as a members of their function (Crossman, 2008). Thus, this project work was split such as market and cost analyses for new innovation, identifying problem and related solution, design the aircraft for setting up vending machine and maintaining after installation. As a completely new idea, the team faced a lot of challenges to prove the viability of project. All of the subsequent meeting held on bases of testifying the perfection of this project. While making the progress in setting up the vending machine for aircraft, the team encountered few key issues. As challenges grew more, the team rather focused on uses of the light weight plastic material, instead of heavy metal made vending machine. Furthermore, it has been estimated by the team that, this step would be suitable like low-cost strategic airlines mainly Easyjet. Because they can adapt the policy by reducing the numbers of cabin crew and recap the installation cost of vending machine. Additionally, it could sustain steady market growth. The team observed the innovation would bring about a competitive advantage even in the time of severe economic downturn. The above development of idea and analysing process revealed the learning of the core motive of innovation for the team members. Reference: Coca-Cola Enterprises (2004). Vending machine specification. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 1 march 2010] 3M United Kingdom PLC (2000). Vending machine weight. [online] Available at :< URL: > [Accessed 25 February 2010] Easy Jet Airline Company Limited. Major new easy jet aircraft order. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 25 February 2010] Austrian cargo. Aircraft specification. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 3 March 2010] Flight Attendants Association of Australia(2010). Ratio of cabin crew. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 25 February 2010] Mele, C (2009). Innovation in B2B: learning, creativity, and the provision of solutions within Service-Dominant Logic. 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The Menace of Standing-Only Flights Spreads. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 9 march 2010] Easy Jet Airline Company Limited. EasyJetPlus whats it all about?. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 10 March 2010] Martin Roll (2004). Singapore Airlines case study . BrandChannel. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 9 March 2010] JEFFREY N. SHANE(2004). American Bar Association 2004 Annual Meeting Aircraft Financing Subcommittee. US department of transport. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 10 March 2010] CHRISTOPHER ELLIOTT (2006). Will you stand for less room on flights?. Hearst Seattle Media, LLC. [online] Available at :< URL:> [Accessed 10 March 2010]
Analysis- System Specification :: Computer Science
Analysis- System Specification In order to design my database on Microsoft Access the software I will need is as following. I will need the operating system of Windows XP. This is because this version of Windows is more up-to-data and more professional to use than say, Windows 98. Also Windows XP will have better and more up-to-date features than older versions would have. I will need the applications programmes of Microsoft Access 2003 and Microsoft Word 2003. The reasons for this is because I will need Microsoft Access to perform such actions as creating the database and I will need Microsoft Word to perform such actions as creating a mail merge. Also I will need Microsoft Access 2003 and Microsoft Word 2003 because these are more up to date and more professional versions compared to older versions such as Microsoft Access 2000 and Microsoft Word 2000. The hardware I will need in order to carry out my database is as following. I will need a processor that has a minimum of 1GB (Gigabyte). The reason for me needing a processor this size is because this will enable me to have a larger overall volume of work stored on the computer and will allow me system to run quickly. I will also need a RAM (Random Access Memory) of at least 512KB. I will need this in order for my database to work quickly enough and sufficiently enough for the needs of my end user. I also do not need too much memory, as I would then be wasting large amounts of this. Further hardware that I need is a ROM (Read Only Memory) or a Hard Drive of at least 60GB. I will need a hard drive this size in order for my database to work quickly and sufficiently enough for the needs of my end user. Also I do not need too much memory, as doing so would be wasting large amounts, as it is not being filled. Other hardware that I need are peripherals. These are things such as a keyboard, a mouse, a monitor, a printer and a PC. The type of keyboard I will need is an ergonomic keyboard rather than just a standard QWERTY keyboard. This is because if a lot of work is carried out involving a lot of typing having an ergonomic keyboard may help to reduce the stress of working on a computer for long periods and may also help to reduce both back and neck pain. A further peripheral I will need is a mouse. The type of mouse I will need is a standard roller ball mouse with a scroll bar.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Brazil :: essays research papers
Brazil LOCATION OF BRAZIL Â Â Â Â Â Brazil lies between thirty five degrees west longitude and seventy five degrees west longitude. Brazil also runs between five degrees north latitude and thirty five degrees south latitude. Brazil is located in mainly the eastern part of South America. This country sits in mostly the southern hemisphere of the world. Being completely on the west side of the world, Brazil is not all in the south side of the world. With the equator running through north Brazil, a small portion of Brazil, a small portion of Brazil is in the northern hemisphere. Brazil is bordered by a number of South American countries. Brazil borders Uruguay to the north; Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Peru to the east; Bogota to the southeast; Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana to the south; and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. PLACE OF BRAZIL Â Â Â Â Â The landscape of Brazil is covered with plains, plateaus, and tropical grasslands. The plains has a fertile ribbon of lowlands, about ten through thirty miles wide which are along the country's coastline. Behind the plains sits a huge interior plateau that runs steeply near the lowlands in front of it. This drop forms an escarpment, steep cliff that separates two level areas. In Brazil there is much poverty. People make a living there by subsistence farming. Even though they do farming subsistintly, they use much advanced farming there. Aside from farming there is much more to there culture. People there are involved a lot in astronomy and mathematics. Architecture is another way of living there. This used not only as a money making job, but private uses also. HUMAN ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION OF BRAZIL Â Â Â Â Â In the 1500s, the Portuguese colonist built big sugar plantations along the fertile coastal plain and port cities to ship crops to Europe. Brazilian government has been tearing desolate slums, called favelas, down in order to improve Brazilian cities. These favelas were replaced with public housing people could afford. In 1955, Brazil decided to build a new capital city, 600 miles inland, called Brasilia, in order to decrease the population of the former capital Rio de Janeiro. Between 1940s and 1950s, Brazil's government built the country's first steel mill and oil refinery. The government also built it's firs series of dams to produce hydroelectricity in order to run industries. During the 1970s Brazil began a large road-building project beginning at Brasilia. At the same time Brazil developed a fuel called ethanol from sugarcane, and were clearing the Amazon to plant crops there. MOVEMENT OF BRAZIL Brazil was inhabited by Portuguese colonist in 1500. Brazil's colonist brought over three hundred million African slaves to Brazil, to work on the
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Good Man Is Hard To Find by Mary Flannery O’Connor Essay -- Literary
Mary Flannery O’Connor, the writer of many short stories known for their cruel endings and religious themes, wrote â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†in 1955. â€Å"Her works combine flat realism with grotesque situations; violence occurs without apparent reason or preparation.†(Roberts 429). â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†is about a southern family’s trip to Florida which takes a dramatic turn. This story was written in O’Connor’s first collection of short stories. â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†is a compelling story of tragedy that utilizes humor and irony to draw the reader’s attention, and two major characters to convey the authors central theme. Throughout the short story â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†O’Connor uses humor to enhance her story and set a tone for the reader. Margaret Whitt states that â€Å"Because of the specificity of detail of dress and family interaction, the story is also funny in a grotesque way†(Whitt 44). O’Connor’s humorous description and situations are used all through her stories including â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†(Wilson â€Å"A Good†). For Example, John Wesley tells his grandma, â€Å"if you don’t want to go to Florida, why dontcha stay at home?†. At that point his little sister June Star makes her way into the conversation and says, â€Å"She wouldn’t stay home to be queen for a day†. June Star later adds, â€Å"She wouldn’t stay at home for a million bucks†, to further exaggerate on her point. Even though grandma expresses how she does not want to go to Florida and would rather v isit her connections in East Tennessee, she is still the first person in the automobile the next day for their three day trip to Florida. Another humorous situation happens while the family is driving through Georgia and the ... ...'One Of My Babies': The Misfit and the Grandmother." Studies in Short Fiction 33.1 (Winter 1996): 107-118. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Janet Witalec. Vol. 61. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. Keil, Katherine. "O'Connor's 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find.'." Explicator 65.1 (Fall 2006): 44-47. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Vol. 111. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. Nester, Nancy L. "O'Connor's A Good Man is Hard to Find." The Explicator 64.2 (2006): 115+. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. Whitt, Margaret. Understanding Flannery O'Connor. Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina, 1995. Print. Wilson, Kathleen, ed. Short Stories for Students. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1997. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Conceptual Framework of 4`S Library
Peter Drucker defined the marketing concepts as â€Å"the business as seen from the customer? s point of view. †Keating & Hafner [68] initiated that business models can be applied to libraries; they draw analogies from business by substituting â€Å"library†for â€Å"corporation and â€Å"user†for â€Å"customer†. The e-Business domain is being employed extensively in government, library, and non-profit diverse organizations lately. Constantinides (2002) [69] proposed the Web-Marketing Mix (WMM) model to identify the online marketing critical elements and addresses the E-Commerce strategic, operational, organizational and technical issues by: Scope, Site, Synergy and System (4S). The scope identifies the strategic and operational objectives to be addressed. The site proposes a method for drafting realistic and consistent Web marketing plans in order to develop the functional platform of communication, interaction, and transaction with the web customers. The synergy refers to the necessary organization, infrastructure, human resource and knowledge for supporting smooth online operational processes. The system identifies main technological and administrative issues that will underpin online marketing activities. To illustrate how to implement the 4S into conceptual framework, each of them will be explained further. The â€Å"Scope†is acted as a strategic direction for managers to ensure the whole staff follows the organizational predefined goals and objectives. In order to measure an organization's internal processes, then to identify, understand, and adapt external practices for continuous improvement from other organizations, there is a desire to establish benchmarking across institutions [70]. For administering reader profiles and sustaining activities, a segmentation of readers is helpful to reach the goal setting and position the strategic role of library during the service process. The â€Å"Site†transforms a web required to evaluate how well the website? s presentation has complied with the presetting functional requirements. Library website (Libweb) is the virtual front doors to collections and services [71], and as a powerful International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Alcoholism in Youth
Alcoholism in Youth Expectation, are they making things difficult? It seems that what is expected has not been achieved neither been integrated in mind and heart of the youth, being dubbed to as hope of the motherland. Did the famous national hero of ours, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, just had been mistaken with his proposition then? Or, is it because the influential matters in the society that dominates that is why those coined words by him do not materialized? Which is which? We could not escape from the facts that there is a bunch of malignant issues that bound the society. Yes, indeed, reality bites!Such social issues are fatal act into quoting that the youth is slowly killing the final stand of the country’s progress. What is the problem then? Or should I say problems? Alcoholism is considered as a widespread problem in the society since it can harm the individual’s health, relationships and status in life. It is definitely a disease which means an uncontrollable and obsessi ve consumption of alcoholic beverages. It detriments the physical and mental components of a person and causes the brain to change in some point that the person becomes dependent and abusive.The alcoholism in youth is out of subtlety. It is really obvious now! Youths are unstoppable and always thrilled when talking about alcohol. They seem to be excited in the experience and proud in some point when drinking. Actually, the bond between alcohol and youth is really a complicated matter that everybody should need to understand to solve this this legal matter is way over ignorance, then underage drinking is common. Generally, young Filipinos start to drink at the age of 16 or 17. But there are some cases that they drink as young as 12 years old.Family, friends, and the mass media can be influential factors. With this matter, out of school youth could divert themselves seeing them at the end of the day, drinking alcohol and taking up drugs. Pursued by curiosity, they do what is not suppo sed to be done. If these deeds will be tolerated, then there will be just a little hole along the tunnel that will light up the dark pathways of life. It is the same as saying as the case gets worse, the result gets dark. With that they do, they vividly mirror what awaits tomorrow. Then what waits it then?Simple, a day full of miserable undertakings, full of regrets and a day that embraces darkness. In the stage of puberty, there are some huge changes and adjustments that the youths are experiencing and undergoing. These adjustments are crucial that they find the comfort in using drugs and alcohol. We can see that these on-going developmental changes are some factors that should be dealt by them. As they grow and expose to the outside world, peer pressures and thrill seeking activities lead to them to test their limit and their ability to go on what they can see.They try everything and anything even if it is harmful just to be accepted by the society they choose to be a part of. The se causes should be controlled and every youth should seek responsibility on what is morally and legally accepted. Character strength is tested during this kind of stages since every action has its own consequences. As stated earlier, there are so many harmful effects alcoholism can bring. In youths, the most difficult to avoid is the serious drinking problem which may be alcohol dependency or alcohol abuse.When a person starts to drink in a younger age, there is huge possibility that the person will become alcoholic. In a rebellion phase, of course, dangerous behavior can be amplified by alcohol. Since they are used to this kind of actions and environment, they tend to engage in much hazardous move like use of harmful drugs and risky behaviors. Finally, alcohol has an enormous effect in brain and body development. Underage drinkers may suffer and have difficulties in long term memory or critical thinking in later years. Hormonal imbalance will soon be observed which have a negative impact in reproduction.Drinking alcohol is a primitive practice of Filipinos as what history shows. Now we are in a modernized world, but this practice has never been avoided successfully. Alcohol is not really at fault but the person who abuse alcohol. Youths are risky in these abusive actions bu we should not criticize them. Nevertheless, we should be the model and the helpers of these youths as they move towards critical transitions. And at the end, the relationship between the youths and alcohol is not really a mystery. Its solution are not vague and if we just open our eyes wide enough, the solutions are just in front of us.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Hartmann Luggage Case Report Essay
With the analysis we did in class, we made the suggestion of not doing the next promotion. The first thing I did after class was adjusting our model in class from three months moving average to a five months moving average, with data from previous two months, current month, and two months after. With this adjustment, the incremental increased a little, but still, I think it’s not attractive enough when taken other factors, such as cannibalization effects, into consideration. Also, as Katz pointed out, â€Å"the April-May 1978 promotion had been announced on January 1†(page 14), the relative lower January-February 1978 sales level should not be used to forecast March-May 1978 sales without promotions. In fact, I believe it is the announcement of promotion on January 1st that led to the low sales level in January-February 1978. Retailers would order fewer units prior to the promotion but catch up with more units ordered during promotion period. This should also be considered to cut the attractiveness promotion. Other than the data analysis we did in class, there are a few more reasons I don’t recommend Hartmann to have a price promotion in the following year. First, price promotion will damage Hartmann’s brand image. One of Katz’s principles for Hartmann was to â€Å"maintain a prestigious image†(page 2). Since the price promotion itself was not very efficient, why should Hartmann risk its brand image to do it? Second, as Katz said, there are all kinds of different ways to increase total sales, and, based on luggage consumer surveys, price promotion was definitely not the best way for Hartmann to achieve higher sales. From Hartmann’s own survey, durability and style were considered the most important features in selecting luggage (page 5). Although the results itself seems like is a little misleading, since price was not an option on that questionnaire, it actually should be the real case, and this conclusion could be proved from the industry market research in Exhibit 2. In this research result, only â€Å"31% of respondents cited price as the most important criterion in selecting luggage†, while â€Å"21% cited it as the least important criterion†, and only â€Å"26% would ‘wait for sale, then go there to buy’†(page 16). Also, considered the target market for Hartmann, which are â€Å"customers who demanded the highest quality and durability in luggage†(page 1), and its market position as â€Å"most expensive in the industry†(page 1), the demand of its products was definitely inelastic. With such an inelastic demand, price promotion would never be the best approach to improve sales, especially to improve profit. So what would be a better way for Hartmann to increase sales and profit? The same as the consultants, I would recommend Hartmann to make more advertisements to build wider brand awareness among target consumers (page 14). The reason I makes this recommendation are as follows. Based on the industry research report in Exhibit 2 (page 16), â€Å"48% of respondents believed they would favor a brand of luggage they recognized or had seen advertised†. The percentage for Hartmann’s target consumers might be even higher, because they were pursuing â€Å"the highest quality and durability in luggage†and the probability that they would trust an unknown brand was very low. However, according to Hartmann’s telephone survey (page 5), the overall aided awareness level was pretty low among high income level customers, who were considered as Hartmann’s target customers, and â€Å"only 5% of respondents recalled having seen any Hartmann advertising†. Therefore, building brand awareness among target consumers by increasing advertising should be the best way for Hartmann to increase sales and, more important, not jeopardize either profitability or brand image. Therefore, all reasons listed above, as well as sales data analysis we did in class, point to one identical conclusion that price promotion was not a good choice for Hartmann to achieve sales and earnings objectives. Yet, increasing advertising was a harmless and more effective approach to help Hartmann achieve its objectives.
How Internet Addiction Affects Student’s Academic Performance
How Internet addiction affects student’s academic performance Internet addiction in the twenty-first century is as common as the flu. Technology has expanded, and about anyone, anywhere on earth has access to the web and is about to go online. The effect of this addiction may seem harmless but it has a great toll on the body and their academic performance. It can drastically change their life. The addiction, like any other, starts around the first few experiences.In the twenty-first century it starts roughly at the young age as ten to about anywhere in their adult-hood. Internet addiction isn’t only about the famous social media chat sites such as Facebook or twitter. It has a lot to do with v-logging, videos, forums, and various types of internet gaming. Technology nowadays is progressing at such a rapid speed that it makes virtually any task as simple as one click process. When the addiction is in affect, the mind doesn’t think of anything else but that.Especia lly when he/she has found himself online to what may seem a few hours but may actually be the entire day or two before realising. This affects greatly the sleep one needs in order to function on a daily basis, and everyone understands the importance of sleep. The person may also be deprived of food, the nutrition the body needs. The academic performance of the individual decreases tremendously. People in this addiction sub-consciously put tasks aside for another day or plan to do it in the very last minute.Procrastination on homework/assignments lead to marks falling quickly. They also start being late or even start missing classes due to the effect. This will easily lead to failure and/or being laid off work. In conclusion, the last generation has a lot on their plate and also have a lot of issues. The issues of health benefits, life changes, and the effects it has on their academic performances. A lot of something is a lot worse than a little of everything. Majority of the people have a lot to work on but have a lot of assistances on the way.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Capitalism in the US
The United States is a wonderful country. It may be the longest free country in world history. The founder who builds our form of government and constitution is the brains of genius. Our republic is built on the economic system we call capitalism. Unfortunately, today capitalism was attacked in the United States. The United States must quickly return to a purely capitalistic financial system or risk the economic crisis. Capitalism has made Japan strong, so we need to protect it from enemies. The term capitalism was first used by William Thackley at the 1854 novel Newman. The term capitalism was formerly used to refer to the owner of capital goods. This term was promoted by German sociologist Max Weber and socialists who used this term to condemn the private sector as a system to exploit workers. In response, supporters of free market use this term to private enterprises and to praise the concept of free market economy. Confusion as an adjective applies this term to interventions such as government agencies and state capitalism, family capitalism, welfare capitalism, monopoly capitalism, taxpayer capitalism. Therefore, use capitalism to refer to the current complex economics (mixture of market intervention and government intervention) and the concept of purely free market. Please refine your class. Americans believe capitalism is a substitute for democracy. They are driven by this belief and they try to use capitalism to fight capitalism so that they always try to fight fire. But capitalism can not fight capitalism like a flame. They have learned to temporarily threaten to detain their business - but they do not, and may not be able to act as citizens. As a result, capitalism is only growing. As a consumer, less expenditure in one or two days can not act as a citizen. There is something wrong with this picture. The era of extreme capitalism is already at the forefront and the era of capitalism is the end. While the United States may stick to extreme capitalism w ith religious zeal, many other countries in the world can no longer use it as the sole model of the human organization. Therefore, After the end of capitalism is not to use toxic medication so much, it is not to throw out old bread. why? And the above facts really explain that if you link points, it is a new reality the world will adapt: ​​distribution is more reasonable, rational, fair, a good day
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
A respond to this article (from the point of graduate student view) Essay
A respond to this article (from the point of graduate student view) - Essay Example An example is the adoption of the changes such as the technology courses, which keeps on improving and changing. On being internally driven, the education system will enable these courses to be taught in the new high education system. The internally driven education system should focus on accommodating new courses, teaching, researching, and implementing the new education systems. Using this approach will enable the education system have a competitive advantage over other education systems in the world. Most notably, student compelled culture seems as the only alternative to the education system. It involves the commitment to everything that that the students may want to pursue on their path to education. With this mindset, this education system will try to use the students’ research to solve the difficult issues in the system. This involves giving enough attention abilities of the students. While students often make good decisions they also suggest much that is neither implementable nor of good use. Thirdly, the education system can benefit profoundly through building bridges, which joins the different forms of education system. There have been many frustrating efforts done to come up with the best education system. However, through the idea of delivering profitable value, the education system can act on both customary systems and the ultramodern system in order to deliver the best quality to its students. This methodology hiatuses some educationist into thinking they have found some kind of balance, but this approach misses the fundamentals in delivering the quality value among the students. In order to be used, there has to be a real definition of quality education in the system. This description will enable the institutions to make meaningful decisions and set the necessary priorities in all the functions and across all the relevant institutions. In order to achieve a quality education
Monday, August 12, 2019
JPMorgan Chase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
JPMorgan Chase - Essay Example However, in some cases when there is massive fraud involved in the bank transactions or the investment decisions then the bank managers try to conceal the whole matter through different tactics. Similar thing happened with one of the biggest banks of United States of America i.e. JP Morgan Chase. In this case the bank had undergone a massive monetary loss. The Chief Investment Officer (CIO) at the bank declared a loss of 5.8 billion in summers of 2012. However, when the investigating agencies looked in to the matter then they were not provided with sufficient records or data related to different transactions and the overall investment decisions which JP Morgan Chase had made in the recent times. The Securities and Exchange Commission was basically responsible to investigate this case but they were provided with falsified information from the key executives and the chief investment officer. SEC and CFTC In the contemporary world economies are based upon the productivity and sound perf ormance of financial and banking sectors. However, these sectors are the most sensitive areas and prone to significant gambling due to the involvement of huge monetary amounts. There are several agencies primarily responsible to prevent financial sectors from possible gambling and their subsequent consequences. These include The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), The Commodities Future Training Commission (CFTC) etc. These agencies take the first line actions so as to protect the financial processes and also to investigate the cases of gambling such as the one which took place in JP Morgan Chase. Recently SEC and CFTC have developed a cooperative advisory committee in order to effectively and efficiently investigate the regulation issues and the fraud cases. First of all they are required to detect the rising regulatory risks, subsequently followed by evaluation and quantification of these risks and their broad impacts over the financial sector and the overall economy. Moreov er they are responsible to advocate investors and the major market players (CFTC-SEC Joint Advisory Committee, 2013). Valid Contract In broader terms contracts are defined as the legal obligation which is constructed between two parties so as to make their agreement associated with the law. In this way both of them are entitled to refrain from breach of contract law and also to pay penalties in case of frauds. Therefore parties willing to enter into a contract are required to fulfill the following requirements (Walston-Dunham, 2011): Involvement of two parties: The contracts are not made on individual basis hence there must be two parties involved in a valid contract. Legal capacity: This indicates the mental and physical abilities of both members to fulfill legal obligations i.e. their age and psychological state must be in accordance with the requirements. Individuals below 18 years of age cannot enter in to a valid contract while on the other hand mental patients are also ineligi ble. Offer: One of the two parties must make an offer to another party. This offer is regarding the nature of operations they both want to perform under the valid contract. Acceptance: The offer made by the first party must be accepted by the other party so as to prepare a legal contract. Intention: This indicates the real intention of both parties to legally bind their agreement. If either of them fails to represent a clear intention then the contract might not be made. Consideration: In order to verify
Sunday, August 11, 2019
World Civilizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
World Civilizations - Essay Example It was also one of the greatest commercial centers of Europe during the Middle Ages. Byzantium gathered all the classical knowledge from the Roman Empire and tried to maintain and develop them. "Its rich historiographical tradition preserved ancient knowledge upon which splendid art, architecture, literature and technological achievements were built" (Wikipedia, 2005, par.19). It is likely that the Renaissance could not have been so prosperous were it not for the foundation laid in Byzantium, and the group of Greek scholars to the West the Empire had fallen. The power of its theologians was large and it influenced many Western scholars, and their subtraction from the "canon" of Western theology in next centuries has only served to weaken the canon and make it poorer (Cantor, 1963). The Byzantine Empire brought common acceptance of Christianity to Western European countries - possibly one of the main aspects of a contemporary Europe's identity. Under the rule of Emperor Justinian, Byzantium got the body of laws -the Corpus iuris civilis. This was not merely a prominent legal achievement in codifying Roman law, it was also the first organized effort to combine Roman law and jurisprudence with Christianity. Even though Byzantium would finally weaken in power, from the eleventh century, Justinian's Corpus iuris civilis became the basis of all European law and legal practice (except for England). In general, this set of laws prescribed tolerance to foreigners, liberty of thought within the frames of Christian Orthodoxy and general rights of the residents of the Empire. Attitude towards women was tolerant comparing to Islamic tradition. Monogyny was obligatory in Byzantine, while Islamic tradition practiced polygyny. In Byzantine, women were compared to children and seniors: they were the weakest and most vulnerable, so it was necessary to protect them. In Muslim countries, women were nothing but men's property, they were allow ed to wear determined kinds of clothes and had to behave according to the certain rules.Political intolerance predominated in Asian countries: foreigners had restricted rights and were allowed to visit only certain places (except the mosque and so on) and had to be additional taxes, such as jizya poll tax ; they were always treated as strangers and people of 'wrong faith'. Jihad ('holy war') was one of the main aspects of Islamic doctrine, so Muslims were free to deceive, betray (and if necessary kill) people of 'wrong faith' . "Nature guided the Muslims to develop values and ways of behavior such as: repression of the other (since in Asian life, a person either controls or is controlled); constant preparation for war in order to achieve hegemony; living in a patriarchal system; contempt for others and for culture; and an amazing ability to shift loyalties" (Memri, 2005, par.8). On the other hand, Muslims created magnificent culture, developed sciences (algebra, geometry, chemistry) philosophy, architecture and fine arts. Lustered glass was the most obvious Islamic contribution to modern ceramics. Manuscript illumination in Islamic world was famous and greatly respected art, and portrait miniature painting was widespread in Persia. By 364 AD, the Roman Empire had been completely split into two different states: The Eastern Roman Empire, and the Western Roman Empire. The Western Empire soon fell after the invasion of
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